Chapter 11 - I'm sorry

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Wednesday POV

It's been a week since Xavier asked me to be his girlfriend, and I agreed. But I've been keeping my distance, shutting off my phone after replying to his texts with a short ok or yes/no. It's not like I've lost feelings for him. It's because I've been having visions in my dreams. Of Tyler, saying no one could love a monster like me and that Xavier is using me to get back at me for putting him in jail.

Every night I wake up in a sweat and distress, it's like a personal reminder that I have to ignore Xavier or I could mess everything up. Sometimes Enid will comfort me if she is awake, but I can't help but overthink everything.
I don't know why I think like this, is there something wrong with me?

So here I am sitting in class scrolling through all the photos and messages my stalker has sent me in the past week. Photos of me walking through the school, texts saying how no boyfriend can save me. This is partially the reason I have been avoided Xavier, what if something happens to him? I do care about him I just can't show him.

Someone taps my should, Xavier.
"You okay Nes?" He says acting like I haven't ignored him for a week, though I can see the hurt in his eyes.
"Yes. I am." I reply back sharply turning to face the front of class.
"Oh." I hear him whisper under his breath. Though I act like I didn't hear it.

It's now nighttime, I've finished writing more of my novel. It's about Viper, she meets a boy Robert and they have a confusing relationship. Viper doesn't need a man but she can't seem to stay away from Robert, as she try's to solve the mystery behind her stalker, her and Robert grow stronger.
If you point out the similarities I will stab your eyeballs out.

Enid sends me a text saying she and Ajax are sleeping in his dorm tonight, something about a movie night?
So I go to sleep.

I'm here in town, in front of Crackstone's statue. I turn around to find the streets empty.
Then out of my eye I see Tyler walking towards me.

"Hello, Wednesday." He speaks, smirking at me.

Then I turn around to see Laura Crackstone or 'Mrs Thornhill" walking next to Tyler.

"Your worthless Wednesday, you think Xavier really loves you. He's using you, like I did." He spits at me.

"No, he does, he cares about me." I speak to him, though my voice breaks.

"Really Wednesday? Ask him." Thornhill speaks point behind me.
I see Xavier staring at me, with disgust like he can't stand my presence.
"You seriously think I like you. Your disgusting, everything you do ruins everyone else. You use people Wednesday, now it's time we get you back."

I turn around to see Tyler turning into the hyde. His claws swipe at me and then-

I wake up in a sweat. Tears are stained down my face. I get up and start sobbing, I've never shown weakness like this. Crying? Why am I so emotional lately? I get up and sit on the window like I did the night Enid left me. I calm myself down but tears are still streaming down my face.

I hear a knock on the window, I jump away a little bit. I see a familiar figure, it's Xavier. I try to wipe my tears but you could tell I was crying.

"Wednesday, can we please talk?" He asks knocking again.
He opens the window seeing me, he sees my face and runs climbs in quickly sitting next to me.
"What's wrong Nes?" He asks in a soft voice.

I can't help it, why is he so nice to me but i'm so cruel to him? He deserves an explanation, an apology and someone who is way better then me.
Tears start streaming down my face again.
But this time Xavier wipes them, cupping my face he asks again what's wrong.

I let my heart flow, he deserves me to open up to him and I trust him.
"I'm tired, I'm not good enough for you. I've done so many awful things to you. And I get dreams of Tyler and Ms Thornhill and you. Telling me how worthless I am and how your just using me. And I keep getting these stalker messages." I give him my phone to scroll through the messages. "They are always watching me, and every time they write how a boyfriend can't save me." I say as my voice cracks.

He is sitting next to me, processing the information I just told him. I think I said to much. Maybe I shouldn't of said anything at all.
After a silence of us looking at each other he speaks up.

"I'm not here to save you Wednesday, I'm here to love you." He looks at my face and I see him tear up.

It's like I finally realise that all those dreams were fake. Why would I believe my own doubtful self over him. Then it hit me, I love Xavier and he just told me he loves me. I can't say it back, I want to but I can't.

Now we are just sitting here looking at each other with tears in our eyes. I grab him and kiss him.

It got very heated an five minutes later we pulled apart.
"I'm sorry." I spoke up.
"Why Nes?" He looked at me.
"I've been ignoring you for a week."

"Hey listen Wednesday, I'm here for the long run. Your not getting rid of me yet." He smiled at me.

We fell asleep cuddling next to each other that night. And for the first time in a while I didn't have a nightmare.



This chapter is very full of emotions.
But drama is more fun!

I'm so excited to see how u guys feel about this chapter, especially the end.... WHICH I CHANGED BECAUSE I REGRETTED WRITING WHAT I WROTE BEFORE SORRY

Anyway! Love reading your guys comments!

Love, Katrina 💕

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