Ash Pov
I woke up and do my routine,Once i was done,I put on my black t-shirt,black pant and my Green Hoodie and i put up the hood so the other's can't see my face.I open my door and saw Nathalie drinking a strawberry soda while Pikachu was eating Ketchup
(Nat is Nathalie)
Nat - "Morning..."She tells me with a sleepy voice
Ash - "Morning,did the other's is awake or they are still sleeping?"
Nat - "Oh,They wake up early and are eating food and they told me that they are going to buy Burger for us"Oh okay
Ash - "Oh that's cool"I took off my hood and sit on the couch.
Ash - "Give me a soda please?"
Nat - "When did i became your butler all the sudden?"She said angerily
Ash - "Come on please?Pretty please?"
Nat - "Ok,fine!"She then give me a cold grape soda and i heard the door was unlocking so i quickly put my hood and just doing nothing...
Steven - "Yo,I bought back burgers!"
Nat - "Yay!I'm hungry!"Nathalie said happily...Why does she had to be such a kid.
---5 Days Pass---
The Pokemon Tournament was now going to starting soon at Undella Town,I was wearing my usual cloth's and still had to wear my hood up since that i survived that Steven,Diantha and Cynthia din't know that i was Ash all alone,And yes they did tell me to take off my hood...It happen 2 days ago.
---2 Days Ago---
I was training my Pokemon including Mew,Articuno and Suicune,Then i saw Cynthia telling me something that kinda hurts me alot
Cynthia - "Hey Red?Can you please take off your hood off?It's been bothering Me,Steven and Diantha that you won't let us see your face"That's where i froze thinking what the hell should i do?
Red - "...I...I can't let you all see my true idenity,sorry but i had something to do..."I walked the vila and saw Cynthia calling my name
I rush to my room and took off my hood and fall in the floor,Nathalie was in room that she start panicking while calling my nickname
Nat - "Oh my god!Red!Red!Red you alright!"Her voice was full if worried
Ash - " Yeah,I'm alright...Just tired..."I got up and lie on my bed and drift off to sleep.
---Back to Reality---
I was at the Tournament and saw Mr.Goodshow making a speech
Mr.Goodshow - "Ehem!I am so happy that this year has alot of Trainer's around the world to competing this Tournament,Now whoever wins this Tournament gets to challage the Champion's one by one and now!Let the Tournament BEGIN!"People were cheering and the screen pop up and show that I was going to fight Iris.
I was outside to find a field to send out my Pokamon,After a while i finally found a field that is very big and i send out Hydreigon,Articuno and Garchomp out
Ash - "Alright!Guys our first battle is Iris and i am planning to use three of you so...Let's get started!"They roar with excited and began to train.
I was at the right side while Iris is at the left side.
Reefer - "This is a three on three Pokemon Battle between Iris from Dargon Village and Red Satoshi from Mt.Sliver,Both Trainers are not allowed to switch Pokemon and Mega Evolve is allowed,Now Batttle Begin!"
Iris - "Excildrill come on out!"
Ash - "Go,Hydreigon!"
Both Excildrill and Hydreigon were send out and i saw her nervous consider that i just beat the crap out of Max's Pokemon
Iris - "Excildrill used Dig then Metal Claw!"Excildrill dug underground and came out to strike Hydreigon with Metal Claw until it fallen for my trap
Red - "Used Flamethrower!"Since that Excildrill were close to Hydreigon,Hydreigon send a Flamethrower and making Excildrill instant K.O.
Reefer - "Excildrill is unable to battle,Hydreigon wins trainer's chose your next Pokemon!"
Iris - "Come back Excildrill!Go Dragonite!"
Red - "Let's go Garchomp!"
Reefer - "Battle Begin!"Iris waste no time and call out a move
Iris - "Used Ice Beam!"Dragonite fired a Ice Beam at Garchomp
Red - "Used Dig!"Garchomp dug underground and avoiding that Ice Beam
Red - "Rap it up with Dragon Rush!"Garchomp then appear at Dragonite behind and finish Dragonite with Dragon Rush which deals...Instant K.O.
