Chapter 21

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Hellllooooo lovelies. This chapter is going to have some smut. So deal with it or just skip it. FYI this is my first time writing smut so please bear with me.


My song for this chapter is California King Bed by Rihanna. Vid is up there. Enjoy.

Celene's Pov

It was almost two by the time I decided to go to be. I had spent the entire day unpacking all of our things.
I had just settled into bed, when the bell rang. I was jet lagged and irritated and so when I opened the door without thinking, the last person I expected to see at my doorstep was Felix Hemsworth who just stood there with his hand halfway up, about to knock again.

I stood there staring at him, wondering whether I was hallucinating or if I'd finally lost my mind. I reached out to touch him only to have him smile at me nervously and move back.

"I'm sorry to turn up without any warning. I practiced my speech out loud so many times but now that I'm here, I don't know what to say anymore." Frustrated, he ran his hands through his hair.

In that moment I didn't care that he had hurt me or that I was going to regret it later, I just wanted to run my hands through his hair and feel his warmth.

So that's exactly what I did.

I pulled him by his tie and closing the door after him, dragged him to my bedroom.

He pushed me against the wall and started kissing me, like a man deprived of water. My hands started sifting through his hair His lips scorched mine and as soon as I gave him access his tongue tangled with mine as we fought for control. His lips went from my mouth to the side of my face then to my neck, leaving a hot trail in his wake. When he found my spot I couldn't hold back a loud moan of pleasure.

His hands left my face and wandered to the rest of me, he felt my waist and his grip tightened almost as though he thought I was going to run away from him again. I kissed him hard on the mouth, trying to convey to him that I wouldn't be leaving him.

His eyes found mine and they were filled with lusting and love?

I loosened his tie and he helped me take it off as my hands wandered to his chiseled chest. Even beneath his shirt I could feel the hard sculpted contours that were a part of him.

I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and he slid it off. His hands went to my chest his hands feeling them and squeezing softly. I moaned in delight and he started to take off my blouse, I stopped him.

"I'll do it." I murmured.

"No let me. I want to feel every inch of you. I want to do right by you this time." He said.

I nodded my head and he started to remove it. When I felt the cool air on me, I slowly looked up at him and found him staring at my breasts. He was checking me out, I realized. He traced the tattoo on my ribs, the one that said Penelope in a fancy script. I felt a shudder at his touch. I placed my hand on his shoulder as if telling him I wanted it so that he wouldn't get any second thoughts.

A second later, his mouth was at one peak, laving it and I moaned while he gave the same attention to the other.

My hands fumbled with his pant fly when he picked me up and gently laid me on the bed. He took of his pants and then helped with mine. His eyes stayed on my black lace panties for a minute before he turned to take off his boxers.

He placed himself above me and then moved his hands to my upper thighs squeezing them before he ripped off my panties.

I gasped and said, "Those were new!"

He only smirked at me, "I'll buy you a million more."

After that no words were exchanged as his mouth latched onto my mouth and then we were making love and all I could do was moan in pleasure.

When we were both spent I lay still in bed as he got in next to me and pulled me to him and placed me on top. Then we fell asleep.

When my eyes opened again it was dawn and when I tried to move I felt him pull me closer and I sighed.

I was sore all over but it was the good kind of sore. I turned towards him, those beautiful eyes were hidden by his hair and there was a content smile on his face.

I still couldn't believe that yesterday hand happened but strangely I felt no regret, only bliss. So this is what true love felt like. I'd given myself to him and now there was no way he'd ever let me go. I was a goner and now I didn't mind. I wanted him and I wanted this.

He groaned. Uh-oh, he was waking up and apparently so was someone else. I could feel him poking against me. I grinned.

"Morning love." He was smiling knowingly.

"Morning." I fake yawned.

"You up for a marathon?" He smirked.

"Hell yes. Bring it on." I grinned.

Suddenly he was on top of me and grinning deviously. Then we lost ourselves in our own heaven.


Okayyyyyyy....... ;)
What do you guys think? Was it good smut? Please comment and let me know what you think.

I'd just like to know what kind of age groups read TCM.

Comment if you're between 14-20

Comment if you're between 21-35 or more.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I've written it in a bit of an awkward manner but I really couldn't write about the actual deed so please deal with it.

Anyways two continuous updates. Yayyyy me!

So you know the protocol.
Akki. ❤

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