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The math exam was easy. Everyone was making such a big deal out of it, whereas here I was, thinking it was the easiest exam of the year so far. Well, then again, it was only the second exam this year. However, Mia hated me for thinking that.

After the exam, Mia and I headed to the library so we could study for the history exam on Friday. There were so many exams coming up and I barely even noticed that they were approaching so soon if it weren't for Mia's need for my tutoring services. Hopefully, the history exam was easier than the maths exam.

Because of Daniel, I won't be able to study tonight. He has a history exam on Friday as well, so I wasn't sure what he wants to go out tonight. Does he want me to tutor him as well?

"Wait, who killed who again?" Mia asked, her eyes furrowed to the textbook.

Mia hated history and like the rest of our classes, she asked me to help her study. The only class Mia doesn't ask my help in was English. In fact, it was the class I would sometime ask her help with. English has never been my strongest topic and it confuses Mia. It confuses me as well.

I explained the history of the Tudor crises, and when I was done, I could tell from Mia's expression that she didn't comprehend a word I just said. I don't know why Mia likes to study everything last minute. I had a habit of remembering as I go throughout the term, so it was easier for me. Everything now was like a revision.

"Ellie!" I heard my name.

Only ten metres away, Kyle smiled at us. He approached me and I could hear Mia groan from my right. How did he find me? Kyle and I barely even speak as much unless in Chemistry or he somehow managed to sit beside me if Mia or Daniel doesn't first.

"Hi Kyle," I greeted.

Mia rolled her eyes. I wondered whether Kyle noticed Mia's expression or if he was intentionally ignoring her. Mia still hated Kyle and she wasn't afraid to flaunt it. I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle knew she hated him and simply didn't care.

"Hey Amelia," Kyle greeted.

"Whatever," she mumbled.

"What's up?" I asked. It sounded like I was trying too hard to sound cool. Why was I so lame?

Kyle took a seat beside me.

"Do you want to hang out after school today?"

Of course. How could I expect anything less? For a guy who has been rejected by a lot, he really is resilient to ask me again. When was he going to take the hint? But there was no harm in hanging out. Maybe Kyle could be another friend where there was no hidden meaning between our friendship like it was with Daniel and me.

"Sure, but I can't do tonight."

Doesn't anyone study anymore? Kyle was in the same history class and I was one hundred precent sure he had the same exam. It as like studying was lame or something. What was happening to society?

"Daniel, I'm assuming?"

"You assume correctly," Mia answered on my behalf, although it was unrequired. I thought she was ignoring us. Why wasn't she ignoring us?

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"How about tomorrow."

"Sorry chap, she's helping me with chemistry tomorrow," Mia answered snobbishly. Since when she used British slang?

I watched Kyle as he cleared his throat and turned his attention away form Mia and bake to me.

"How about you pick a day?" Kyle suggested.

Mia suddenly sighed dramatically. "Look Kyle, she has no time right now so how about you just turn around and walk out of here. She doesn't want to spend time with you, and I don't think Daniel would want that either," Mia said bluntly.

My eyes widened. I wasn't sure if I was stunned or afraid. Stunned that she would say that to him, and afraid that she almost revealed Daniel's deal with me. I know I was supposed to avoid Kyle, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So, I kicked Mia under the table... only gently, and scowled at her. She could've been nicer.

"What? It's the truth," Mia said annoyedly. I continued scowling at her. Mia sighed and stood up, "I'm leaving."

I watched as Mia left the library, leaving me alone with Kyle. I turned to look at him apologetically. "I'm sorry. She's just stressed about history," I lied. What has gotten into Mia? She doesn't usually vocalise her hatred for someone or make it obvious she doesn't like them.

Kyle shrugged it off. "It's alright. I don't really blame her. A lot of people here thinks I'm the type of guy who thinks he is better than everyone and that I don't want to waste my time with them. I guess that's what happens when you become vice captain."

I had no idea people thought about that about him. Were there more people, other than Mia, who hated Kyle?

"Well, I don't think that. I think you're nice and cool," I advised.

Kyle smiled. "Which I'm glad for," he said.

