Chapter 14:Charizard VS Mewtwo

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(Play music atop and make sure resd the story slowly kay?)

3rd Pov

Ash - "Alright Charizard,Do whever you want"Charizard nodded as he bent down

Mewtwo - "Here he come..."All the sudden Charizard rush at Mewtwo with godly speed as he got behind Mewtwo stopping his speed by putting his claws on the ground

Charizard jump and his right fist glow light blue,Then he punch at Mewtwo breaking the entire field making rocks flotting due to Charizard's Power then Charizard grab Mewtwo head on the ground and he rush around.Then he toss up Mewtwo and he send out Blue Blast Burn which hit Mewtwo a little and Charizard use Double Team and he began charging a Massive Focus Blast(Lol),Once it was done he do a epic toss which created a large smoke to the field

Once the smoke was done Charizard got back to his spot by putting his claw on the ground again

Charizard - "Both Humans and Pokemon will have freedom!Having a battle was a mistake...."Then Charizard hear a chuckkle which surprised him

Mewtwo - "Your word don't work one me although,You are piwerful actually..."Mewtwo then got out of smoke and his fist glow white which was Dynamic Punch

Mewtwo - "BUT.I.AM.MORE!"

Charizard - "I'll have to-"Then a large impact hit Charizard which send to a barrier cause Physhic Pokemon were now creating a barrier because both Pokemon have a ridicolous power

Charizard - "Aww,Now that suck man..."Charizard rush at Mewtwo with both of his fists turn fire which the move was Fire Punch

Mewtwo - "Element Punches eh?"Mewtwo fists turn into a light blue which was Ice Punch

Both Pokemon collied each other and repeatly exchance punch after punch,It seems it's been 10 minutes that they have been exchanging punches.Mewtwo stop his punch and jump at the air then he charge up a Giga Impact while Charizard began forming a Dragon Rush then they run at each other and both move collied,Charizard and Mewtwo was struggling to hit them but Charizard used full power which hit Mewtwo and send him fluing to the barrier that Psychic Pokemon made

Mewtwo - "Heh...You are strong...Stronger than any Pokemon i ever face...Maybe you are a worthy opponent after all..."Mewtwo then form a Aura Sphere bit this time he turn the Sphere into two Sworlds and rush at Charizard

Charizard - "Ur not the only one who can do dat,Bruh"Charizard then use his 90% of his power and he charge up Fire Punch but it turn to a Blue Flame Sworld and he also rush at Mewtwo then both Form-Sworld collied...After colied and collied,Both Pokemon were badly bruish and were panting badly

Mewtwo then used Extremespeed and Charizard close his eyes and began finding Mewtwo,He then open his eyes and a Blue Fire Dragon Head appear and it open it's mouth and shot out a large Blue Flamethrower then the head disspear

Charizard - "Aww Sheesh,Where's dat dude?"Then Mewtwo appear behind Charizard while Charizard had a confused face and said "Huh?" and then two aura-knife appear near Charizard

Mewtwo - "You are not the only one,With the fancy toy"Just as the knife were about to stab Charizard,He back-filp and spawn a Blue Fire Bone and he back-flip again then spawn a orher bone at Mewtwo who destroyed with Brick Break

Charizard - "Now dis is what i call a Fight!"

Mewtwo  - "Hehe,I'll make you regret this word"Then they move far away and Charizard send out tons of Blue Fire Bone while Mewtwo send out tons of Aura-Knife then it collied

----With Cynthia and Co----

All the Elite Fours and Champions and Ash's friends  were shocked to see the power of both Charizard and Mewtwo that right now the entire field were completly destroyed and rocks were floting not because of Mewtwo's power but it was actually Charizard's Power that the rocks were floting

Flint - "...Holy...S**t...*

Lance - "...I think that if we faced him we would probely lost easy..."All of them nodded

Paul - 'Ash what the hell were you doing those years?!'Paul was shocked on the outside while he was sreaming in the inside

Alain - '...Thank god din't betray him or otherwise i'll be damned...'

Gary - 'Fuzz this crap i'm out...!'Gary began slamming the wall

While Cynthia had a determined eyes at Ash

Cynthia  - 'That's it Ash!Win this!Woooohoo Win this Charizard!'

----On the BattleField----

(Okay lads,This sceane is going to look like the one in Pokemon Orgin where Mega Charizard X defeated Mewtwo oh and also,Stopped the music and let your head play the sound where Charizard Mega Evolve in Pokemon Orgin)

Both Pokemon nearly fall uncounsious due to their long battle and they only have a few energy left before pass out

Mewtwo - "GRRR!LET'S END THIS PUNK!!!!"Mewtwo then used Swift and it hit Chatizard and he was blocking it

Ash - "Used Flame Charge!"Charizard body turn into Blue Fire and he began chasing Mewtwo who was trying to avoid Flame Charge but he was completly caught of guard as Charizard hit him on his back

Ash - "Now Dragon Claw!"Charizard claws glow Light Blue as he and Mewtwo was using Brick Break rhen Ash look at Charizard back then a Charmander and using Scratch

Ash - '...Charmander,You have grown stronger now...'Then Ash took a step

Ash - "It's time to finish this NOW!!Charizard,ONE LAST MEGA PUNCH!!!!"Charizard then jump and his right fist glow white

Charizard - "IT'S OVER!!!!!"He roar as he punch Mewtwo guts really hard as he was swnd to the barrier and he reverte back to his Normal Form which now he was fainted

And now?Silence

Charizard reverte back to his original form and fall on his knees then Ash rush at Charizard

Ash - "We beat Mewtwo!!!"Charizard turn around and he got up and ean at Ash then they both hugged(The sceane where Red and Charizard catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Orgin)

Then the crowd burst out a huge cheering then yelled out "ASH' or "HERO" and Giovonni return Meqtwo as he was about to leave thw Tournament he was stopped by Ten-Elite Police then he was swnd to prison.This made the crowd cheer louder

Ash - "Well...This was fun...i guess..."Both of them collapse and stare at the sky

Charizard - "...Yeah...It was fun i guess..."Then they burst out laughing dor their joke

Ash - "You are one strong Charizard"

Charizard - "Thanks,Ash"

(Annnnd done!Srry for not uploading cuz i was bored to type so here i am!I'm not Lazy okay!Maybe a little...Anyways hope to see ya'll in the next Chapter,Byeee!"

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