Chapter 19

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Hello lovelies. I finally decided to update so Yayy!
These past two weeks have been quite eventful. I finished my exams and....wait for it....Zayn Malik quit One Direction and I was just so devastated bcz I was totally rooting for him and he was awesome.
So enough about my sadness. I present to you Chapter 19!!!!!


Celene's Pov

After informing Felix that I was leaving, which I admit was an extremely impulse and poorly executed decision, I arrived at LAX ready to catch the next flight out to Paris.

Penny had been cranky throughout the ride to the airport and after much coaxing had finally fallen asleep.

I checked in all our baggage in and went around browsing through the shops to wile away my time.

Just then my phone started ringing. It was Sam. I had informed her yesterday that I was leaving and had got my contract with the agency terminated.

"Hi Sam." I said.

"Where the hell are you woman?" She yelled. Uh-oh.

"I...I ummm I'm at the airport?" I managed to say but it ended up sounding like a question.

"You told me that you were leaving in a week! Not today!" She was angry and I was screwed.

"I...Uhh... I just didn't want you to convince me from not leaving." I said, hesitantly.

"Damn right, I would have convinced you from not leaving. You run away from all your problems! Just grow a pair and learn to face them head on." She muttered.

Just then the final call for my flight sounded.

"All passengers for Flight A10896 from Los Angeles to Paris are requested to report to Gate number 5 shortly."

"I'm sorry Sam but I've got to go! I'll call you when I land. Okay? Bye." I cut the phone.

I picked up Penny carefully, so as to not wake her up and with my carry bag swinging on my shoulders, I went through the required processes and finally boarded the plane.

It was going to be a long journey to Paris.


Felix's Pov

After finally cleaning up my act and experiencing a really bad hangover I was sitting in my home office with Damian on the opposite chair, practically having a nervous breakdown.

"It's all right bro. We'll find her. Will you just chill out already. Watching you is making me anxious." He said.

Yeah sure. I'll calm down for your sake. It's not like my love and my child are on the line, right?

I wanted to say. But he was helping me and it would be unfair of me to take my anger out on his sorry ass no matter how much he was annoying me.

Just then Damian's phone started ringing, incessantly.

"If you don't shut off that thing now, I swear I'll break it." I grated.

"Hold on, it's Samantha." He frowned.

He picked it up.

" Hi Sam, what's up?"

"Yeah Felix is here, why?" He said. I could hear only one side of the conversation. Obviously.

"He handed me the phone." She wants to talk to you, he mouthed at me.

"Hello Samantha." I said.

"Celene is going to Paris." She yelled across the line.

"She's going to Paris." I repeated like the dumbass that I was.

"Yes. I spoke to her and I heard the announcement for her flight in the background." She confirmed.

"Okay. I'm getting them back." I said firmly.

"I swear to God, Felix if you ever hurt her again I will end you. By the way, you owe me." She said.

"Yes I owe you." I said before she hung up. I had finally gotten a weight off my chest.

"Fee bro, did Sam say anything about getting back together with me?" Damian sighed.

"Nope. Should've thought before you cheated on her, you little shit." I said sarcastically as I chucked his phone at him.

"Atleast we know that Celene is going to Paris." I said, shrugging.

I'm going to get you back love.


Hey lovelies. What's up? Sorry for the extremely long wait. I hope you enjoy. This chapter is extremely long to make up for the delay.
Good to back.

You know the protocol.
XOXO, Akki

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