My legs ache as I stop at the place I needed to be, a place to grab a drink from the gods, coffee.
I enter the cafe order my drinks and sit down in a booth at the very back of the building, I needed space and this place is perfect.
With my cappuccino in one hand and my phone, which is in airplane mode, in my other hand so I was able to scroll through memes and enjoy my coffee, in peace.
Hours pass and I am still sitting in the cafe with several empty coffee cups littering the table, I still don't know why no one has cleared them but I really don't care.
I look at one more meme as the worst thing imaginable happens, my phone goes flat. I groan aloud and rest my head on my arms as I look around the cafe, everyone here looks boring and with nothing to do. I must leave.
I must go home and cry, that is all I can do now, for hours I have thought about what I can do about the Tucker Situation.
I could avoid him for the rest of my life, like I could change classes, eat outside and walk to school everyday.
"Tweek! Where the fuck have you been?" Someone says from behind me, I sigh and turn around expecting it to be Craig.
I was wrong, it was Jack. A pleasant sight indeed. "H-hey J-Ja-Jack," I stuttering like a motherfucker.
"Why do you have a stutter?" He inquires.
"It was a ch-childhood ti-ti-tic GAH, th-they are a-all coming ba-ba-back." I say smiling weakly.
"Oh, well half the school was looking for you, did you not get their texts or calls." He asks quite seriously.
"I di-di-didn't think GAH they c-care," I say laughing slightly.
"At least I found you, I better tell Craig," He replies pulling out his own phone.
"NO!" I yell causing Jack to jump.
"Why not? He is worried sick about you." Jack says.
"Anyone, bu-bu-but him."
"Okay, how about I take you home?" He suggests and for once in my life someone suggests an actual good idea.
"Tha-that w-w-would be f-for the be-best," I say trying my hardest not to stutter.
I accompany Jack to my house and we talked about me and Craig mostly and how much Craig means to me.
We reach my door, "D-do you wanna come in?" I ask and he nods looking agitated for some reason.
I lead him to my room, I open the door and sit on my bed he follows and sits beside me.
I put my phone on the charger before saying, "I am sorry, I have talked about myself this entire time and not once asked about you, so how are you?" I ask.
"I'm goo... hold up, you didn't stutter!" He exclaims.
"Wow, I guess I am more relaxed at the moment." I reply smiling.
"Anyway, I don't mind talking to you about you, it is quite fascinating." He says making me blush.
"No I'm not, do you still have a crush on Clyde?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Nope, I think I have moved on from brunettes and I think I like blondes now," He says smirking.
"Is that so?" I say laughing slightly, "Anyone in mind?" I ask hoping he says the person I am thinking of.
"Yeah... you." He says pushing himself onto me, I let it happen as our lips collide, he said the right person.
He holds the back of my head and messes up my hair as we explore each others mouth, I smile at him as he koves down to my neck and collar bone.
He packs at my neck and begins to suck and bite, I begin to moan, "ohhhhh, don't stop," I mutter out enjoying this further.
"Oh Craig yes..." I blurt out.
My opens wide as he stops what he was doing, he sits up and laughs, "I knew this was a mistake."
"Nononono," I say panicking.
"I have to go," He replies standing.
I grasp his arm and pull him onto the bed, "You aren't leaving me that easily," I say purring, I kiss him more passionately than earlier.
"Stop..." He says pulling apart, my body filled with lust and adrenaline I push myself onto him again with our lips moving together.
"No, I want you." I say only half lying.
I move down his body and unzip his pants, his eyes grow wide then he eases and nods at me to continue.
I oblige and take out his member, I rub it and smile at the length...
(A/N It is at this moment that I think to myself, what the frick am I doing with my life? *deep sigh*
The Next Morning
"Tweek!" My mother yells walking into my room without permission.
"No!" I shout, she looks at me and then at the half naked boy sitting on my bed.
"Sorry for interrupting," She says smiling like a person that just won the lottery.
"Please go away," I say facepalming myself for letting this happen.
"Okay you boys better get ready for school, do you want me to go to work now so you can have some fun." She laughs.
"If you don't fuck off I will never talk to you again," I say glaring at my mother as Jack laughs while putting a t-shirt over his near-perfect body.
"Okay, okay." She says still laughing.
The door closes as I feel like crying over the conversation we just had with my mom.
"She seems nice," Jack teases.
"Oh just wait, she will start making us marching t-shirts soon enough." I say as I put my usual green shirt on.
"I would love that!" He exclaims.
I snicker but my smile fades, "What are we?" I ask.
"What do you mean?"
"Like are we dating now or do you want to keep this private?" I ask.
"I don't know yet, let's just keep this between me, you and your mother," He says.
"Oh and probably now my father and all my relatives," I say.
"Why? Oh you mother would've told them," He says piecing it all together.
"Yep, welcome to my unconventional family," I say smiling at my potential new boyfriend even though he is not the person I want to be with.
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