Mémoire 8: Une promesse

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In the meantime Renèe found Noé. He was going to take something to eat since he smelled the scent of delicious crepés. When she came closer to him, he had in his hands two creamy chocolate crepés. They looked so tasty and Renèe looked at them with sparkle eyes.

Noé: ''I took two: one for me and one for you'' He said smiling to her while he gave her the sweet.

Renèe: ''Ahhh!! Thanks!'' They were eating it while walking over the square. They started to talk about random things and the atmosphere was quite enjoyable for her who had forgot about Serenity and Vanitas.

Serenity was staring at Vanitas who came closer and closer to her face.''V-Vanitas...?'' Thats all what she got to say while he lifted her chin up to him. She was confused what he is doing now.

Vanitas:''What for wonderful eyes you have Mon Chérie'' He said in a flirty way and holds her close to himself while she stood there stiffly and stared at him. When a breeze of wind came, his hair, his long coat and his earring fluttered in the wind. He looked so heavenly, she couldn't look away. She felt his warm hand on her chin and his other hand on her back.

When Noé and Renèe finished to eat their  crepés, they sat in a bench enjoying the warm from the sun.''That crepé was so good!'' She said.

Noé:''Indeed, it was. I feel like i can eat another right now''

Renèe:''You really like eating, isn't?''

He smiled a little embarrassed.''Y-yeah, you are right but when i was a kid, my master made me always a sweet, called Tarte Tartin and it tastes so good. I think it's my favorite sweet. What about you?''

Renèe:''Uhm...i think my favorite sweet is everything which has nut cream. Ahah i don't remember why i like it that much but i do''

Noé:''Mhm? You don't remember?''

When Noé spoke those words, she understood that she had talked too much. She forgot about her duty for a moment and when she remembers, she looked around for be able to see Serenity and Vanitas but they was not there.

Noé:''something wrong?''

Renèe:''eh...? Uhm-no! It's just...i don't remember well my childhoods''

Noé:''oh-i can help with that of course only if you want''

She looked at him curious and she tilted her head a little.

Noé:''I'm an Archiviste''

Renèe:''w-what?!'' She scream louder and a lot of people turned for looked at them. She was informed about all vampire powers but she couldn't imagine still an Archiviste in live.

Noé:''Don't worry! I'll not do it without your consent''

'Maybe an Archiviste could help me to remember' She though as she was curious about her past. It was in that moment she saw Serenity and Vanitas. They seems close, maybe too much.

Vanitas made sure no one was there to see them, then he neared at her face even more and kisses her on the lips softly. Serenity blushes really much and her eyes were wide open while she stared at him surprised. She doesn't know what she should do and how she should react.'W-why is he kissing m-me?'' She thought. But then Vanitas felt that someone is watching at them so he broke the kiss and let her go.''Mhm? Vanitas? What's wrong?''She was curious and has still a blush on her cheeks.

Renèe saw him that he broke the kiss so suddenly so she hide with Noé behind a bush.

Noé:'' w-what-''

Renèe:''shhh!'' She shot him but when she realised she was too close to him, she blush a little and turn her face. Noé was confused and tried to look over the bush.

Noé:'' Are we hiding from someone?''

Renèe:''from Vanitas ofc! He saw us''

Noé:''Really? I don't see him, you have a really good eyesight''

Indeed she had but how could Vanitas saw them? He was an human.''we should leave now'' She said. They both went far away enough to not be seen and it seemed that Vanitas hadn't seen them but he knew someone was looking.' They kissed! I've should prevented it as Ruthven said! He will scold me' She thought and sighed.

Vanitas:''There was someone''He looked at the way where they both was.

Serenity:''Mhm? Who?''

Vanitas:''Nevermind, let's go back''He smiled at her and takes her hand to walk with her back to the hotel.

Serenity nodded while she walks besides him.'Sadly the day is over now' She sighs. On their way back to the hotel, Vanitas saw a red rose from a florist's in a vase with many other red roses. He took one and gave it to her.

''Here for you''He gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Serenity:''T-thank you''She takes it and holds it.'My favorite flower' After a while they arrived back to the hotel and opened the door to the room of Vanitas and Noé.

Noé and Renèe waited for them to came to the hotel before return too, or at least Noé since Renèe was not living in the hotel. Renèe explained before she went home all the situation to Noé, how she saw Vanitas who kissed Serenity and asked him do not say anything to them that they spied the date. Noé understood and went to sleep.

Renèe came back to Altus and this time Ruthven was waiting for her. When she saw him, she tried to not panicked. How she was suppose to say to him that instead monitor Serenity, she was around with an Archiviste?

Ruthven:''Welcome back'' He said smiling and she smiled back.


Ruthven:''Any news about Serenity?''

Renèe:''Uhm-she had a date with Vanitas and i spied them but...ehm...i've got distracted and i can't prevent they...they kissed''

Ruthven had no reactions.''Go to take a rest''

She passed him but he recall her with his voice.''You are not there for having fun so try to not fail anymore'' He said to her.


