t h i r t y - f i v e

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Graduation day. The due date to finish every single item on my bucket list, and after this speech, I was pretty much done. Hopefully. As long as my plan worked.

I don't know if I could be any more scared compared to what I was feeling now. I peeked through the curtains of the stage, hearing the murmur across the hall. My heart was hammering against my chest as if it was trying to run away. I didn't know what was going to happen after tonight, and I wasn't sure what to expect. All I knew that after today, I was no longer going to be a high school student.

"Are you ready?" Mr Halliday asked.

I looked at him and smiled even though my breathing as ragged and short. "I don't think so," I replied honestly.

I looked out the crowd. Why were there so many people? It was way more than one hundred. Probably more than three hundred. But through the crowd, I searched only for one face.

When I finally saw him, laughing with Peter and John who were sitting right beside him, my heart felt lighter. Dad was sitting with Daniel's parents, holding the agenda.

Dad was so excited this morning for graduation. Probably more excited than everyone else here. For the past week, he has being going on and on about graduation day. He made a reservation to one of the expensive restaurants in Melbourne three months ago. He was even eager to go shopping with him when I told him I needed to buy a graduation dress. Mia was weirded out by it when she joined us. But I was convinced this was his way to get rid of me fast.

"Okay, we're going to start in a few minutes. Your name will be announced when it's time for your speech," Mr Halliday reminded me.

I nodded and watched him leave to sit beside the school principal. I took my seat on stage next to the school captain and Kyle sitting on the captain's other side.

Principal Morris began the ceremony. I tried listening to what he was saying but it was difficult. I kept fiddling with the hem of my graduation gown, anxious about the speech.

"Now, please welcome the school valedictorian, Elizabeth Scots," I heard Principal Morris introduced.

I heard clapping but all I felt was my heart beating rapidly. I stood up and walked to the podium, trying to calm my breath. I grabbed onto the podium, and my eyes searched the crowd, landing immediately on Daniel. His eyes were on me too.

I sucked in a deep breath.

"Good afternoon, fellow graduates, guardians and faculty. I am truly honoured to be here before you presenting the commencement speech for the class of 2014. To begin, I would like to congratulate my fellow classmates on achieving this major milestone. Looking back at my years of high school, I can honestly say that there is no better school that is filled with so many amazing staff members and fellow peers. School is not all that it can be. Right now, it's a place where most of us just want to get out of high school as soon as possible," I said.

I was surprised I hadn't frozen up yet. Everyone was watching me, listening to me with respect instead of talking to their friends like they did in all my oral essays. But my eyes moved back to Daniel and he was looking elsewhere now.

"When I was asked to give a speech, I had no idea where to begin. While sitting in my room talking to my father about what I wanted to share with each of you today, my dad told me, 'I cannot believe how far you have come. I am so proud of you.' At the time, it wasn't very helpful, but then it hit me. I thought about chasing dreams or taking the next step into life. Walt Disney once said 'all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them'. This is the dilemma I've faced with my whole life," I said, noticing Daniel urning to look at me.

I cleared my throat. He was listening.

"Today, we take the final steps in our high school experience and in truth, I'm terrified. I have always found it difficult entering in a new environment, when I'm facing something new. Most of you may be excited for the adventures ahead, while others, like myself, are cat-shit scared."

I heard the Principal clear his throat. Woops.

"I guess this is the reason why I most push people, opportunities and risks I'm not accustom to away. Afraid to accept them into my life. And when I pushed the one person that meant so much to me away because I waned to avoid getting hurt, I realised that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. What would be the point of all the hard work we've done if we're too afraid to take the next step?

"I feared that taking the next step would be like jumping into the deep end of the pool, but that is only if we push ourselves. I learnt that we could choose to take the shallow end and slowly move to the deep. I had to learn this the hard way and all the things I pushed away, I regret because how would we know if that is what we want, who we are, before trying it?"

I paused for effect.

"I want to leave you with these inspiring words that filled me with hope, courage, and happiness whenever I read them:

Look well to this day,

For it and it alone is life.

In its brief course

Lie all the essence of your existence:

The glory of Growth;

The satisfaction of achievement

The splendour of Beauty

For yesterday is but a dream,

And tomorrow is but a vision.

But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness

And every tomorrow a vision of hope (Kalidasa)."

I exhaled. I observed the sea of people before me and smiled.

"Once again, congratulations to the class of 2014. Go forth into this world and do great things! Don't be afraid to take the next step into life—it's just another way of achieving something greater and following our dreams. Thank you," I said looking at Daniel one last time before walking back to take my seat.

There. I did it. One more thing off my bucket list and exposed my fear of being with Daniel. The reason why I broke up with him. Because of the fear of taking the next steps. Afraid that I would hold onto him, feeling dependant for him, love him too much and then he would be taken away from me. I would be thrown in a world of despair and fear. But this wasn't over yet. I had to see him and tell him why I pushed him away and why I was scared of getting hurt. He needed to know everything.

When the ceremony was over, the first person I saw was dad. Our hats were all over the place once we threw them in the sky, left lying on the grass outside the school grounds. People were walking around everywhere. Students taking photos with their parents while teachers congratulated us.

"Well done, Ellie," dad said. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks dad," I replied, hugging him. Dad then pushed me away with a cheeky grin.

Oh god, what is it?

"Your mother would've been proud of you," dad added.

I only smiled, picturing her smiling at me if she was here. I hope she'd be proud of me.

"I liked your speech too," he said. "I wondered who the person you pushed away was. I mean, as your father, I have the right to know."