The bell rang signalling next period which was English. Crap. I should've checked on Mia.

I gathered my things and I walked with Kyle to class.

"Anyways," Kyle continued. "Are you going to Beth's party next Saturday? She's throwing a party near the beach and if you were going, I thought maybe we could go together."

He really needed to take the hint.

"End of term party, I'm assuming?" I asked. Beth already invited me and to be honest, don't know if I wanted to go.

"Yeah, just before the Easter break."

Right. Easter was coming up. I haven't planned anything yet with dad. Every Easter, we tried to do something together, but honestly, it was always in Melbourne and not too far away. We only went proper travelling once in the past five years and that was to New Zealand.

"Uh," I didn't know what to say. "I'm not sure if I'll be going to the party. I haven't really thought about it. I'll give you an by this weekend?"

This might be my second chance trying to get along with Beth. But after last time, I was still reluctant. I was still uncomfortable to speak to her. What she said hurt but she also didn't know the whole story. A whole term had passed and yet, I couldn't get over it. I needed to though.

When we reached English, I headed to the back to my allocated seat. Mr Bennett was already in class, sitting at his desk, reading a newspaper. There was another three minutes left until the second bell would ring, signalling the start of class. Daniel wasn't here yet either. To be honest, I haven't really seen him all day. By the time school finished, Daniel hadn't showed up. I guess he must've been sick or something. So, I guessed tonight was cancelled then. Probably a good thing. I needed to study.

I wanted to ask Kyle if he knew where Daniel was, but Kyle didn't seem to like talking about him.

"Ellie, you're coming to my party next Saturday, right?" Beth asked as I was about to walk by her in the halls. I wished she hadn't seen me. I had a sense she would want to get an answer.

"Uh, haven't decided yet. Maybe," I answered.

Beth frowned. "Oh, what do you mean? You have to come. It'll be awesome if you did," she said. I couldn't tell if she was pretending to like me or was being genuine.

"I'll have to see," I said, turning away, trying to escape. But suddenly, Beth looped her arm around mine and we walked down the hall together.

"Oh, I had the most amazing idea," she said. "You should totally come shopping with Kristy and me. We're going to buy Kristy a dress for the party, so we could buy you one as well."

Why was she being this clingy after she pretty much told me she hated me? I couldn't understand her. What was she playing at?

I pulled my arm away from her, trying to make it as casual as possible, and then smiled. "I'd love to, but I already made plans tonight. So, that will have to be a no unfortunately." What I really meant was fortunately.

"Oh, that sucks!" she pouted her lips. "It would've been awesome if you did join. We could've bought you a dress that would make Daniel go crazy for you."

I started choking. Not on anything in particular. But I felt like the air was suddenly sucked out of my lungs.

"Uh, what?"

"Yeah, I mean, you might be fooling Daniel, but you can't trick me," Beth said. "You like Daniel. It's so cute," she added.

My eyes widened. "Uh, no," I replied.

Why does everyone think I like Daniel? Like in a romantic way. I don't get it. I mean, we do spend a lot of time together recently but that doesn't mean there's something romantic going on between us. We're just friends. We don't like each other like that.

Beth laughed. "Let me guess, you have plans with him, tonight? Don't you?" It's creepy how she figured that out.

I frowned. "Look, Beth. Thanks for the offer and everything, but there is nothing going on between Daniel and me. We don't have any feeling for each other, other than a friendly one."

"If you say so," she said.

I looked at Beth. Maybe I'm being quick to judge. She did apologise for what she said to me. Perhaps this was her way trying to make up for things. But I couldn't help but feel weird about it. Yes, she apologised, but what she said that night felt like she genuinely meant it. Like she really did hate me.

"I have to go," I said turning around. I couldn't help but think of those movies where the not-so-popular girl suddenly becomes friends with the popular girl, and then BAM! The popular girl was only pulling a prank on her. I had to keep my guard up even if once upon a time, Beth and I were best friends.

"Dad, I'm home," I announced as I walked into the house, as though it was the most important thing for dad to know.

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?" dad asked as he stepped out from the study room. He kissed me on the forehead and headed straight to the kitchen with a bowl in his hand. I followed behind him.

