Mémoire 19: Un sentiment étrange/ A strange feeling

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At first Renèe felt pain in her neck so she closed her eyes waiting for him to be finish. Noé to drink not few blood for seeing her past, a lot of things like that she was there a kid, that there was Lord Ruthven, her mother, a castle and also Serenity. When he saw enough he stopped to drink her blood but didn't lift his head up from her neck. 

Renèe:"A-are you done?" She said still embarrassed but he hugged her, pulling her back to the bed."N-noé?! What the heck?!" She was already embarrassed but he complicated the things. 

Noé:"I'm sorry" He said. 

Vanitas looked at Serenity a little worried. He was sure Renèe was relate to Lord Ruthven in some way and he was kinda scary to know his real intentions. Serenity was looking at them but didn't said anything about it so after a while she stood up from Vanitas bed."I will go taking fresh air, don't worry, i will be back soon" She went out to take a walk.'It was probably my fault! If i would've came sooner to her i would save and her mom. I failed! I-i even failed to save my mom and the other kids and vampires from Moreaus laboratory.' She said to herself in her mind and bumped as mistake into a little kid who had white silver hair and a metallic arm."Oh i'm so sorry, i was just in my mind and didn't saw you. Are you okay?" She helped the kid up. 

Vanitas watched Serenity went away but maybe that time was better leave some space for her. Noé keep hugging Renèe who couldn't stand up.

Renèe:"Noé w-whats wrong?" He didn't reply back, how was he suppose to tell her that? He felt so bad for her past, she didn't deserve it but he couldn't lie. He was confused about some things he saw and had to find the right words to ask her. 

Vanitas:"Well...since Noé don't want to talk, i will go to look for Serenity" He left the room, leaving the two alone. 

Renèe caressed Noé's hair, it was soft and white as the snow. She was just waiting for him to talk but he don't say a word so they both fell asleep. The blood Noé drunk made her weak a little. 


??:"Yes, thank you pretty lady" He smiled to her while looking from the head to the feet."Interesting" He said under his breath."We will meet soon again pretty lady!" And then he went away. In the same time Vanitas came. 

Serenity looked at the way where the kid went. She doesn't know who the kid was so she didn't cared about it so she wanted to continue her walk but she felt a hand on her shoulder which scares her up."Ahh!" She turned around to see who it is and saw Vanitas."O-oh its you Vanitas. You really scared me up. What are you doing here?" 

Vanitas tries to not laugh about her being a little bit scared."I came to see how you are. Is everything fine?" 

"Thats sweet but i am fine, don't worry" She turned back around and wanted to keep her walking but she feels that Vanitas doesn't let her going away so he grap her wrist softly."Vanitas, i am really fine. Don't worry about me" 

Vanitas:"I know when something is wrong with you and this is the case. Anyway i won't force you if this is your will but remember you can talk to me anytime. I'm here for you my lady" He said winking for making her laughing a little. If he couldn't know what there was in her mind at least he would make her smile."Also Noé doesn't want to talk about Renèe's past right now so i guess we have to wait until he want" 

"Thanks but i don't want to bothering you with that and i just don't want to talk about it yet" She smiled a little bit but not that much."Yeah then we have to wait" She turns around and keeps walking along the streets of paris.

Vanitas let her wrist go, followed her and walked next to her side. They both don't talk, they was quite and of course he was worried about her.'Even she wants to be alone, i won't leave her alone! Not even in this night' He thought and looked at her and then it beguns to rain."We should go back My lady" He grab her hand and pulled her to him under his coat to hold her warm and dry."Don't worry, i won't let you catching a cold" He smiled at her and walked back to the hotel while having her under his coat. He feels happy. 

Serenity gasped and looked up at him. She was smaller then him and when she got pulled into his coat, her cheeks went to red, she was blushing and her heart skip a beat."A-alright" When they was back, she got sleepy so she went to her room.

Vanitas let her go and took off his coat."Here mon cherié" He wrapped her into his coat and leave her a kiss on her forehead."You should sleep, its getting late. I will go looking for Renèe and Noé. So good night and sleep well" He left her room and went into the room which he shares with Noé. Serenity was blushing all the time and doesn't know what to say."O-okay, g-good night V-vanitas" She was stuttering and lays down on the bed and cuddled herself into his coat.'So warm...' She felt asleep with a smile on her face.

