Chapter 32 - Hey

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Wednesday's POV


"Please wake up." I whispered as tears started to gather in my eyes.
I looked out the window, as I tried to remain calm.

I felt a squeeze in my hand. I looked back at Xavier and saw his eyes fluttering open.
I smiled and moved closer to him holding his hand tighter.
"Hey." He said smiling at me.
I rested my palm on his face and kissed him. Smiling.
"Your awake." I smiled kissing him again.
"Woah, how long was I out?" He asked.
"3 days." I said still holding on to his hand.

"That's why I feel so shit." He laughs.

The nurse comes in and checks that he is alright. I wait outside texting Enid and Ajax he is awake.
The nurse exits saying I can go back in. I walk inside and sit down next to him with him sitting up in the bed.
"Bet it was a rough 3 days huh." He smiles at me grabbing my hand.
"Shut up." I say smirking trying to avoid his eyes.
"What have I missed?" He asked.
"I killed Judas." I replied meeting his eyes.
"Oh, that's not surprising, she deserved it."

"And Uncle Fester is holding a ball for parents weekend." I said. "I even got a dress since Enid wouldn't stop bugging me about it."
He smiled at me and moved over on his bed. He patted next to him. "Come sit."
So I sat next to him as he put his arms around me.
I smiled feeling a wave of my emotions come back to me.

"Do you want to go to the ball with me." I speak up looking at him.
"No hesitation this time?" He asks looking down at me, referring to last time I asked him to the dance. Which didn't really work out.
"No hesitation." I replied as we shared a kiss.

Later that day Enid and Ajax came to visit Xavier. Ajax hugging Xavier as well as Enid after, both excited to see him alive.
"I missed you Xavier. The dorm was empty." Ajax said.
"Well, I'm moving back in." Xavier spoke as him and Ajax laughed.
"Now your awake, just in time for the ball!" Enid smiled as Ajax wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"I guess I am." Xavier smiled looking at me. I looked away blushing.

The next day I woke up to find that it's parents day.
I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed in my uniform to greet my parents.
I walked to Xavier's dorm to see if he had arrived yet. I knocked and the door opened. It was Xavier in his uniform.
The medicine seemed to work as he seemed normal except a faint scar on his neck.

"Hey." He smiles at me.
"Hello. Is your dad coming today?" I asked him.
"Uhh nope, just got the text." He smiled awkwardly showing the phone in his hand then putting it in his pocket.
I grabbed his hand and dragged him out his dorm.
"Then you can be apart of my family today." I spoke not wanting him to leave my side after what happened last time. He laughed kissing my cheek and walking with me.
We held hands as we walked to the entrance of the school.

I saw my car pull up. My Mother exited followed by my Father and Brother. She came towards me and Xavier seeing how hands together.
"Darling! How great it is to see you." Mother said kissing me on the forehead. This action made me let go of Xavier's hand as I went to greet my Father. "Hello Mother, Hello Father." I said. "I hope you don't mind if Xavier joins us. His Father didn't show up." I stated waiting for their answer.

"Of course not darling! Something tells me he will be apart of the family very soon." She smiles at us making me roll my eyes.
Xavier greets my Father and Mother and begins talking with them as I greet my Brother.

"Hello Pugsley." I said walking up to him.
"Hello Wednesday, I've missed you." He smiles at me.
Our discussion is cut short as Uncle Fester runs out greeting us.

"BROTHER!" Uncle Fester smiled as he tackles Father to the ground. They fight each other an then get up greeting each other with a hug.
"I can't believe your our principal!" Mother says kissing him on the cheek.
"What can I say, I'm a inspiration to the kids." He smiles.
I whisper to Xavier. "If the inspiration is Identity theft." Making him try to hide his laugh.

We walk into the courtyard and stand around waiting for Uncle Fester to do his speech. My hand not leaving Xavier's. I feel my mother's eyes on us but I ignore her gaze.
Uncle Fester stands up on the stage.
"Hello parents. I'm principal Alexander. I hope you like the activities we have planned. You can hang out with courtyard all you want as well. But most importantly don't forget the ball on tomorrow night!" He says excitedly waving his hands around like a maniac. A happy maniac. Which is what he is really.

My family goes to sit down at a bench.
"So Xavier, when did you wake up?" Mother asks looking at him.
"Yesterday actually. But I feel fine." He explains.
"Well we have to excuse Uncle Fester's behaviour, he does have a type. His last wife was also a serial killer." Father said proudly.
"Yeah, I've heard." Xavier smiles.
"Do you still paint?" Pugsley asks.
"Uhh yeah. I have a art shed on the grounds." He says.

I make eye contact with Enid over the courtyard and see her waving me over.
"If you must excuse me. I have to go talk to Enid." I say standing up.

I leave Xavier talking to my family and walk over to Enid.
"I had to escape that hell hole!" She said standing next to me.
"Same. Xavier and my family are actually getting alone." I said rolling my eyes.

"Maybe he's asking for your hand in marriage." She laughs making me widen my eyes.
As I look over to the family I see Xavier talking to my parents. Of course he isn't asking that, I'm overthinking.

"Don't be silly, there probably talking about his father." I replied.
"Well, I am going to introduce myself to Ajax's parents later. After all we are 'soulmates'. She smiled. It reminded me of the night she realised me and Xavier had intercourse.
"Wait.. you and Ajax." I asked.
"Yep!" She smiled proudly.

"Soo, are you excited about the ball." She asked as we walked around.
"I wouldn't cal it excitement, more disgust." I said.
"Come on, the dance was bad but now your going with Xavier and there won't be blood everywhere. I hope." She replied doubtful about the last bit.
"I guess." I replied.

We went out seperate ways as Enid went to greet Ajax's family and I went back to mine.
I sat back down and saw my family laughing with Xavier and Uncle Fester.
"Oh Wednesday. We were just talking about how you and Xavier are going with school work." Mother spoke.
"I'm doing fine mother." I replied.
"Hey, be more proud than that. You are top of your classes for everything. Not to mention bets fencer." Uncle Fester spoke.
"We're just glad Wednesday found friends at nevermore." Father spoke.
"Just like when me and Tish were here, to come back and re live those memories." Father spoke grabbing my mother's hand.

Me and Uncle Fester shared a look. Him telling me with his eyes to escape while I can. I grabbed Xavier's hand and quickly walked away.
"Your family seems to like me, it's good they like my father." Xavier spoke.
"Yeah well, just be glad you don't see them everyday." I reply. Xavier's eyes softened.
"I don't really see my Father ever, you should realise how good your family is." He replied softly.
I felt bad not realising I upset him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." I looked up at him. "You have me now." I said.
He smiled at put his hand around my shoulder as we continued walking.
"That's all I need." He smiled down at me.

Next chapter is the ball!!

Then I might do the epilogue :(


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