"Yeah, pretty good. I think I totally smashed that math test."

"Of course. Didn't even doubt you for a second," he said proudly.

I scratched the back of my neck as I watched him clean his bowl. Before I could ask about Easter break, the doorbell rang. I looked at the time and it was already seven. I headed to Mia's house after school to study for the history exam. I sent a text to Daniel, asking when he was going to pick me up but heard nothing back. I assumed it was cancelled and that he was sick.

"I'll get it," dad said.

"It's okay, I'll get it."

I jumped off the stool and headed to the door. I opened the door and there stood Daniel with a large grin.

"Uh, what are you doing here? I thought you were sick."

"We're going out, remember?"

He didn't look sick. He looked healthy and if anything, looked excited. He was wearing a woollen jumper and simple blue jeans.

"You didn't answer any of my calls or texts. I thought you were sick."

Daniel cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, about that. I was busy doing something. Now can we just go?"

Very helpful. I rolled my eyes and told him to wait for me in the car while I told dad I was heading out. Dad was still in the kitchen.

"Hey, dad. Daniel and I are going out. Is that okay?"

Dad's whole body suddenly stiffened. He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Uh, you don't need my permission to go out with Daniel," he said. "You can date whoever. I trust you."

"What? No! I don't mean going out like dating. I mean like heading out to hang out."

I felt embarrassed. My cheeks were burning, and I was ready to just crawl back in bed and hide forever. Dad only chuckled.

"Uh, okay. Just come back before ten. It's exam period remember, you shouldn't really be going out."

"Of course," I said. "I'll never forget a test." Although yesterday, I did. "I'll be back before ten, I promise." I pecked dad on the cheek before grabbing my bag and meeting up with Daniel at his car.

"All set?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yep. So where are we going?"

"I told you. It's a surprise."

"Oh, right. Sorry," I said dramatically.

As he continued driving, the number of streetlights were reducing, and the surrounding lights were too far off in the distance. We were going into rural land. Nowhere near the suburban areas.

"Uh, okay. Where are we going?"

"I told you it's a surprise," he said with a little bit more irritation.

"Oh, don't get your undies in a twist. I'm just a little worried where we're going," I stated.

Daniel looked at me with a smirk, "Why? Do you think I'm taking you to Jason or Chucky?"

My eyes widened. "I didn't but now I am."

"Just trust me," he said softly.

I didn't say anything. I was becoming more nervous as the further he drove. Everything outside was practically pitch black and the only light came from the headlight or inside the car. I could see small specks of lights from the houses that were too far away to even reach us.

Finally, Daniel took a turn off the road and he pulled the car to a stop after a few more minutes. Lights all disappeared.

"Is this where you're going to kill me?" I joked.

"Yes, I'm here to kill you," Daniel replied. He jumped out of the car without another word. Wait, was he really being sarcastic or serious?

I opened the car door. "You were kidding, right?" I found myself staring directly into Daniel's brown eyes. The light from inside the car illuminated on Daniel's face, the shadows accentuating his cheekbones and brightening up his eyes. I could see the small speck of gold in his eyes and unconsciously, I gulped.

"You've got to be kidding me," Daniel sighed.

I looked away and smiled innocently. Could he blame a girl for thinking that? We were in the middle of nowhere, with civilisation probably a kilometre away.

"Then what are we doing here?" I closed the door gently behind me.

Daniel's warm hand wrapped around mine and he gently tugged me into the field. We walked through three-inch high grass and next thing I knew, Daniel sat down on a blanket with a telescope set beside him.

"Uh, where did the blanket and telescope come from?" I asked as though we were stealing someone else's picnic spot. Was he a magician or something? Where did all of this come from?

"I set it up before I went to pick you up," he advised. He patted the space beside me and gestured for me to sit.

I frowned. "Weren't you worried that someone was going to steal it or it'd get ruined?" I asked.

"Who would steal a suspicious looking blanket and telescope in the middle of nowhere?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know. Wild rabbits?" I suggested sarcastically.

Daniel chuckled. "Just sit down, Ellie," he said, pulling me down beside him. I stumbled and fell. I pulled away and scowled at him but doubted he could see me under this dim lit field.

