Chloé was sitting in front of Naenia.'I can't stop...shaking...My instincts won't let me defy this' She thought and then Naenia/ Faustina took her face between her hands and pressed her mouth on Chloé's mouth, it was not a kiss, Faustina pours a black liquid into Chloé's mouth. She wanted to move , to pull her away but she couldn't.
''C-CHLOÉ!'' Serenity wanted to stand up to go to help her but Vanitas grab her arm to hold her back.
Vanitas:''Don't! You'll get dragged in too!''
Serenity:''B-but Vanitas...'' She looks at him, she wanted to help Chloé so much. ''...Do you know? What Naenia, my mother—What that is...?''
Vanitas had then a dull look.'' Naenia,'she who harbors death' It's the Malnomen of the first vampire of the red moon...Queen Faustina...your mother..''
Then Chloé had pain.''Ah..AH! AH! AAAH!''
Vanitas:''This is bad. She's forced the onset for her. She's about to start rampaging!'' Then everything changed and the black devours everything. The buildings starts to floating in the air.''! The device shut down. Naenia's existence is destabilizing again!''
Naenia's existence transform back to her current form.''...?—Oh yes. I need to go hunt for names'' She disappears while Chloé is in her cursed vampire form.
Chloé:'''' She let go some black wolves to attack them.
Vanitas:''Dante, Johann, i'm leaving those to you!''
Dante:''All right! We can handle this!''
Vanitas:''Serenity come with me'' He runs up to the device machine and starts to click the buttons to activate the device.''Work ! Work!''
Serenity:''Vanitas i can help...let me do this'' She pulls off her gloves and puts her hands on the globe from the device and activates her abilities, her powers.''Vanitas hurry up...please''
Vanitas was shocked and nods but before he could do something some wolves from Chloé wanted to attack them but Dante and Johann could defeat them.''Thank you Dante, Johann'' Then he sat in front of the keyboard to press a few keys on it.''Begin...Calculation. Analysis coordinates set. Definition Interference. Phenomenon Alteration. Existence Stabilized'' Tunes comes out and the devices starts to wrap the chains around Chloé to stabilzied the existence.
Serenity watched at the scenery but she realised that Vanitas needs time, that the buildings needs to stop floating higher and higher and that the most of them needs healing. She has to maximaze her abilities to make the buildings stop to fly higher, to protect the humans there, to heal everyones wounds + to give Vanitas time to save Chloé. She never maximized her abilities but its the only way for now. The globe helps her to dispel her abilities.
In the meantime outside:
Renèe used her vampire's powers and found Noé who still fighting against Astolpho. The Chasseur seemed becoming crazier and crazier with every passing second. Without being seen Renèe attacked Astolpho from his back making him bleeding but this wan't enough. He suddenly turn on and cut Renèe's hip and she got down in her knees for the injury in pain. The injury was deep and a red blood stain coloured her white dress. Astolpho was about to hit her again and put an ends to all that but Noé protects her with his hands that has been cut off. He didn't feel the pain in that moment, he must protect Renèe. With the other hand gave a powerful punch to the Chasseur who flew through walls. It seemed over.
Noé:''Renèe are you okay!?'' He asked worried and sat on the floor with her.
Renèe:''Idiot! Your hand...''
Noé:''My what—Ahhh! Do you think it will grown back??''
Renèe was about to speak but she coughed blood. Noé looked at her worried and tore up a piece of fabric from his coat and the belt too for make the blood to stop. When he was doing it , she rest her head on his shoulder.
Noé:''You must help me to medicate you, I remember I have just one hand" He said laughing a little, he seemed okay with losing his hand.
Renèe:''Why are you laughing? You are without an hand!''
Noé:''Oh, well as long as you are safe then it's fine. Did you think i would let you die?! You are more important than an hand'' He said genuinely. Renèe looked at him with wet eyes, she was about to cry but she couldn't in that moment. Noé sacrificed his hand for her without thinking the consequenze, who would do the same for her? She blushed and then helped him to medicate her.
Renèe:''Let's hope Serenity could make your hand grown stay here i will go to check on Vanitas and Serenity'' She stood up but he pull her down again.
