Chapter Nine: Breakfast

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Cataloupe woke up to see Pawblo, who was snoring loudly, his nose twitching. He chuckled to see how cute the cadet looked when he was asleep. He slowly got up from bed, got dressed, and went downstairs

As he made breakfast, he wondered if Pawblo was feeling the same way, as yesterday it seemed like there was a nervous feeling that could be seen, clear as day. He shrugged it off as he fried the eggs. As he placed plates on the table, he noticed that a journal was sticking out of Pawblo's bag. It seemed as if he forgot to close it.

He knew it wasn't right to read it. But if it's right there, is he gonna notice? Probably not, if he's quick enough. The man just couldn't help himself. Cataloupe walked over to the bag quickly and picked the journal up. He flipped to the most recent page and read one snippet. His eyes widened as he read what Pawblo had written down last.

"Holy cow", he whispered. "He really does feel that way about me." He blushed a little, knowing that his cadet felt the same way he did. When he heard yawning from the bedroom, he quickly closed the journal and stuffed it back into the bag. Cataloupe then ran back to the kitchen, as the breakfast was still cooking.

Pawblo yawned as he walked down the stairs. He kept sniffing the air. "Sir? What's that smell?" Cataloupe chuckled. "Breakfast. I woke up earlier to make some for us." The smaller ventrexian was happy, but confused at the same time. "You don't have to do this, Sir."

"Cataloupe. And yes, I insist. You are one of the best cadets I've trained. Maybe even my star pupil." He winked, making Pawblo blush a little. "Uh....okay, Cataloupe. Thanks." He soon sat down as the older male was currently placing eggs and bacon on his plate. "Eat up!" Pawblo picked up a fork and began to eat. He groaned due to how good the eggs were prepared.

"This is good, Cataloupe. Really. It is." He kept eating as Cataloupe came over to the table and sat down next to him. "Glad you like it. Would hate to disappoint you." Pawblo paused to repeat what Cataloupe said in his head. As the older male ate, the smaller ventrexian blushed. He was going mad, and over this amazing man right next to him.

He coughed. "So, uh, got any plans today?" Cataloupe nodded. "I have to go to the base and finish up more paperwork. I'll be there pretty much until the afternoon." He smirked. "You, on the other hand, are the lucky one. You get to hang out around here while I'm gone. I'll be back later. Okay?" Pawblo saluted with his hand. "Sir, yes, sir!" He grinned.

Cataloupe chuckled for a second. "I'll take your word for it, Cadet."

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