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Greetings, Convicts, and welcome to The Catalog of Riddick! Whether you are here to stay or are just 'passing through,' you're sure to find something of interest here.

I have been a fan of the Riddick Universe for a long time, and Lady Fury has been a concept for many years. So I understand how deep and profound a connection can exist.

The purpose of the Catalog is simple: to highlight and grant additional exposure to all works Riddick available here on Wattpad. From Canon-Compliant to Alternate Universe and everything in-between. Each story/series will have its page, complete with the Author's name, the summary, and a little blurb written by me.

I also invite all of the authors featured here to share what drew them to Riddick and inspired them to write their story (or three or four!). I would love to add that personal touch, to give potential readers further insight into each story.

So if you have written a Riddick story, or have read one you enjoyed, then please share it in the comments. As time permits, I will read each work and post about it when I finish. (Apologies, but I can only manage English.)

Perks for the authors:

- added exposure for your work

- a guaranteed read-through by me

- Votes ( because it takes guts to share your work with the world! )

- dedication to you for your page

- a Forever follow

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