11. In Which She Makes Up Her Mind

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"I'm leaving," Skylar said, dropping her bags in the middle of Ethan's living room.

She had spent the rest of the night in Penny's nursery. Ethan knew because he'd gone to check up on her. He couldn't sleep. Not after seeing the broken look on her face. So he spent the rest of the night sleeping against the wall outside the nursery.

When he'd woken up, she wasn't in the room, Penny still asleep in her bed and both their suitcases still in the room. Ethan let out a sigh of relief, she hadn't left. He assumed she was probably in the shower, getting ready to face the day. He woke Penelope up, bathed her and fed her a breakfast of blueberry pancakes and orange juice, reveling in the domestic bliss.

On the other side of the door, Skylar stared at the woman in the mirror. For the second time in her life, she didn't like what she saw. She didn't see the strong 19-year-old who fought against all odds, she didn't see the 22-year-old in the operation theatre gripping onto her best friend's hand screaming as she pushed out her precious baby girl. All she could see was a tired, dependent woman still holding onto a man she'd loved long ago. She no longer wanted to be that person. So she made up her mind.

She stood under the scorching hot water until her skin was pink and came up with her plan. None of it would be easy but she had no other choice. She couldn't lie again.

Ethan could see the change in her as soon as she looked at him and he was aware that it did not bode well for him. But the words that left her lips left him unprepared. She wanted to leave. She wanted to take his daughter and leave, now, when he'd just got them back.

"Why? Skylar... Please talk to me." Ethan tried to keep the panic out of his voice.

"You know this was supposed to be temporary, Ethan. I thought I could do this but after last night, I can't relive the past. I can't do this to Stefan. I love him."

The sting of her words was more painful than a physical blow. Ethan couldn't understand what he was feeling. Was he sad? Angry? Jealous? Disappointed?

He didn't mean for the next words to leave his mouth but as usual, his temper got the best of him. "Is that why you almost slept with me, Skylar? Because you love and cherish your fiancé so much, huh?"

Skylar's face turned red from fury and embarrassment. "How dare you. You know what, you're a hypocrite. You've called me Mel both times I've gotten in bed with you. It's sick and you have the nerve to call me a cheater. If you want a warm body to replace your Mel in bed, find someone else."

Ethan stood there, shell shocked as she picked up Penelope and grabbed her things. She had just slammed the door behind her when Ethan's instincts kicked in. He ran after them. He found Skylar waiting in the driveway, glaring at her phone.

"Sky, baby please let me explain." Ethan pleaded, a man desperate to make the woman he loved stay.

Skylar spared him a glance before coldly uttering, "There's nothing you could say that would change things. We're done here."

Ethan's disappointment was palpable. "At least let me drive you to wherever it is you're going."

"No thanks. I've called for an Uber. Penelope and I will be fine. Thank you." Just then, the Uber pulled up outside the gate and Skylar walked away from him, not once did she look back.

He didn't chase after her this time and that for Skylar, cemented her decision to walk out. She would let him be a part of Penny's life because she knew despite all that he had done, he really did love their daughter and Penny had finally warmed up to him, she didn't want to confuse her.


"So when is he coming over to pick Penny up for the weekend?'' Sam asked cautiously, Ethan was now a sore topic with Skylar, who refused to talk about why she'd rushed back home after that night.

Skylar looked up from her Macbook. She was researching schools for Penny as the little one would soon need to join a pre-school. "He texted me that he'll be here in five." She sighed.

Sam dropped on the couch next to Skylar and hugged her shoulders. "Will you please tell me what happened that day?"

Skylar sighed deeply. "Let's just say nothing has changed between us. And I still don't know who Mel is."

Sam gasped, dramatically. "You didn't?!"

"Uh huh. I almost did." Skylark admitted.

"You know I'll support you, no matter who you choose," Samantha said. "But have you told Stefan?"

Just then Stefan walked into the room with Ethan who held Penelope in his arms.

"Told me what, baby?"

Skylark startled at the sound of his voice.

Ethan cleared his throat and gave Skylar a knowing look. "Mate, I think this is a conversation you should have in private."

Stefan turned to Skylar. "Sky, baby, please tell me you didn't sleep with him."

"I'm so so sorry Stefan. I know nothing I say can excuse my behavior. But you have to know I'm sorry." She grabbed his hand when she saw his body quake with anger.

He stumbled away from her touch. "I can't believe this. After everything we've been through."

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry baby. Please forgive me." Skylark begged when he shrank away from her touch.

Hearing all the commotion around her, Penelope burst into tears in Ethan's arms. No amount of coaxing from Ethan and Sam could calm her down until Stefan took her from them.

He cooed to her and kissed her cheeks, effectively quieting the wailing child before handing her to Sam.

He turned to Skylar and the look in his eyes pained her. "I don't think we should talk right now. I need some time to process this. I'll call you when I make up my mind."

And with those words he walked out, the door slamming in his wake. Skylark crumpled to the floor, silent sobs wracking her entire body.

"Daddy? I no want mama to cry." Penelope said, distressed by her mother's state.

"Me too, baby. Me too." Ethan mumbled.

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