Ariana's pov
"Okay, I understand that I have a boyfriend. But it's not considered cheating if I just got his number. It's not like I'm going to on a date with him."" I said still excited about what just happened, "Okay you do you girly! Got to go love you hope you have a good time." She said then hung up.
I got bored just sitting in a hotel room so I texted Tom
Thomas💜🌹~ hi love :)
Thomas💜🌹~nothing really, wby
Me~ nothing, bored
Thomas💜🌹~do you want to go dinner or go to see infinity war? It's in the movies!!!
Me~sure 😂 btw you're a loser
Thomas💜🌹~thanks 😂 and I'll pick you up, where are you?
Me~ im at(idk what to put I'm not from London 😂)
Thomas💜🌹~ k be there in 10 :)
Tom showed up just like he said, ten minutes later. He picked me up then brought me to a romantic dinner then to the movie. After the movie I was bawling my eyes out 'cause I'm still a fan girl:) he laughed and hugged me, my head in his chest.
Finally the movie ended we walked out, and of course knowing our luck it was raining. He let me wear his jacket, which I thought was so sweet. Then I look up to tell him thank you and he kisses me, I knew it was wrong but I kissed back. I heard a camera *click* we quickly pulled away the ran into his car....
Adyms pov
I'm scrolling through my Instagram comments then one of them say "you know Ariana cheated on you right 😭" I being to read thousands of comments about how she's cheating on me, I being to go on Twitter to see what they are talking about, I get on twitter seeing pictures of Ariana kissing another guy. I look closer at the guy it's the new Spider-Man, Tom Holland.... I called Elizabeth
Elizabeth's pov
I got a call from Adym, I bet he saw what was all over Twitter:/ I feel bad for him, they were a really cute couple. I answered,
Me~ hello?
Adym~ uhh d-did you see w-what's all over t-t-Twitter
Me~ yeah he sounded like he was sniffling
Adym~can we talk about it
Me~yeah, but hold on let me call her and ask her about it.
Adym~ o-okay
I hung up then I called Ariana
Me~ hello?!
Ariana~ uh, hi. I know what you are going to say and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to it just kinda happened!
Me~ Adym is heart broken, what happened?!
Ariana~ I got bored so I text Tom because he was close, he ask me to go to dinner and watch infinity war, and of course I said yes then he took me to a dinner then to go watch infinity war, we got out of the movie it was raining so it let me wear his jacket then I tried to tell him thank you and we kissed...
Me~ it was still wrong Ariana!
Ariana~ I know and I think I might break up with Adym.
Me~ Okay, I just- I, I'm going to feel bad for him! You know people have done him wrong, he thought you were the one...
Ariana~ I understand that but ever since I've been gone it was different I feel bad for him, let me call him.
Me~ okay just try to be nice to him.
She hung up.
Heyyy it's the author sorry that this was mainly about Ariana and Tom but just kinda felt like I needed this information in here. Hope you have an enchanting day beautiful people, make sure to vote if you like and comment if you want 💜🌹
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