t w e n t y - o n e

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Now that the second term was over, winter break has commenced, I never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life. Every so often, I would feel Beth's eyes on me, and I could feel her anger and hatred radiating towards me. The moment I approached her and the group at the airport, Beth stared me down as though I was trespassing into her territory. She looked furious and I was beginning to feel anxious.

It still felt like their group was dominating mine with only Mia, Josh and Dina on my side, and Kyle, the Beth cult (who I later found out were named Amberly and Jaime) and Peter on Daniel's side. At least I was friends with Kyle.

Yet, whatever Beth had in mind to expose me for just showing up to the airport, made me nervous. I wasn't sure what she was going to do. I kept dreaming about her pushing me into a tank filled with sharks for the past couple of days that I'd wake up in the middle of the night.

I held onto the handle of my seat tightly. We weren't that far away. In twenty minutes, we'd be landing at the Gold Coast airport. Daniel was sitting in the row behind me and on occasion, he would pop his head over to say something to me. But I barely paid attention as I was too distracted by the daggers Beth was sending my way.

By the time we landed, it was like the world was against our favour. It was raining. Heavily like a hurricane. I groaned with annoyance. This trip was going to be horrible.

"It's okay. The rain's not always going to be around," Mia reassured. I wasn't so certain about that.

We immediately grabbed our bags and called a taxi to our hotel. We had three rooms in total. The guys in one, and the girls split up into two.

"So, what's the plan today?" Daniel asked as we sat in the large micro-bus.

I hadn't really thought about it. Even though it was settled for a couple weeks now on who was going with us, I hadn't really pondered over what we would all do together. I kind of hoped that Mia, Dina, and I would wonder off on our own while Daniel's group did their own thing.

"Probably just walk around Surfers Paradise—heard it's a nice walk nearby the beach."

"Okay, you're the boss," Daniel nodded as confirmation. So, he was planning to go with me then?

I looked back out the windows. It was winter but even then, it was humid. The trees were freshly green as if the place hadn't even touched autumn. It was beautiful.

We arrived at the hotel and went to our respective rooms. The room Mia, Dina and I shared was not large, but it wasn't small either. It had two bedrooms—one with a single bed and the other with a double bed. It was meant to be a family room, I suppose. There was only one bathroom and a small kitchen space and lounge space. As I took off my shoes and toured the room, abruptly, the door in the corner of the kitchen opened and walked in Daniel.

Mia screamed, her packed clothes flying in the air.

"Chill," Daniel sad.

"Where did you come from?" I demanded. I peered through the door in which Daniel opened and noticed it led to their own room. What the hell? This shouldn't be allowed.

"How cool is this?" Daniel smiled.

"Hey guys," said Kyle as he walked in through the same door.

There better be a lock on that door. If not, we'd have to barricade it. I don't want Daniel, Kyle or any of the guys randomly walk into the room like they owned the place. What if they walked in while we were sleeping?

That was too creepy. No.

"Cool that our rooms are beside each other," Kyle then said.

It wasn't cool. It was very uncool. Well, look at the bright side, Ellie. At least it wasn't Beth's room. Who knows what she'd do if she had access to my room? I was more terrified of her than I was of Daniel's mischief.

"Don't flatter yourself, Scotts," Daniel abruptly said. "We'll be locking the door on our side."


"I know what you're thinking. I always know what you're thinking," he added teasingly.

I didn't know why I blushed. I shouldn't because I hadn't said anything. But he guessed right about what I was thinking. I pretended to ignore him and disappeared into the master room that I was going to share with Mia. I immediately freshened up, feeling exhausted already. It night time yet.

I left the room and found that it was empty, except for Daniel laying on the couch lazily, skipping through the channels.

"Don't you have a T.V. in your own room?" I mumbled.

"I like it better here," he said casually.

I took a seat on the single sofa. Daniel watched me for a few seconds, perhaps wondering why I wasn't bickering or whining that very moment as to why he was in the room. But I looked out the window. It was still raining. I could barely see the ocean view because of how heavily it was raining.

"It seems like we won't be able to do much if it rains all day and night," I mumbled disappointedly.

Daniel followed my gaze and looked out the window like doors of the balcony. A smile crept to his lips.

"You know, may as well take advantage of the rain?"

Instantly, I knew what he meant. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

"No, Daniel. Not today," I said.

"Come on. Let's just dance in the rain. What did you think all those dancing lessons were for?" he asked.

"Not today, Daniel. Please. I'm tired and I just want to relax," I stated, turning my attention to the television.

"It will only be a few minutes," he pressed.

I gritted my jaw. "Daniel, I said no," I snapped, glaring at him sternly. Why couldn't he take my no as a no.

Daniel sighed. "Fine. You're such a buzz kill," he muttered, looking back to the television.

Several minutes had passed and we just watched the news. It wasn't going to rain tomorrow, luckily, but it was going to on the following night. Looked like they'd have to plan their days in accordance with the weather.

"So, Kyle," was all he said.

I furrowed my brows. Was he going to finish that sentence?

"Uh, Kyle might be in the other room if you're looking for him?" I said stupidly.

Did he have a fight with Kyle? Was that why he was sitting in our room, all glum and gloomy?

"Has Kyle spoken to you?" he asked curiously.