I exhaled, completely over it. Not this again. "Stop it dad," I told him.

"Well, I think I have a good idea who it is. I mean, if I'm wrong then you definitely do not want to see the person behind you right now," dad said. I furrowed my brows and peered over my shoulder to find Daniel. "Okay, kid. I'm going to go see someone who doesn't go through these chick flick moments," dad told me before walking away, heading to Mia's parents.

I should've been offended by that, but I was preoccupied with the fact Daniel was waiting behind me. I turned around and looked at him. I know I wanted him back, but I was terrified I'd be rejected again. Being rejected the second time was going to be painful but I had to do it.

"Congratulations," Daniel said.

"Thank you. Congratulations to you too," I said.

He walked closer towards me and stop until we were only a metre away. I wished I could close the distance between us but fought the urge to.

"So, your speech," he began.

"Daniel, a lot of it was for you. I pushed you away because I was scared," I said quickly to get to the point.

I waited, looking at him, waiting for his reaction. His expression was blank, making it even more difficult to read him.

"Really?" he breathed. "I feel like one of Taylor Swift's exes," he joked.

My eyes widened. Wait, was that a joke? He looked angry. Was he angry? Was he embarrassed? Everyone probably figured out that it was Daniel. Nothing can be kept a secret in Mackellar especially when Kyle and Daniel had a full on fist fight.

"Why would you be scared of us being close?" he asked seriously.

"I was scared. I mean, I fell in love with you, and it was terrifying for me. When I knew I loved you, you broke your leg and had a concussion. Do you know how much I blamed myself because of that? I thought I almost killed you simply because you were close to me. I was filled with fear of losing someone again, especially when I just go you," I told him.

I could feel my eyes starting to swell up. I looked to the ground, unable to let Daniel see me crying. I didn't want to look weak and vulnerable. But Daniel finally closed the space between us. His palm against my cheek and pushed my face slightly so I would look into his eyes.

"Ellie, you're not the one to blame about the fight between Kyle and me, or the injury I got. You have nothing to do with it," he told me. "Besides, I'm never going to leave you without a fight. I don't think I could ever do that to you."

I smiled.

"I love being with you, I love how you make me feel and I love how I get to be there when you smile and when you're sad. I love it when I get to be with you every time and I love it that I could experience the bucket list with you. I just hope, I can spend the rest of my life with you too."

He was grinning and I could tell how much he was trying to hold it in. This was the first time I ever said 'I love you' to him. He was about to lean in, and kiss me, but suddenly pulled back.

"You're not going to break up with me when you get scared again, are you?" he asked.

I really hoped not. "I don't know if I can when I always look for you when I'm scared," I replied.

"True. Only I can save you from your fear," he replied smugly.

"And I'll save you from all the bush turkeys in the world."

His eyes narrowed. "They are terrifying," he exclaimed.

I laughed. He was holding in his laugh too until he couldn't hold it in anymore. After a while, silence returned but it was a good one. A comfortable one.

"So, I guess the bucket list is finished, isn't it?"

He changed the topic. Why? Was he not convinced? I wasn't sure what I could do to prove him otherwise.

I shook my head. "No, I didn't finish it," I said truthfully.

"Why not? What didn't you finish?"

"I didn't make a deal I regret because it led me to you."

A smile reappeared on his lips. "Then I guess our deal isn't over then, is it?"

I furrowed my brows. "What deal?" I asked teasingly.

'We had a deal that I'll help you finish that bucket list until graduation. I guess we have to stick with other until you graduate from University, actually, even if it means the one after that," he explained.

"Don't think there will be a graduation after University," I stated.

"Exactly my point," he smirked.

He leaned in, closing the gap between us. His lips were warm, inviting and comforting. It felt perfect like the stars were shining bright us even though it was broad daylight.

Abruptly, I pulled away. "But what if I do graduate after Uni?" I asked curiously.

"Don't ruin the moment," Daniel muttered before closing the gap between us again.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. At this moment, I knew that breaking us apart wasn't going to be easy. The bucket list was what brought us together, and it was what will keep us together. But when that will end, I knew I was going to make another one immediately.

This time, it will be different. It will be a bucket list for Daniel and me. Not just me. Just us. 

Author's Note: Hello dear readers! Thank you so much for reading my novel, The Bucket List. I truly appreciate you guys reading all the way to the end! I feel truly honoured to have all you amazing people read my story. Unfortunately, this book has come to an end and I do admit, I cannot believe that it is finished. I'm a bit sad that I finished it. 

Some of you are asking for a sequel, however, I don't plan to make a sequel. I'm sorry. I feel like writing a sequel would ruin this ending and I don't think I can make a sequel that wouldn't destroy this book. But you never know, one day I might wake up and decide to write a sequel. But for now, there won't be one. I like to leave the imagination to you on how their story goes on. 

HOWEVER, there is a rewritten version currently being published on my profile. Check it out and I would love to hear your opinion of which novel you prefer, this one or the other one. 

**If you wish, I have other stories being published on Wattpad. My teen romance called 'Hate is a Strong Word' is a story about two enemies who are forced to become friends. 

**Another teen romance written by is called 'Undateable' which is about two undateable people start dating, only cause one accepts a deal to date the other. 

**My other is a paranormal young fiction called 'Whisper' about a girl who wakes up in the middle of the night in a chapel, finding out that she died but somehow, she came back to life. 

Check them out if you like! Your support is always appreciated. 

Again, thank you so much for reading this story.

I love you all! 

Neve Adams

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