He came back to the room and found out they were both still sleeping. He sighed and sat down on his bed to read a book while waiting for them to wake up. While Renèe was sleeping she had a nightmare: there were her master/her father, Serenity and something others which she can't see it. She got killed by someone but the dream was confused. She suddenly woke up and tried to stand up but Noé forced her to stay in the bed by hugging her in his sleep. She looked at the boy next to her and felt her heart skip a beat but she hated it when it happened.'Calm down Renèe, your are not....in love' She thought but the way Noé was hugging her, made her blushing. Now she feels butterflies in her stomache but keep her mind cool so she checked in her pocket for the meds but Noé stopped her after he woke up. 

Noé:"Don't take them anymore" 

Renèe:"Uhm-you are awake?" 

Noé stopped to hug her for letting her sat down in the bed."From a whole tbh but it was comfortable" He genuinely said it that make her blushing more. 

Vanitas looked over to them."You both are finally awake. Why are you blushing Renèe?" 

Renèe:"N-not your business, idiot"

Vanitas:"Huh? Do you want that i kill you?" 

Noé:"Okay calm down you two" He stopped them from fighting and take a breath before telling the whole story. When he told everything, Vanitas and Renèe were shocked. Vanitas knew from the first time she was a spy and Lord Ruthven wanted Serenity but now he knows why. Renèe didn't know how to feel. Ruthven was her father, Serenity and her were childhood friends and her mother...

Noé:"Renèe...I'm sorry" 

Renèe:"It's okay, i just need some time to elaborate it" She left the room, leaving Noé and Vanitas alone. It was raining outside and she were sitting down in the corridor of the hotel , looking the raindrops on the window falling down. If Serenity, Noé and Vanitas were in dangerous it was actually her fault. She was so stupid to trust every Ruthven's lie, he just used her and she wanted to hurt peoples but she didn't do it. Also if she didn't discovery it first, it would have been herself to deliver Serenity into her father's hands. Maybe it would've better if she disappeared. She felt someone sitting next to her but she didn't move her look from the window. 

Noé:"Ey...don't you wanna talk?" 

Renèe:"There is nothing to talk about...i was so stupid and if now Lord Ruthven is near to Serenity, it's just because of me. I used you all...i'm not much different from him" 

Noé:" You didn't know and i know you love us. He told you a lot of lies and did something really bad...you are not like him. You are way better, sweeter and you care about others even though you don't want to admit it" 

Renèe:"I would like to think that too.." Now she was crying, what should she do after that? Noé dry her tears up by his hands and she finally looked at him. 

Noé:"We don't hate you, you have no fault. We...i will be there for you so don't blame yourself. The Renèe i know is strong and pretty when she smile so i'm sure you will do it even this time. Now that you know this you are one step ahead of Ruthven, we can defeat him and save Serenity. You can" He said smiling lovely to her who couldn't stop to look in his eyes. She was lost into them. He was right, she couldn't give up now. She knew her father's plan and how to fight him together could do it. 

Renèe:"I don't know how but you always make me happy...thanks Noé" She finally smiled and hugged him. She and Noé went back upstairs to Vanitas who were already waiting for them to discuss about a plan for take Lord Ruthven away from Serenity. The plan was: Renèe should have keep give information to Ruthven but fake ones of course and stop to take medicines. Unfortunately Renèe didn't know about the weak points of Ruthven so they should have found out by themselves and also the whole details of his plan. They would've enter without be seen in Lord Ruthven's house and search for something private. They choice to say nothing about it to Serenity, she had already things to think about and they could take care about it. Murr, Noé's cat was sleeping in Serenitys bed near to her head and slept peacefully for the whole night. 

The next day

Renèe, Noé and Vanitas went away from the hotel in the first hours of the day for discuss about the plan and, in the meantime they had breakfast in Noé's favorite café. They lost the sense of the time and stayed for so long in the café. While Serenity was wondering the next day where they was because they didn't told her anything or woke her up. She was outside to search for them and then as soon as she saw them far away sitting in the café, laughing together and talking together, she felt like being forgotten and left out, it makes her sad. She sighs sadly and wanted to walk back to the hotel but she decided to go for a little walk, away from her friends. Murr was with her and took care of her."Maybe they was just forgetting me, next time they will tell me and won't forget me again, right Murr?" She said it to Murr. 

Murr meowed and rubbed against her leg. In the café they were actually laughing because Vanitas had cream on his nose and he was unaware of it. 

Renèe:"Well I think it's everything ready with the plan" 

Vanitas:"I guess. So: We will do it when in Altus will be an other Gala. Serenity loves Gala and she will be captured by it" 

Noé:"The next Gala is in two days, for Luca's birthday" 

Luca is a very young boy, most likely barely adolescent. As such, he is far shorter than any adult and had not yet undergone physical development associated with puberty. His face is round and childlike, with very thin eyebrows, large, upturned green eyes, and long eyelashes. He has short, red-brown hair with two defined cowlicks on either side. Short bangs fall onto his face, cut close to his hairline. 