In the same time, Serenity thanked Vanitas for the beautiful day and went in her room. She sat down on her bed and smells on the rose.''Mhm it smells beautiful'' She stood up and put the rose in a glass of water. Then she saw a shadow from someone and frightened. She turned around and saw Ruthven standing in her room.''Huh? Lord Ruthven? What are you doing here in my room?''

Ruthven had a smile on his face but in real he was so damn jealous of the human.''I'm here just for be sure you are feeling well. If there are any problems you can tell me and i'll provide for it. Making you happy is my only think, princess''

She was more curious why he calls her princess. ''Uhm thank you. And princess? i am not a princess, you read definitely too much books and now please let me alone now, its my room and i need privacy'' She doesn't remember anything what happened before she was a experiment in Dr. Moreau's laboratory. She waits until he is gone.

Ruthven:''Your mother called you like that, she said you was her little princess. Now i have the duty to protect you so don't see me like an enemy'' He smiled to her. ''What a wonderful rose. You bought just one?''

''Oh? Well alright and no, someone gave it to me''She smiled brightly , her heart skip a beat and she can't stop smiling.

Ruthven:''I see...the human bought it for you?'' This time he had a dull look. He doesn't like when someone touch what is his.

''Don't call him like that! He has a name!'' She said and he came near to hear but then someone knocks on her door.''Mhm?'' She opened the door.

As someone knocks at the door, Ruthven disappears but he first take a look at Serenity.'He will die soon or later' He thought. At the door was Vanitas that was wearing his pyjama and seems he was sleeping before since his hair was messy.

Vanitas:''Sorry for bothering you but Murr wants to stay with you'' The cat get off his arms and walked straight to Serenity's bed.

Serenity blushes a little bit but smiled to see him.''It's alright, it seems you already slept before, i hope Murr didn't bothered you. By the way thank you again for the beautiful day'' She sat back down on her bed next to Murr. She sees that he was still standing at the door.''Is there something?''

He looked around the room. Something was wrong in it, he felt a strange feeling.''Nevermind and thank you too for the good day. I really emjoy it'' He smiled while blushing a little. He remembered her soft lips and his heart skip a beat but he ignores the strange feeling.''Good night, have sweet dreams princess''He chuckles and left her alone.

'Again i got called a princess' She said it her mind.''Sleep well Vanitas''She lays down on her bed and falls asleep while Murr snuggles into her arms, purrs and sleeps.

On the next day, everyone was awake , unlike herself, she still sleeps while cuddling Murr. She doesn't know that Noé, Vanitas and Renèe was in her room. She had a nightmare, a really bad one. She was so afraid that she suddenly woke up , sat down to take a deep breath but then frightened when she saw all her friends in her room.''Ahh! Gosh you three gave me almost a heart attack!'' She sulled.

Vanitas and Noé chuckles and Renèe came closer to her smiling.''Good morning! Today i brought the breakfast'' In her hand she had a bag with sweets in it. She picked the same things Serenity took at the Café a day before so she was sure they all can enjoy a good breakfast.

''Good morning, and thank you Renèe'' She smelled the sweets.''Oh it smells so good''She smiles at her then she begun to yawn.''Mhm~the night was too short'' She was a bit sleepy.

Vanitas:''Indeed it was but if you want you can return to sleep after you eat''

Noé:''yes. I'll do like that too'' He was sleepy too but Vanitas and Renèe forced him to stay awake. They all ate the breakfast and the two girls talked happily each other. Renèe was enjoying the moment and was about to forget her duty again but the rose in glass remembered her.

Renèe:''So...how was the date- ehm i mean the hang out of yesterday?'' She asked curious to Serenity.

''It was wonderful, Vanitas showed me the tour Eiffel and every other his favorite places, we also ate together something. But sadly the day ended fast'' She doesn't tell them that Vanitas kissed her.''Mhm sadly you two wasn't with us but its okay, we had a great time together'' She smiled softly at Vanitas while she eats her food.

Renèe and Noé gave fast a look each other. They knew about the kiss but it was normal she didn't say something like that.''I'm sure we will have the opportunity to visit Paris together'' They finish to eat their breakfast and left the room for let Serenity to change her clothes. They were waiting Serenity out of her room and Noé wanted return to sleep but Renèe forced him to stay.''you already woke up! You will sleep this night''

Noé:''I can sleep this night and this morning too. We have nothing to do''

Renèe.''Yes but...'' Actually she doesn't want to be alone with Vanitas. She enjoyed their company but she felt bettwer knowing that Noé was there. At least she knows him more then others, they shared a lot of personal things.''...I don't care''

Noé:''Fine..''He sighed and went to his room to change his clothes. She was now alone with Vanitas and they didn't know what to say to each other.

Vanitas:''You spied on us yesterday. Why?''He asked her that without any emotions.''If you plan something to hurt her or Noé or both of them then i swear , your life will end fast!'' He protects Serenity and also his friend Noé even he sometimes don't like him.

Serenity was finish and came out from her room with Murr in her arms.''I'm ready''She said and smiled at them.

Renèe ignored Vanitas and smiled at Serenity.''Alright, go ahead we wait for Noé'' Then when she walked away, Vanitas and Renèe was alone again.''I think you misunderstood something Vanitas. I will never hurt her or Noé or both of them, i think it's right for me taking care about my friend, right? If you have any problems with me tell me now''

Vanitas responsed to Renèe.''You don't know her and not even both of them. It's obvious that you have a big problem with me or why have you spied on me and serenity yesterday?!''

