Everyone has that place in their life where they find pure comfort, it could range from simple things like reading or playing video games and then others find comfort in breaking the rules. I currently don't feel happy where I am right now so maybe it is time for me to break away from the coils that bind me and reach for the stars.
"Why must you do this to me?" Craig asks as I drag his sweaty ass through the crowds of people that litter the halls, all of them either talking in their own tiny groups or hiding their faces in their lockers as to not make eye contact with anyone. mood. There are also the odd few that have their mouths stitched together.
"Do what? You wanted to go to class so here we are?" I reply glancing over my shoulder towards the taller one, he simply shakes his head, I stop dragging him and he stops in a huff and begins to puff aloud. It's clear my Caffeine fuelled adrenaline is too much for the other with poor metabolism, I do not envy that. If I stop moving I feel like I'm gonna pass out, unless I'm asleep because when I am not a single soul but my own would be able to drag me out of the heavenly sheets and duvet that smother me in their warmth every night.
I open the door for the raven and extend my arm out to let him through, he graciously replies with a 'thanks' I smile to myself for my manners and take a seat next to him, he quickly pecks me on the lips before getting ready for the gruelling and boring class ahead of us. A light shade of pink plagues my cheeks as my grin grows. The shuffle of a chair scrapes across the floor making me wince at the horrendous sound. Jack sits next to me after nearly making my ears bleed, he greets us both before the class begins. Craig lightly squeezes my hand and whispers in my ear, "If you get through today without ditching I will take you out for dinner, deal?"
I ponder his deal, I like the sound of it. Food and I might not fail this year, does anyone else hear a win, win?
"Done, better be somewhere nice," I reply in a hushed tone.
"Only for you," The dark-haired boy cornily replied with next to none expression in his already monotone voice.
The comment does make me smile, "You're too cute," I reply with a quick kiss on the cheek. I can see the blush in his cheeks as his hand caresses where my lips once were. I see a grin plastered onto his chiselled face which fills me with joy, I may be somewhat bored with my life but its moments like these that give my life meaning and that is something I would never change, not even for 1 Million dollars. Two million and I could be swayed.
I see a glance of jealousy shoot from the eyes of Jack, he looks away and begins to stare at the hardwood desks, Jack hasn't had the best track record with partners at this school and I am the sole perpetrator into why he doesn't get much, I may or may not have been a complete and utter slut not too long ago and Jack was my first prey. After Craig of course.
It's not like I was constantly going after different men and trying things with them it's just that I am so unbelievably attractive that people just flock to me and request that I wrap my arms around their body and attack their lips with my own. It is not my fault truly.
"Are you okay Jack?" I ask the brunette, he glances up at me with a surprised look, I didn't know what I did but he looked startled and bewildered. He begins to stumble over his words that the only thing that came out was a mangled amalgamation of vowels and consonants that made next to zero sense that even Jimmy would have a hard time unpacking that series of Latin sounding phrases.
"Sorry, but did you just have a malfunction or something?" I ask with a raised eyebrow to signal my curiosity.
"I didn't say anything," He replies trying to shove the experience under the rug like you would some crumbs. But I'm not letting him ruin my carpet with his insolence and lack of simple vacuuming knowledge.
"No, you said something but you didn't say it in English, now tell me what you were going to say before your brain seemed to lose all motor functions," I say rolling my eyes.
"It was really nothing, I'm just really tired so it's hard to string together some paragraphs and sentences," He says as a poor excuse for his muttering, I slowly nod but squint my eyes sharply to clearly convey my suspicions.
"Boys is there something you would like to add because apparently, your conversation is more important than what I have to say?" The teacher growls from the front of the room, I roll my eyes and put on a fake smile before turning to face her, "No sorry, I was just helping Jack with his new timetable," I reply in a voice I could only explain as... friendly.
"Okay but you can do that in between classes and not when I am talking," She says in a much nicer voice than before.
I begin to concentrate on the things the teacher is writing on the board under her name that I will forget within seconds of walking out of this class, she starts to write all the assessments and their criteria on the whiteboard. As my full attention is finally set on the work I feel a slight jap in my leg. I look to my left to see Craig snickering to himself.
I wait for the teacher to turn around before swinging my arm around quickly and punch the twat in the shoulder, he yelps from the sudden pain and quickly covers his mouth and sharply avoids the glaring eye contact of the teacher stood front and centre. I attempt to hide the laughter but to no avail, I lose the battle as I begin to giggle. I feel her burning stares on me but I ignore them and look over to Craig who also lets out a slight snicker.
"What happened?" She sternly asks tapping her foot impatiently, I look up to her and mutter a single phrase I got from a random movie, "You wouldn't get it..." Which isn't exactly true because all we did was hit each other and then laughed when Craig made a sound but that doesn't matter, it's the principle of the matter.
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