Renèe:"We will go to the Gala where will be my father for sure..he can't miss this opportunity so Vanitas stay beside to Serenity while Noé and I will go to my father's house" 

Vanitas:" I will keep an eye on him while I don't leave Serenity's side" 

Renèe:"Alright" They all nodded and went back to the hotel. 

Serenity came late back because she was visiting her other friend, it was the young boy with silver hair and a metallic arm. He introduce to her his name: Misha also known as Mikhail. He was very kind to her and she likes the kid. As it was evening, she went back to the hotel. 

When Renèe and the boys came back to the hotel, they didn't find her and thought she went out to buy something. They were waiting, doing nothing particular and then Ruthven appeared in the hotel. When Renèe saw him, her breath accelerated as her heart, she was about to panic but Noé reassured her by putting an hand on her shoulder. She had to pretend to remember nothing."Tsk, how cheeky to come back here" 

Ruthven:"I just want to invite you and Serenity to Luca's birthday party. But they can't come" He said looking at Vanitas and Noé. 

Renèe:"They come with us, if not nether me and Serenity will coming to it" 

He couldn't let an opportunity to have Serenity."Fine...they can but just for this time" He said annoyed and disappeared. 

Serenity came back to the hotel but ignores her friends and went to her room. She locked then her door and sat down on her bed after she changed herself into her nightdress. After Ruthven went away, they knocked at her door for let her know the news

Renèe:"Serenity, can you open the door?" 

She ignores it and pretends to not hear the knocks on the door. 

Renèe:"How strange, no response but she is here" Renèe used her vampire powers for see inside the room.

Vanitas:"I will try" He said and knocked on the door."Serenity, I'm Vanitas, can we come in? We have something to tell you" 

She lays down on her bed and pretends to sleeping. She is upset after what Misha told her what he saw and heard from Vanitas, Renèe and Noé when they was long in the Café. 

Review of the moment Serenity saw her friends in the café: 

Serenity was sad and went away but then saw Misha. He saw that she had a sad look on her face. 

Misha:"Hey pretty lady, what's wrong? Why are you sad?" 

Serenity:"Oh hey Misha...it's nothing..." 

Misha:"you can tell me everything, I am after all your friend" 

Serenity nods."Well my friends, Vanitas, Renèe and Noé are sitting in the Café and have fun together...without me...they forgot about me. I thought I am their friend too" She said and looked down on the ground. 

Misha:"Oh..that..well I heard what they was talking about and I don't think they are good friends. They was talking about that they are pretending to be your friend because they think that you are evil like your mother. And they made fun of you and talked really bad about you. My opinion , you should ignore them and live your life as you want. And if they try to talk to you, ignore them. They aren't good peoples" He said and Serenity got very sad and believes him because why should a kid lie?  Some tears feel down over her face and she was crying. Misha hugged her then. 

Back to the present day

Noé:"Maybe she just want to stay alone?" 

Renèe shrugged while Vanitas was a little worried. She was not used to act like that but maybe she was having a bad moment. He would take the next day the breakfast for her. 

He did it and knocked at her door with the breakfast in a bag for her."Serenity, are you awake?" The door was closed so her couldn't come into the room. 

Serenity was awake and had changed her clothes. After that she wanted to go outside to buy something to eat for Misha. But as she opened the door, she looked up to him with a straight face."What is?" 

Vanitas:"Breakfast for you, my lady" He wanted to kiss her hand but she took her hand away.

"Thanks but I can buy myself breakfast so you can eat it with Noé and Renèe" She said it emotionless and went to outside. 

He was looking at her to went away and was very confused so he talked about this to Renèe and Noé and they were more confused then him now. 

Renèe:"Could she saw us at the café? But I don't know why she is acting like that now" 

Noé:"Yeah could be and I don't know it too" 

Vanitas:"If she saw us at the Café then we should explain the situation before the Gala or she will not come with us" 

Renèe:"Right, I search for her" She used her power and saw her walking on the street to go somewhere."Let's follow her" 

Serenity felt that they was following her, she is not dumb so she went into a bookstore and stayed there to trick them to go then to her friend Misha. She walked too much and stayed in there so long that Renèe's eyes begun to hurting. 

Noé:"Stop Renèe, you will hurt your eyes"

Renèe put her glasses back on but then they lost Serenity.

Vanitas:"I have an idea, she went into bookstore so maybe she wanted a book. We can take her one as present and explain what's going on" They find it as a good idea and buy a book with a romantic and adventure story. 

As she saw them searching for that one book, she was already outside and went away between two houses, a dark Cul-de-sac, Misha waited for her. 

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