"So, what now?"

Daniel sighed. "Ellie," he said in a soft voice. "Look up."

I tilted my head up and gasped. Millions of bright stars glistened above us, and instantly, I was speechless. I hadn't seen so many stars before and this bright either.

"Wow, they're so beautiful," I stated. And just by thinking about it, they were only little balls of gas.

"So, is stargazing ticked off the bucket list?" Daniel asked.

I realised I was smiling right now. A very big smile. "Oh, not yet. I haven't finished looking at them yet," I stated. I slowly laid back on the blanket and stared at them with admiration.

"You know, I brought the telescope for a reason," Daniel noted.

"Oh, almost forgot," I laughed. I sat back up as Daniel placed the telescope in front of me. I watched him peer through the scope as he repositioned the telescope. As my eyes began to adjust to the darkness, I could see the wind gently pushing against his hair ever so slightly.

I couldn't believe he brought me here tonight. Although of all the nights, he decided to bring me here during exam periods. I wondered how long we'd be here for. I needed to go home and study a bit more.

"Stop," he suddenly said.

"Stop what?"

"Stop thinking about studying. You're here to stargaze, so enjoy it and relax." He wasn't even looking at me. He was still looking through the telescope.

He had a point though. I shouldn't let the stress of exams take over me and enjoy this moment while it last.

"Alright, take a look," Daniel said, moving away.

I leaned towards the telescope and looked through the scope. I was staring at the moon, seeing the rough surface of the large rock that was hundreds of miles away.

"Wow," I gasped.

"You have the biggest fascination on stars and moons," Daniel pointed out.

"Yep. I always loved them. Mum told me that when someone passes away, they become stars and look down to us, watching us every night, making sure no harm happens to us."

"Please don't tell me you believe in that," Daniel groaned.

I chuckled. "No, I don't anymore—especially learning more about them in physics. But doesn't hurt to wish it was true."

I leaned away from the scope and observed our surroundings again. I watched the wind touch the tip of the grass. The grass following along with the breeze as though it wished to go with it. Without a second thought, I stood up and laid down on the grass, watching the stars.

"What are you doing?" Daniel asked.

"Sleeping on the grassy plains," I said, naming item twenty-six of my bucket list.

"Mind if I join you?"


Daniel laid down beside me, and together, we stayed in silence, watching the stars. We don't speak and I thought for a moment, Daniel fell asleep. I took a deep breath and looked at each star. A small part of me knew that when looking up there, I was actually searching for mum. I don't know what I was expecting to see, or how I'd know it was mum, but I really wished that mum was up there, looking down at me... protecting me.

"Ellie," I heard Daniel whisper. Scratch that, he was awake.


"Why won't you tell me what the place is?"

I noticed he had his body turned towards me. I looked at him, only seeing the outline of his face under the moonlight.

"I don't know," I said. "I don't think I ever said it out loud either. Anything to do with..." I paused.

"Your mum?" he suggested.

I nodded gently. Daniel doesn't reply. We both remained silent as we looked at each other. A small part of me wanted to tell him but I was too afraid to say the words out loud. Instead, I really wanted him to say something to me. I didn't care what it was, I just wanted him to say something.

"I don't know if I'm ready to talk about her," my voice croaked.

Daniel kept quiet.

"It's hard to just think about her at times," I continued.

I refused to look at him. I stared at the night sky filled with bright stars and tried pushing the thought of mum away.

"Maybe I'll tell you."

"You don't need to. If you want to tell me when you're ready, you can. But you don't have to think that you have to," Daniel replied.

I nodded. "Thank you."

We stayed in silence. A part of me wanted to say something to him, something that I held in for a long time that was desperate to come out. But I couldn't say it. I don't know why. I wanted to say it and I don't care that it was him that I was going to tell. It wasn't like he would tell anyone.

So, I did it. I told him.

"I miss her," I sobbed.

He doesn't say anything again. Instead, he pulled me into a hug, and I let the tears fall as I softly sobbed into his shoulder. Daniel rubbed the small part of my back as I tightly closed my eyes, trying to forget about

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