Serenity walked outside from the hotel and went to a bookstore with Murr.

Renèe:''Trust me...i might know her more then you thought'' Her expression was without emotion too and looks straight to Vanitas.''And i didn't interrupt that was going on yesterday so why you should be mad at me? It's a useless to discuss with you. If you want to tell her then do it, i don't care...'' She said boring as she left him in the corridor. She can't stand him and his methods but what was important is Serenity. Even if he tell to her the trust about yesterday, she simply would say that was curious to see the things between them and there was no bad intentions. She can't fail.

Vanitas stand next to the door with the same expression as before watching Renèe went away. In the meantime Noé came out their room and noticed that he was strange.''everything okay...Vanitas?''

Vanitas:'Something is strange with Renèe, she hide something in front of us!' He thought that and then looked at Noé.''i am okay, now come on'' He went upstairs to the corridor.

In the same time Serenity bought a few books and walked down the streets of paris.

When Renèe went to down to the floor, she couldn't find Serenity.'Mh? Where is she?' She thought  but Serenity seems to be nowhere. She asked to the reception and they told Renèe, she went out a few minutes ago.''Why she always disappears?'' She whispered at herself and went out to take off her glasses. With it her eyesight was reduced so she took them off for searching Serenity and indeed she found her but her head starts to hurt. In some way the human world makes her weaker, she didn't know why but it was like that from the first day. But she couldn't be seen like that from Vanitas, he don't have to know her weak points after all. She came back to the hotel and sat down on one sofa and closed her eyes waiting for the pain to finish.

Serenity was just walking the streets. She feels then a little snow on her nose.''Huh?'' She looks up. Indeed it looks colder and it begins to snowing.''Its cold'' She shakes from the cold.

And in few times all the streets were covered by soft and beautiful snow.

Renèe opened a little her eyes since she heard kids shout happily for the snow.'It's snowing' She thought and putted her glasses on again. The pain was almost ending. She heard Noé asking to Vanitas to go see the snow with him but Vanitas thought it was a childish idea.''Now now, it would be funny'' She walked near to the guys and looked at Vanitas.' I'm pretty sure he would do it if Serenity was here'. She thinks that while he was indifferent.''How cold...''

Noé:''I don't care, Renèe let's go ahead'' He took her hand and dragged her outside.

Renèe:''Noé, w-wait-'' She had not even the time to say something that they was already under the snow while Vanitas looked carefully at them.

Serenity keeped walking and then heard a voice which calls her and followed it then in a Cul-de-sac.''Huh? I thought i heard something'' She was confused and was about to go back but then from behind jumped a cursed Vampire on her and bites into her neck. She was afraid and screamed.''Ahhhh!''The curse vampire drinks her blood. Murr was on her side but run as fast as he can to Noé, Renèe and Vanitas.

Noé and Renèe were playing in the snow and Vanitas thinks they was like two kids. Actually he would love to do it with Serenity but she was out. Renèe threw a snow ball to Noé and he was about to starts a snow fight but then he saw Murr in front of him.''mh? Murr you was not with Serenity?'' He asked as the cat could reply and Renèe walked near to him curious.

Renèe:''Murr? Why he is here?''

Noé:''I don't know, he should be with Serenity'' It was unusual for Murr to step away.

Vanitas:''Something wrong?''He asked since he saw the two friends being strange. Noé showed him the cat but there was no Serenity.''I go to look for her''

Renèe:''Don't rush, you don't even know where she is''

Vanitas:''But what if she is in dangerous?''

Renèe sighed, took off her glasses and starts to look around for her. She thinks intensity to her and she was able to see Serenity among a lot of people.''Follow me''

She tried to push the curse vampire away but she was too weak. Then there appears three more cursed vampires and the one keeps drinking her blood. She lost much blood and fainted from it.

The three friends was fast to reach her. Renèe told them that a cursed vampire attacked her so they must be fast. When they arrived in the place and the cursed vampire stop drinking her blood after she faint on the ground. Her whole neck was covered with her blood, a thing that make Vanitas so angry with that cursed vampire.

Vanitas:''I swear i'll kill you''He said with a matter look and a knife in his hand. Then they started to fight against the cursed vampires. They fighting well and this time Renèe had her weapon, a sword. They defeated it but more cursed ampires arrived. Vanitas covered Serenity's body with his coat and continue to fight for protecting her. The fight was taking time since Vanitas couldn't think straight. They attacked her and now he want to kill them but Noé and Renèe would've impedite it so he must save them.

Renèe:''Hurry up to find their real names!'' She screamed to Vanitas while kicked a cursed vampire away. He closed his eyes and took a breath and then opened his book. He found the names from the vampires while Noé and Renèe protected him and Serenity. When all the vampires was saved , he took her in his arms.

Vanitas:''Let's go home'' He said looking at her worried and went to the hotel and they both following them. Renèe felt the pain growing in her head from taking off her glasses but she pretended to be

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