chapter 3

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Hello guys.
I'm sorry.
I know I'm lazy person.
Bear with me.
Things have been hectic.
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Okay so here's a Third person's POV!


Jalilah bumped into someone as she was walking to the back garden where she was told to meet them afnaan.

She looked up and she was met with dangerously handsome dark skinned man.

He had curly hair that peeked from his well starched Zanna Bukar cap. He had beautiful, very beautiful hazel eyes.

His nose was straight but not pointy and it wasn't long. His full lips parted as he raised his dark full eyebrows up in surprise.

"I'm so sorry....i wasn't looking straight-"
"I'm sorry....i wasn't looking straight- "
They both said at the  same time.

He chuckled, a deep masculine vibration that aroused deep feelings in her stomach, feelings she's never felt before.

She blushed. And that caught his breath, together with the way her eyelashes cast shadows on her cheeks when she blinked.

He made way for her and she nod at him, muttering a thank you,  she walked away with her heart beating so rapidly in her ribcage.

Jalila had never felt this way before.

He stood there watching as she graciously swerved her way to the garden, she was so mysterious in her own way and at that moment, he felt the urge to unravel all the mysteries she carried with her.

Upon reaching the garden, she met a group of kids.

Some her age, some younger while some looked older,they were six in total 3 girls and 3 boys.

The girls were all very pretty they a had the same chocolatey tones skin with the same striking hazel  eyes as that of the guy she saw some seconds ago. Except one,she was fair but so beautiful.

Jalila wondered if she could ever be this beautiful.

She smiled at them, two of the girls smiled back and one just rolled her eyes at her.

The beautiful fair one.

So she took a deep breath.

Time to play nice

"Hi! I'm Jalila, I live some houses away in this estate and your mum said  I should join you guys here....if I'm not mistaken you are Afnaan right?" She said looking at a girl who seemed her age.

"Hiii! I love your name and yes! I'm Afnaan,  it's very nice meeting you. This is my sister...." she bgan but her cheerful ramble was cut off by the younger one's cute voice.

"Atiqa,  I'm Atiqa Mukhtar Ibrahim, it's pleasure meeting you ma'am" she said in a posh British accent.

"Why thank you m'lady , the pleasure is mine" Jalila also replied, in a mock British accent.

The older fair girl just rolled her eyes and hissed.

Jalila  looked at Afnaan with a questioning expression.

"Don't mind Aliya she's just like that because Ya Maher didn't snap picture with her" One of the guys said.

And Jalilah couldn't help but smile, wondering who that ya Maher is though.

"Hi,  I'm Atiq. Unfortunately, Atiqa's  Twin" he said.

That's when she noticed the resemblance, the looked very alike only he's a guy and Atiqa is a girl.

"Yo! I'm Mohammad,  they call me Moh, the freshest of the crew" another guy said in a flirty tone and she chuckled at that.

"Assalam alaykum, my name is Aliyu, or Haydar.  Mashallah it's nice meeting you" a guy in thick nerdy glasses says.

She already liked them all., She noticed.

Afnaan is The cheery chirpy one. Atiqa is the posh one. Atiq is troublesome one. Moh is  flirty one and Aliya is the one who is full of herself, while Aliyu is the Ustaaz one.

They became friends instantly and they played alot of games like  T or D, 20 questions and never have I ever.

She got to know alot about them and she got quite along with Afnaan who was her agemate. Atiqa and Atiq are 14. Moh is 17 Aliyu is also 17. And Aaliya is 1 too. Turns out Aliya and Aliyu are their cousins. That's why they are fairer  and Aaliya is just the exact opposite of her ustaaz  brother.

She found out Ya Maher was the guy she bumped into earlier. But she didn't tell them tho.

She was so caught up with the fun that she lost track of time.

"What's the time Please?" She asked Afnaan.

"5:29" Moh answers quickly. With a smirk.

"Ya Allah! Mama!...she told me to go back up by 5:20 so we go home.
..I have to get going....wallah bye" she said getting up.

She adjusted her veil and brushed her skirt which had rumpled because she was sitting on the floor "zaman chin tuwo" .

"Haba so soon? " Ateeqah complained...

"Sorry dearie next time" she said earning a wink from Moh and she laughed.

"Okay give me your number" Afnaan said since she told them she left her phone at home.
She read her number and her instagram handle for them and they all Bade her Good Bye. She walked briskly to the frontage of the house and she  saw Mama  sporting the 'you are so dead' look which every African mother has a talent at.

"Mama boooooo" she sang and enveloped her mother in a bear hug.

"Don't mama boo me..... what was our agreement eh? " Mama says. Fake frowning.

"Haba baby boo....wallahi I met some very nice kids ne....we had fun." Yes, they were that free.with her mother.

"Really?....thats awesome fah wow! Good were they?"

Mama said her face filled with joy...she was so happy her Jalilah was finally socialising with other children and letting go of her past. She was so happy.

And that was how Jalilah filled her in on everything that happneed.. .including her encounter with Ya Maher.

Mama teased her endlessly on their way back home...Jalilah opened the gate for them and Mama entered.



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