Mémoire 12: Endroit approprié

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Serenity stood up and looked around. She couldn't see anyone but saw a familiar Silhouette. It was Vanitas. He sat in front of a tree. Serenity runs towards to him.''Vanitas!'' When she was there, she saw that he had bandaged himself but the wound was still bleeding a bit. His face was pale and he looked sick.''No way...poison!? From when you...'' She was shocked.

Vanitas:''...Serenity, hm?'' He said under his breath.

Serenity knelt down at him.''We-We have to suck out the Poison, quickly!'' She said worried.

Vanitas:''Don't. Look closer. I've already taken First-AID measures.'' He said exhausted.

Serenity:''But-!'' She wanted to hold his arm but he pushed her hand away.

Vanitas:''Don't touch me. Now go and search for Noé and Renèe. Don't bother me'' He looks at her while he shivers but she picks him up to carry him.

Serenity:''You think i could leave you here in this condition!!!?'' Then she thought while she supported him and ran off. 'I have to find somewhere that's out of the snow'

After a while, they found a wood house in the middle of the forest. She carried him inside and put him down on the bed.''Just wait here. I'll get a fire going right away.''She went to take a few matches, then went to the carmine, which stands opposite the bed, and lit the wood in the carmine so that it is cozy warm in the wood house and Vanitas doesn't have to freeze.

Vanitas lays on the bed and is really tired and he feels sick.''Damn..Damn it...This is vile..That brat..Next time, i'll slaughter him! Damn it!'' He said it to himself and then holds a piece of the chains which was actually a connection to the book, he looks at it.

The fire starts then to crackles.

Serenity turned around to him.''Good...Now you'll be able to warm up. All right Vanitas'' She opens her coat and takes off her dress but let on her underwear dress. She put it over a chair to let it dry.''Take off your clothes'' She said to him.

Vanitas eyes were wide open and he has a little blush on his face.''Quoi?''

Serenity:''Don't give me ' What ' ? The snow got into your clothes and they're wet.'' She tries to take his coat off.''If you stay that way, you'll only chill yourself!''

Vanitas:''No. Hang on. You're telling me to strip here?''

Serenity:''That's right. Oh, i suppose i should help you , shouldn't i.''

Vanitas:''WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!'' He doesn't let her to take his clothes off.''Oh, i see...! You're going to warm me up directly, skin to skin!?''

Serenity:''Yes, that's right''

Then he started to blush a lot.''QUOI!!? Calm down, Serenity, this isn't like you. Have a little modesty-''

She graps his scarf and shakes him.''WOULD YOU QUIT WHINING!? LIVES ARE AT STAKE HERE! HOLD STILL AND LET ME STRIP YOU!!'' She looks serious at him but a few seconds later Vanitas passed out.''Wha-Vanitas!'' She was so worried. Then as he was opening his eyes, she helped him out to take off his upper clothes. She noticed that he has much scars on his back. 'His body...it's scarred...' She wanted to take off his glove but he stopped her.

Vanitas:''Don't. Don't take that off'' He said flustered and exhausted.

''....All right'' She hangs his clothes over a other chair in front of the carmine to let it dry. After that she takes the blanket from the bed, sat down next to him in front of the carmine fire and wrapped him and herself in the blanket. They was sitting next to each other really close because she warms him up with skin to skin.''Um...Vanitas, wouldn't it be better to lie down? I'll do the same, so....''

He looks away shyly.''No. Actually, i'm at my limit. In various way.''

Serenity: ''Really?'' She asked and looks then down.''Vanitas, i'm sorry. It was my fault that this happened''

Vanitas: ''Do you mean... this wound? Or are you talking about the fight with the Beast?'' He asked.

Serenity:''Both'' She felt sorry for this and that Noé and Renèe maybe are in dangerous.

Vanitas: ''Why did you fighted the Beast?''

Serenity:''I don't know, something in me told me to fight it and...it was about to hurt our friends and....you. I wanted to protect you...''She blushed a little.

Vanitas:''Thank you''

Serenity:''I...i have also the feeling that there is more, more then only the Beast and the silver witch and i don't know why but i want to save the silver witch...and of course our friends''

Vanitas:''Is that what you want?....Really?'' He asked her but then he fainted from the fever.

Serenity was in shock.''Vanitas?'' She looks at him and touched his forehead. He is sweating and his body temperature is high, his forehead feels hot. 'Fever!' She thought.''Hang on. I'll get some water'' She stood up, wrapped the blanket around him and went to her bag under her coat to take out a water bottle.

Vanitas starts to talk with himself.''...That's right....Didn't actually....hate...didn't...i...'' He cuddles himself in the blanket and has his head directed down to cover his face with the blanket. Serenity heard him talking and looked to him while she holds the water bottle.''Lou...'' He said and she was confused.

'Lou? What's that? Is it...someone's name?' She thought and went back to him. And then holds the bottle to him.''Vanitas. For now, drink some water. You'll get dehydrated if you don't.''

He looks at her.''....Are you sure?''

Serenity:''Yes...we both want to save them. We have the same goal. And you're dying because you shielded me! How could i do a thing like that to let you're dying here!?'' She said.

''Just let me here dying and go. I'm just a block on your leg for you...I'm useless...''He looks down.

She lifts his face up with one hand.''You are talking nonsense! I need you, we need you! You are not useless! You are strong even you don't have your book, i believe in you! And we will find your book. Don't worry. Now come and drink the water'' She takes the water bottle and lets some water flow into her mouth, then she took his face again and kissed him but only so that the water flows into his mouth and he can drink water. He drinks the water out from her mouth. After that she looks into his eyes.''Now shut up. And focus on resting, i won't let you alone  and i don't want that you are dying here!'' She repeats that with the water in her mouth into his mouth.

''Sereni...''He wanted to say something while he is blushing but she keeps repeating it over and over until the water bottle is empty. It was a embarrassed moment, for both of them but it was a emergency and she wants to safe and help him, no matter what and how. In the background the fire crackles and it was warm and comfy in the wood house.

At the same time by Renèe and Noé.

After the shadow hugged them, they felt their eyes heavy and faint on the ground. Renèe remembered just that when she woke up in a bed with warm bed sheets.'Why am i here?' She looked around but nobody was in the room.'Omg Noé!' She remembered also that he fainted too so she was about to get up and go to looking for him but in the same moment the door opened and a tall man with curly, black hair walked into the room with clothes on his arm.

??:''Here your clothes'' He said and she blinked twice as she was confused but then she realised she was almost naked. She blushed a lot and covered herself with the bed sheets.

Renèe:''PERVERT!'' She shout at him angry and took the clothes from his arm.''Who are you and where is Noé, huh!?'' She asked with the same tone of voice as before.

??:''I'm Jean Jacques and your friend is in the other room. We don't have bad intentions''

Renèe:''You better say the truth'' The guy left the room and she can change as fast as she can.

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