Molly had went back into the kitchen to cook dinner while everyone else stayed in the sitting room. "So mum... pleasent surprise?" James asked Ginny with a cheeky smile. It took her a minute to figure out who he was talking to since she was not used to anyone calling her mum but when she did she said "What do mean, James?" Ginny was impressing everyone by being so calm about talking to her 11 year old son who was a perfect mixture between herself and Harry but they couldn't know that she was as extremely weirded out as everyone else and that her insides were dancing the conga at the fact she was married to Harry Potter. Screw Dean Thomas I got the boy I've had a crushed on since well... forever. she thought.
"Well," James began "I haven't seen anyone smile so long without stopping once since Rosie got her collecters edition of A History of Magic two years ago and really, at that time I thought her face was going to split in two." WHUMP! A pillow came and hit James on the side of the head "Oh shut up James and quit being a prat. At least I didn't blow up my cousins birthday cake when I was seven-"
"Wait what?" Fred and George cried.
"You blew up a cake-"
"When you were seven-"
"We need to hear this!" they finished together.
"Um, okay" James grinned, "Well actually Louis and Freddie, your son who's are age," he said pointing George who exchanged a wide grin with Fred, "had a hand in that too. Louis thought of it 'cause it was Dominique his other sister's tenth birthday. And Fred was the one who brought the fireworks. I just had ro sneak it on the cake."
"Wait how did you just put firewoks on top of a cake?" Charlie asked just as interested in the story as everyone. "Oh it was a new Weasley Wizard Weezes product Uncle George had just come up with and Fred had nicked. It was shape-shifting fireworks and we got it to become a candle."
"Genious!" whispered Fred and George in awe of their two nephews.
"Then it all went wrong." James sighed "We had set it up so that it would go off right when she was blowing out the candles but we didn't know how powerful the fireworks are, or that it wouldn't stay a candle forever,... or that it could turn into an animal for that matter." With every word he said everyone from the past's eyes widened a little more. "Right before it went off it turned into a frog then the fuse reached the end and went off..." he trailed of but Victoire picked up where he left off looking slightly annoyed.
"Cake, icing, fireworks, and frog guts everywhere! We were covered head to toe, I even got some in my mouth and not just the cake! I swear Mum, Aunt Ginny, and Aunt Angie had a field day yelling at them-" abrubtly she cut off for no one could hear her anymore they were all to busy laughing their heads off.
Fred then pulled Ginny and Harry into a bright hug while George did the same with Bill and Fleur "Bless you! They're brilliant pranksters!" This just made everyone laugh louder.
Molly just happened to walk in as they were calming down. "Wha- you know what I'm not going to ask. Dinners ready I've added extra chairs for everyone." Chuckling they all filed into the kitchen. Molly was about to follow when she noticed that Al was kneeling down where Ginny and George had been sitting on the ground. "Are you coming Al?" she asked kindly.
"What? Oh yeah I'll be right there Grandma I just dropped something." He straitened up then holding a piece of paper in his, no not a paper a picture. "What's that dear?" Molly questioned noticing how for a second Al's hand tighten on the picture until he relaxed and held it out to his grandmother.
She took it gently and looked at it. Al was around six years old in it and Ginny was standing behind him her arms wrapped around him in a tight hug at that time in the picture she had lifted him off the ground and was swinging him back and forth. Both were laughing happily and it was just so sweet that she couldn't help but smile at them.
She handed the picture back to him. "Thank you for letting me look at it Al." The small boy said nothing he just nodded looking at the picture sadly and in that instant she understood how frightened and sad Al felt. He might not of shown it before but now he was obviously very unsure.
Molly sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come on dear they'll be wondering where we are." Al slipped the picture into his pocket and nodded "Right." And they walked into the kitchen together.
Al gave a small smile, Teddy was looking delighted as he sat in between Remus and Tonks, Louis and James both sat with Fred and George and they were talking about all the different pranks they'd done over the years ("I've never heard someone scream as loud as her when she saw the swan." George laughed. I don't want to know. Al thought), and Lily sat next to both her father and grandfather talking to them cheerfully. Molly went to sit on the other side of Arthur so the only open chair was in between Ginny and Charlie. Al sat in it nervously, then scolded himself. Here he was nervous around his mother while Teddy is talking to his dead parents for the first time in his life.
How does he act so normal around them? Al thought. While at the same time Teddy was thinking Oh bloody hell what if I let it slip that their dead that would not be good! but he was mostly telling them about himself and Hogwarts, his grades, and how he wants to be an auror like his mum and Harry.
"I'm an auror?" Harry asked increduously. "Head auror actually." Lily smiled and everyone's eyes widened. Then Tonks laughed "Your my boss Harry!" she smiled making him grin back. No one noticed the time travelers uneasy glances and Teddy's pained look.
James was having a great night. He had always looked up to his namesakes and Uncle George but having never met his late Uncle Fred didn't really know what to think of him even though his mum had always said he was just like Uncle George. Now though he couldn't help but stare at Fred in awe as he tells about blowing up a Hogwarts toilet seat in their third year then sending it to his father in the hospital wing and laughed along with Louis at the story.
Then Charlie asked "Do you all play Quidditch?" and Molly sighed "I wondered when that would be brought up."
"Well to answer your question Charlie we all do. I am actually a Beater for the Gryffindor team." Teddy answered smiling."Hugo is a Beater to, Victoire sometime plays Chaser, Louis likes Keeper, while Rose-"
The curly redhead cut across him, "Rose can speak for herself and I am a Keeper."Ron blinked then grinned "Really? That's cool, you seem so much like Hermione that I didn't think you would like Quidditch."
Rose rolled her eyes "Well then you should think again, Dad. I love Quidditch."
"What about you Potters?" Fred asked jokingly and they all beamed, even Al forgot his anxiousness. "I'm a Seeker of course!" James said puffing out his chest importantly. Everyone sniggered when Louis said in a stage-whisper "Yeah of course he's just the right size-scrawny git." James went as red as his and the maternal side if his families hair. Lily said brightly, "I like to play Seeker to." They grinned at her.
"And I am a Chaser." Al said smiling widely. Ginny looked at him excitedly, "Really?" she asked. Al nodded "I love it." he said sincerely and Ginny beamed. "Yeah he's really good at it to" James said, "but he has to be then doesn't he with you as our mum."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ginny asked tilting her head to the side. "I'm not that good." Probably at some inside joke the kids from the future started to laugh softly. "Can we tell her since they're just gonna have their minds erased anyway?" asked James. Teddy exchaged a look with Victoire then said "Sure go ahead."
James opened his mouth but Al beat him to it, "Well right after you graduated Hogwarts you became starting Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies." The people from the past were shocked. "And you stayed in that position for six years until James had to come along and ruin it for you." He said these last few words jokingly and James stuck his tongue out at him.
Nobody but her mother and father heard Ginny when she whispered to herself as though in a dream, "I'm married to Harry, have three adorable kids, and was starting Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies for six years. Is the future heaven?"
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