Chapter 6 - What are we?

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Xavier's POV

I kissed Wednesday Addams last night. It was just how i imagined. But what confused me was the vision she got after. She told me it was a good vision of us? Every vision she has told me about was either someone going to get killed or someone killing.

I walked downstairs to have breakfast and since it was early no one was awake. I figured I would use this time to use the painting room 'thing' set up for me. I figured I would paint me and Wednesday dancing last night. I took my time with this painting perfecting every detail. Painting Wednesday's pigtails and the smile on my face. Unlike my most recent paintings this one had colour, it wasn't bright since it was set in the Addam's household but it had the perfect tones of colour throughout.
By the time I had finished most of it, it was time for noon.

Wednesday POV


I woke up the next day around 10 am, I figured I would walk downstairs to get myself breakfast and found my mother and father dancing to jazz tunes in the ballroom. I smirked as it reminded me of last night, but more gross, since my Mother and Father couldn't keep their hands off each other.

I went to go find Xavier, I figured we should talk about last night. Ever since the vision I had when we kissed I realised I could trust Xavier, he won't hurt me like Tyler did. When I found Xavier at 11 he seemed to be painting in the art room, he hadn't noticed me but I could see a glimpse of his artwork. It seemed to be two people, as I tried to get a closer look I think he heard me, so I turned around and hid in the music room next to him.
I figured I would play my cello for a bit till lunch.

By the time I finished practicing it was lunchtime. I went downstairs and saw Xavier making himself lunch. If I don't confront him now I may never. Enid told me to step out of my comfort zone and actually communicate with him.
"Hello Xavier." I said behind him.

He turned around a bit startled, he had a clean shirt on, he must of changed after painting.
"Oh hi, Wednesday." He smiled at me. "Want me to make you one?" He asked showing me his salad.

"If you insist."

I sat on the bench, I didn't mind the awkward silence, if anything I quite enjoyed it.



He was hesitant. "What are we?."

That caught me off guard. I didn't think this question would come up that quickly.

"I don't know, all I know is that i'm not ready for a relationship after Tyler."

"What? So all because you fell for a bad guy that makes me one too?" Xavier was upset.

"We kissed yesterday, don't turn it into something it isn't." I replied harshly. I regretted it instantly but i'm not one to apologise.

"Your right, I won't, stupid of me to think you cared." Xavier walked out of the kitchen leaving me to ponder my thoughts. Why am I like this?

3 hours later

I was texting Enid. Telling her what I said.

Wednesday why would
you say that? You obviously
hurt his feelings!

I don't know. He asked me
what we 'are'. We kissed

last night twice. That doesn't make
us anything.

Yes it does Wednesday! You
obviously like him. Just go
apologise omfg

I don't even want to know what omfg means. But Enid was right, even though she rarely is. So here I am at Xavier's door, scared to knock. But I raised my hand and hit the door two time.

"Coming!" I hear him say.
He opens the door, "Oh, it's you. Have I misunderstood something else?." I could tell he was being sarcastic but it still stung.

"I'm, I'm sorry. What I said wasn't right. I have messed up with you, falsely accusing you for murder, putting you in jail, kissing you then telling you it meant nothing.... when it did." I'm surprised what is coming out of my mouth. I did mean it but I never open up.

I see him smile, like he's been waiting for this. Then he did something so scary I didn't know how to react.
He hugged me.
I didn't know how to react, when Enid hugged me I was the same, after a few seconds I found myself hugging back. It was nice, surprisingly, being in his embrace. But i wouldn't make a habit of it. Yet.

"We don't have to move fast, I know what Tyler did to you. But i promise I won't do the same." He had his hand on my cheek like the first time he kissed me.

"Thank you." That's all i managed to get out. I'm not one for physical touch, but with Xavier it was different, it was a new feeling. Almost like comfort.
He let go and I felt like something was missing.

"Come on, let's go for a walk I wanna show you something." He guided me to the painting room.
"I thought you might like this for your room, since it's too big for me to take home, and I think I have enough artwork at home."

It was us dancing in the ballroom last night. He put his hand up and made us twirl around the painting, before it stopped the two characters kissed.
It brought a smile to my lips, though it was small I could tell Xavier appreciated it.
My mouth is going to hurt from smiling this much.

"It's beautiful, thank you Xavier."

"I'm glad you like it, how's your novel coming along anyway?"

"I'm on my second one, it's related to my stalker, after you gave me my phone, they sent me photos of me." I pulled out my phone showing him.

"That's creepy Wednesday, shouldn't you show your parents or the police?." He replied with a hint of fear in his voice.

"What happened last time I did that?." Raising my eyebrows.

"Your right, maybe we shouldn't."

"It's fine, they seemed to stop after I came back home, it is something I will deal with at nevermore."

"If you say so."

We sat there just talking, nothing special. Xavier told me embarrassing stories about nevermore before I came and I told him about the 5 schools I went to before nevermore. By the time we finished it was time to get ready for dinner.

We walked to our rooms, saying our goodbyes. Xavier turned around to walk into his room but I found my hand grabbing his wrist. I swear we've been here before. I pulled him in and gave him a short kiss.
"Goodnight Xavier." I smirked.

He laughed replying "Goodnight Wednesday."

Enid is going to be so shocked when she finds out about this.

Very long chapter jeez!

Thanks for the favourites guys I really appreciate it.


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