Reefer - "Dragonite is unable to battle!Garchomp wins,Trainer chose your last Pokemon!"
Iris - "Grrrr...Haxorous win this!"So her Axew evolve huh?
Red - "Return Garchomp you did good and now Iris,I may say that you will not win because im too strong and for me to let you give you a advise"
Iris - "Huh?What do you mean..."
Red - "This is a Ice Type Pokemon on my hand and your Haxorous doens't stand agaist a Ice Type Pokemon,So you are done now..."
Red - "I choose the Legendary Bird!Articuno!"I toss the Pokaball and Articuno appear,Articuno send out a cry and the entire Tournament was shocked and surprised that i had a Legendary Pomemon with me,Excpet Cynthia,Steven and Diantha because they already knew that i have 3 Legendary Pokemon
Reefer - "B-Battle B-B-Begin!"
Iris - "Uhh...Haxorous Giga Impact!"
Red - "Tsk tsk tsk,Articuno used Ice Beam..."Articuno nodded and unleash a Ice Beam at Haxorous making Haxorous fainted
Reefer - "Haxorous is unable to battle,Aticuno wins which means Red is the winner!
I hop on my Articuno and i told him to fly to a place for me to rest and we flew
Cynthia Pov
I was waiting for Red to come back,It's already 21:08 and he still not back
Steven - "Hey Cynthia?Maybe we should look for him"
Diantha - "Of course we have to look for him"
Cynthia - "Okay,Let's go find Red"And we close the door and began to find Ash.
We were nearly going to back until i saw Red at the beach and i notice he doesn't have his hood on.
Cynthia - "Hey guys?I think i found Red"Steven and Diantha looked at me
Steven/Diantha - "Where?"Then i pointed at Red and we run at Red
Cynthia - "Hey Red!"But then when he turn around and my eyes widen...The boy i love...The boy i thought who was dead...there stood Ash.
Ash - "C-Cynthia?!Is not like what you all saw!"I ran toward at Ash and hugged him while sobbing at his shoulder
3rd Pov
Cynthia was crying at Ash shoulder while Steven and Diantha had a little tears at their eyes because they see their long lost friend appear infront of them
Ash - "...Cynth,I'm sorry...I didn't thought that you actually care for me that much..."
Cynthia - "WHY THE HELL YOU SAID THAT?!?!?!I CARE FOR YOU WHEN YOU SAVED ME BACK THEN!!!!!!"Ash eyes widen when he nearly forgot about the time where Ash saved Cynthia when they were younger.
Cynthia was running away from the swarp of Beedrill because she got lost,She continue to run until she tripped at a rock and she looking at the Beedrill looking at her furiously,The Beedrill used Posion Stings at Cynthia and she thought she was going to die but then someone appear in front of her and took the hit instead of her,The boy then scream at the pain and fall on the ground
Oak - "Pidgeot used Wing Attack!"A Pidgeot then hit two of the Beedrill and the swarp ran away
Oak - "Ash!Are you alright?!"
Ash - "Yeah,Professor Oak i'm f-AHH!!"Ash then collasp
3 hours later
Ash woke up and saw that he was at a hospital bed
Cynthia - "Hey,thank you for saving"
Ash - " Uhh dont worry,I'm Ash by the way!"Ash took out his hand
Cynthia - "I'm Cynthia"They both shake hand and became best friend form that day
Ash - "Heh,Well might as well tell you guys where have i been"After a long conversation,Cynthia,Steven and Diantha hugged Ash and Ash return the hug as well they went asleep until
Cynthia - "Hey Ash?"Cynthia said nervously
Ash - "Yeah?"
Cynthia - "I-i-it's it okay i-if i sleep with y-you?"This made Ash blush and Cynthia din't notice that Ash was blushing that Ash has a crush on Cynthia
Ash - "U-umm,Sure why not"They went into his room and they both ly on his bed
Cynthia - "Goodnight,Ash"
Ash - "Night,Cynth"And they both went to sleep.
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