"No? I mean, yeah of course he has spoken to me. But not about anything special."

Daniel nodded his face lightened up a little suddenly. "Good," was all he said.

What in the world is that supposed to mean? "Why? Is he going to tell me a secret or something? Are you two secretly dating?" I teased.

Daniel immediately jerked up. "What?"

"Is that what you're so nervous about Kyle telling me? Don't worry Daniel. It doesn't matter to me whether you like guys or girls. It makes no difference to me."

"No, that's not what... just forget it," he pouted, arms crossed.

"Aw, you don't have to be so embarrassed," I continued. I moved onto the same sofa as him and poked him teasingly on the arm. Daniel frowned, swiping my hand away but I kept doing it. I was having so much fun teasing him.

"I'm not embarrassed," he grumbled. "It wasn't what Kyle wants to tell you anyways."

"Okay, okay, fine. I won't ruin the surprise then."

"Oh my God, Ellie. Kyle wants to ask you out," he blurted.

His eyes widened, and I froze in place. Say what now?

"Uh, what? Again?"

The shock disappeared from Daniel's face and was quickly replaced with disbelief. He rolled his eyes. "Clearly because he likes you," he said. Yeah, I got that part but again? I thought he got over me. Kyle hadn't flirted with me in a long time, and I thought I made it very clear that I wasn't interested in him. But then again, my hints weren't that obvious. "And you shouldn't seem so surprised by that, you weirdo. You're smart, funny, caring, and beautiful. Hundreds of guys would be crazy about you. A hundred guys probably already do."

I suddenly felt my cheek burn and I turned slightly so I wouldn't face Daniel. I hadn't expected to ever hear that from a guy—and to say that about me, so bluntly. But mostly, I never expected to hear Daniel say it either.

"So, are you going to say yes?" he then asked.

This was embarrassing. I wasn't willing to have this type of conversation with Daniel.

"Would you even be okay with that?" I asked, considering our deal.

He didn't answer immediately. He was staring at the television for what felt like hours before he turned to me. "If you like him too, then I'd be okay with that."

But it felt like it wasn't entirely true. A part of me felt like Daniel still didn't think I was worthy for his friend. I don't know. I felt insecure. Even though Daniel got to know me a lot more, I was still the same person. Beth still hated me, and she hated me for a reason despite getting to know me better.

"Do you like him?" Daniel asked again, cutting the silence. "And none of that, I don't know crap. It's either yes or no. You had enough times figuring out your feelings."

"I don't get why you have to know. Isn't that supposed to be a matter just between me and Kyle?"

Daniel didn't look happy with that answer. Rather, he looked irritated, but he sighed, trying to calm himself.

"He's my friend, of course I'd want to know," he said. Seriously. That was it? "And because you're my friend too. I..." he paused.

I looked at him, wondering whether I should say something. There was something about his expression that was unreadable. It looked like he was holding something back. That he wanted to tell me something but was too afraid to say it. Almost like a pain hidden within his expression.

"I'll admit. I don't really want you and Kyle to date," he abruptly said, his eyes on mine.

"Why?" I knew it. He didn't think I was worthy to date his friend. He still thought I was distant and rude. But then again, he just said that any guys would like me. He complimented me just a moment ago. I'd be lying if I wasn't confused.

Daniel chuckled softly. His cheeks slightly pink. "I don't know. I guess maybe I'm jealous."

Uh oh. It's going to happen. He's going to profess his feelings for me, wasn't he?

"Jealous about what?" I asked, feigning obviosity.

He shrugged sadly. "I don't know. I guess I'm worried Kyle's going to steal you away from me—that you wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore or Kyle wouldn't want me to hang out with you as much."

He had a point. If I did date Kyle, and not like I had any plans of dating him at all, would my relationship with Daniel become strained? Would Kyle even like it, if we dated, that I'd spend so much time with Daniel as I was doing now? I wasn't sure whether Kyle would be that type of guy, but maybe Daniel would feel uncomfortable himself. I realised I didn't want that.

"But if you like him, I will suck it up."

"I don't like Kyle," I said with so much certainty. "I don't think I ever liked him in that way. So, you don't have to worry. But even if I did like him, and even if by any chance, I date him, there's no way I'd ever replace you with him. I'm never going to replace you with anyone."

He smiled. Not to me or to anyone but to himself as he gazed down at his hands.

"It's weird. I somehow consider you a closer friend than Kyle even though I was friends with him longer."

His eyes met mine again. I didn't really know what to say or think other than to feel flattered. It was like a peaceful silence between us. Then I noticed Daniel's eyes flicker slightly downwards, as if he stared at my lips. I suddenly felt nervous. My heart was racing uncontrollably and all I could do was look away and cleared my throat.

I forced a teasing smile, trying to ignore the heat rising to my cheeks. "Does that mean I'm winning the title of best friend?" I asked.

Daniel rolled his eyes and stood up. "Get over yourself—you're not that important in my life," he replied. But I knew he was joking.

Mia suddenly ran into the room holding up a pink flyer in her hand. She was beaming that her lips were stretched into a large grin. I almost freaked out when I saw her that I thought momentarily she was possessed.

"Oh my god, guess what we're doing tonight!" she practically screamed it with absolute excitement.

By default, I felt nervous.

"We're going to karaoke night!" Please no.

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