These last couple of days were literal torture, I haven't seen Craig in so long that I feel like I am losing my mind just thinking about it, I wish he was here with me. But hey, I guess I'm just gonna have to suck it up and wait.
But waiting for me is like a swift kick straight to the balls, its painful and lingers for too long, I want a world where everyone is on my time, no more waiting for this cute af twink because it just sucks. I know that there are more important things that I could do wish for like no more world hunger or some sappy ass shit but I am my own person #LiveReal
It feels like time goes slower when you are waiting, I swear to god each time that clock ticks it goes slower and slower each second that ticks by.
"Tweek, stop staring at the fucking clock. We get it your depressed but who fucking isn't these days," Jack says clearly angry at my constant ignorance towards him and Clyde. Us three have been all staying at Jacks house to keep our lonely asses from a deeper depression. I glare at him and then back at the clock.
"Sorry for the outburst but my god, stop being so... childish, he will be home soon, you can fuck then," Jack continues shaking his head in disappointment.
"Don't be sorry, it's cute when your angry," Clyde laughs not too really paying too much attention to anything spilling out of the gaping hole in that pinch-able face.
My ears perk up at the compliment Clyde said to Jack, I look to Jack who's blushing. I snicker to myself and whisper in Jacks ear, "Ya hear that, he called you cute when your angry... isn't that just adorable," followed by more quiet laughter making Jack blush harder.
"What are two whispering about?" Clyde asks, me and Jack exchange glances and I laugh slighter aloud making Clyde even more suspicious, "Oh cmon what is it?" He persists, I shake my head and push him slightly away from us.
"The two men are talking, go play video games," I say in a stoic tone and manner that compliments Craig's way of speaking.
Clyde shoots daggers and pulls the finger at me, I happily return the gesture and return my focus back to Jack, "So you wanna fuck him?" I ask Jack causing the boy to hit me hard in the shoulder, I Yelp from the pain and move a few inches from him to prevent anymore torture.
"Craig, where are you, come takes your mans away and leave me in peace," Jack pleads looking to the sky with his hands in a praying position.
"I have a question for you Tweek, who was better in bed me or Jack?" Clyde asks, I laugh at what I originally thought was a joke but he wasn't laughing... oh he's serious.
"What are you serious? I'm not answering that," I retort with a snort, hiding my secrets in my little fort. (Brain) If I tell them I'll be taken to Court but even so I'm not that sort... of person.
"Why not, I'm curious," Clyde continues moving closer to me.
"I'm also curious, who's better me or Clyde," Jack joins in.
I look back and forth from one boy to the other and just shrug, "I literally can't remember, Craig is just too good for me to remember you both," I say with a short grin.
"Bullshit, tell us now or else we will give you the silent treatment," Clyde says.
"Fine it was... Oh would you look at the time, Craig's flight is due in soon, I've got to skedaddle," I say and instantly regretted it the millisecond it spilled from my mouth, skedaddle? I don't think I have ever said fucking skedaddle. What were you thinking Tweek, idiot.
"Don't talk shit, it's 11am and he not here till 3pm," Clyde snaps back pointing his index finger at me menacingly, well as menacingly as Clyde Donovan could be.
"How did you...?"
"Literally it's all you talked about the last couple days," Clyde retorts.
I nod and agree with a small laugh, "Oh yeah," I say with a short grin.
"So are you gonna answer the question?" Jack asks in an intrigued manner, I look at Jack and then Clyde and dart my eyes between the two. I simply shrug and then turn Clyde.
"Who would you rather have sex with me or Jack?" I ask attempting to change the subject.
"Aye, answer mind first..." Clyde pouts and I reply with only a shake of my head.
"If you must know it would be Jack, you are a hoe these days, I'd probably get AIDS from you," The brunette replies snickering at his joke, I sarcastically laugh but begin to think of all the ways I could stop the bastard from breathing.
"I've only had sex with four people you bastard," I say instead of the violent outburst I was scheming.
"Wait four? Who was the fourth?" Jack asks.
"Craig." I say confidently.
"Oh who was the first?"
"You, Jack." I reply raising an eyebrow at what is so confusing as the others have puzzled looks etched onto their faces.
"Who was the others? I am so confused," Clyde says perplexed.
"So first it was Jack and then Kenny, then you Clyde and finally Craig," I say.
"KENNY???" They both shout in complete unison, I start to laugh at the cute little moment they just shared and they look on not amused and still confused.
"When did you have sex with Kenny?" Jack asks me.
"Well I may or not of cheated on you when we were together," I say recoiling away from them in retreat.
"What the fuck, you cheated on me twice. I loved you and you fucking cheated on me twice!!!" Jack yelled, tears welling up in his eyes, I look at him and my joyful demeanour dropped and a lump formed in my throat and a pain carved itself into my heart.
I saw the tears drop from his eyes and pain stricken all over his face. Not a physical pain but a mental one, I moved towards him to comfort him but Clyde pushed me away.
"What happened to you Tweek. What the actual fuck happened. You used to be so nice and sweet but now you have turned into another Craig," Clyde says angrily.
The comment takes me back and I step back in shock, "What is wrong with Craig?" I ask kind of offended.
"What isn't wrong with Craig, he is a self-centred asshole who cares about nothing but himself and his fucking reputation. Look at what he did to you, he abandoned you and cheated on you constantly and now you did that exact same thing to Jack..."
"He didn't cheat on me."
"Are you blind, he cheated on you years before he broke up with you, he thought it was fake and it wouldn't hurt you because he is selfish," Clyde continues.
"..." I remain silent and think. I turn towards the exit and leave. Not a single thing makes me want to turn around.
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