Noé:''No way! i will go''
Renèe:''You are without an hand. I go''
Noé:''And you will bleeding again. I go''
Renèe:''No, i go''
Noé:''No, i—'' Suddenly they heard and saw an explosion from the castle.
~Back to the current situation~
Serenity is concentrated. A full shine appears out from her hands. She stopped the buildings to fly higher, made a protecting shield around the humans there, to heal the wounds, to take the pain from the wounds away . Even its too much at the same time, she gives her best but her hands gets black from maximizing her abilities. She feels pain in her hands but she ignories it and keeps doing that.''Argh!!''
Vanitas saw her doing her best and so he started to search for Chloe's real name but he couldn't do it alone. Jean Jacques was necessary and the others too. There was the need to reach her soul.''Chloé! Hear us, please!'' Now he was in a sort of surreal world and he saw the soul of Chloé trapped in the cage. He called her but there was no response. He needs to get closer and be fast, Serenity was in dangerous and Noé and Renèe was fighting a strong opponent. While Serenity keeps doing that with her abilities. She is also trying to reach Chloé's soul by calling her.
Serenity:''CHLOÉ, HEAR US PLEASE! WE ALL WANT TO HELP YOU, JEAN JACQUES NEEDS YOU! PLEASE! AVOID NAENIA'S VOICE AND LET VANITAS HELP YOU! I PROMISE YOU CHLOÉ THAT I WILL PROTECT YOU AND JEAN JACQUES!!'' She looked at her for a moment but her pain from the hands got more so she lowered her head and closed her eyes but doesn't stop maximizing her abilities.''Vanitas find her true name please'' She says it to him, almost scream it to him. He heard her screaming and immediately felt more determind to find her real name. Him, Jean Jacques who came to Chloé as himself and Serenity was reaching Chloé's soul, they were so close. Almost Vanitas hand was holding Chloé's one. Before their fingers could touch, there was a big explosion of a blue light.
Noé was helping Renèe to walk until inside the castle but someone came back.
Renèe:''I can't believe it'' It was Astolfo, he was bad injured but he didn't want to give up.
Astolfo:''I swear , i will kill you vampires!!'' He screams as he was jumping over them again but the blue light explosion make them threw away. It was all ended? They thought so since everything now seemed peacefully and a lot of blue flowers grown in the grass.
Serenity was exhausted and layed down on the grass, her face was bleeding from fighting but she doesn't care. She sat up and looked down on her hand after she took one gloves off. Her fingers was black. She was shocked and put fast back on her gloves to not making the others worried about her. Then she looked around and saw Renèe and Noé there, she stood up and walked towards to them while wondering where Vanitas was.
{That's how Serenity's fingers looks like with the black on it}
Renèe and Noé were lying in the grass with their eyes closed. Noé pulled her closer when they was falling so she wouldn't hurt herself more. When Serenity found them , they were sleeping and seemed bad injured. Not far from there were also Astolfo and even him was injured.
??:''Mhm? Serenity?'' Someone called the girl, it was a blond boy. The Chasseur Roland.
Serenity was worried about them and tries to heal a bit their injuries. Then when she heard someone calling her, she looked up.''Oh its you Roland''
Roland:''Yeah, i was fighting too'' He said smiling.''I guess you guys did the big part, from the whole heart, thanks! A lot of peoples and vampires now can live peacefully. Also...sorry if he gave you problems, i will think about it'' He said while carrying him on his shoulder.
''Well without your help with the other Chasseurs, we couldn't focus on the main part. I hope you all are okay. Thanks to you too'' She smiled a bit.''Even he was crazy, please take care of him and i promise you and all others that i will protect you humans and every vampire, its my duty'' She looks around again but didn't see Vanitas.''Anyway i have to go to search for Vanitas'' She walked then away while saying goodbye to Roland and searches for Vanitas. After a while, she saw him and runs towards him.''Vanitas!''
Vanitas was laying on the grass and holding his arm up to look at it. The blue mark on his arm and hand went bigger.''It spread quite a bit.'' He says it to himself.
''The Mark i've engraved on your arm will eat away at you. It's imbused with my power—the power of the blue moon. The more you use it, the more you yourself will be rewritten Remember that'' Someone said it in his past to him.
Then he sat up and heard someone calling him. He gasps and looked at the way.''Serenity'' He saw her running towards to him.
The first one who wake up was Renèe. When she opened her eyes, saw the face of the guy so close to hers. He still looks pretty even in that moment. She moved his hair away from his face and felt something in her stomach.''You are so dumb, Noé'' She said smiling a little. Then she stood up and sat down on the grass next to him. The landscape was beautiful but also desolare. She touched her hip and it didn't hurt like before while Noé is still without an hand. She used her powers and saw Vanitas and Serenity.' Phew, they are fine' She thought but they were too far from their place and they were tired.
Serenity hugged Vanitas suddenly so they fell down on the grass.''Thank you...Thank you Vanitas, for everything. You are the best, you helps us a lot and saves us all. I am thankful that i met you...thank you'' She was glad that he was okay even he was also exhausted. She lifts his head up, holds his face between her hands and gives him a very soft kiss on his cheek.
Vanitas was really tired but he was awake. As he felt the soft lips of Serenity on his cheek, he started to blush a lot, more then every time, more then the times he blushed. His heart beats fast, and a lot of butterflies were flying in his stomach.' What is this feeling?' He thought , then holding his heart after she let him go and sat in front of him.
Serenity:''Are you okay?'' She saw him holding his chest , where his heart beats fast. She is worried.
Vanitas:''Y-yes, i-i am okay...'' He was stuttering a bit and still blushing. He remembers what someone told him in the past.
''Listen....Everyone is alone. Whether they're human or vampire...that doesn't change. It isn't possible to understand someone completely. No doubt most people live out their lives without even understanding themselves. But, for that very reason..people can nestle close to each other,sharing their warmth. Someday..yes—even after i'm gone...i hope you'll have someone who'll be close to you like this. No..I'm sure you will. Provided you don't close your heart. If you avoid that, then i know even when you're alone, you won't be''
In the meantime Renèe woke Noé up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.''What's happening?''
Renèe:''It's finally over''
Noé:''A good new, finally. How are you?''
Renèe:''I could be better. You still hurts?''
Noé:''A little'' He said for not making her worried but she was worried anyway. She looked away shyly for avoid his gaze.
Renèe:''i-i'm sorry...i should be more careful''
Noé:''Don't blame's not your fault and it will all be fine'' He said and moved to her for left a kiss on her forehead for rassicurate her. She suddenly blushed and blinked twice at him who smiled. She stood up and turn arround.
Renèe:''W-well we sh-should go to l-look for Serenity and Vanitas. Follow me.''
Serenity stood up and hold his hand to help him up.''Come we should search for Renèe and Noé'' She said and smiled at him really softly and sweet that he keeps blushing. When they met , they hugged each other happy to see everyone was fine.
Vanitas stopped to blush and was back to normal.''Oui Noé ! Your hand!''
Noé:''Oh..yes it was cut off''
Vanitas:''And you say it with so much calm!?'' They all walked back to the train to drive back to Paris after they looked if Jean Jacques and Chloé are fine and said goodbye to them.
~In the train~
They had two cabins: One for the girls and the other one for the boys. Dante and Johann had also a own cabin. The night came but Serenity couldn't sleep, she takes a look to Renèe's bed but it was empty because she was in Noé's room to medicate him. So Serenity stood up and walked then to the train balcony, opened the door and sat down on the ground, leaning her back against the wall. Her mind was full so she couldn't sleep even she was really exhausted. She lowered her head down and was sad.
{That's the train and the balcony where they are and where Serenity is sitting}
When Renèe finished to medicate Noé, she said goodnight to him and went to her cabin. She saw Serenity outside and walked towards to her and then sats down next to her.''You and Vanitas were amazing, thanks for saving us'' She said and hugs her friend.
Serenity didn't said anything and was in her mind.''Mhm'' That's all what she could response to Renèe. The day, the fight and the reveal from her mother was too much for her. She was so exhausted but she still doesn't want to sleep.
Renèe notice she was not as usual as always and now she was worried.''Serenity is everything okay? Did
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