Chapter 10:Get Rekt

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3rd Pov

Ash was at the Stadium waiting for his tritor,Brock to show up and he was here

Brock - "Ready to lose Ketchum?!"And Ash kept silent

Reefer - "This is the battle between Ash from Pallet Town and Btock feom Pewter City,Now Battle Begin!"

Brock - "Golem destroy that crub!"

Ash - "Go Infernape!"

Brock - "Golem used Earthquake!"Golem stomp at the ground creating a Earthquake

Ash - "Jump and used Flare Blitz!"Infernape jump up and he used Flare Blitz at Golem and once the dudt clear Golem was fainted

Reefer - "Golem is unable to battle!Infernape wins!"Brock return Golem without saying thank you

Brock - "Crobat win this!"

Ash - "Alright,Infernape return!Sceptile Go!"Ash send out the Forest Pokemon to the field

Brock - "Used Air Alash!"Crobat then send out a Air Slash at Sceptile

Ash - "Used Leaf Storm!"Sceptile unleash a large Leaf Storm and it hit Crobat making it faint

Brock - "(SENSORED),Go Steelix!"

Ash - "Sreaw this,Go Charizard!"

Brock - "Used Stone Edge!!"Steelix shot out a sharp stones at Charizard

Ash - "Now,Mega Evolve!"Ash touch his Key Stone and Charizard's Mega Stone start to glow and once the golw stopped there stood,Mega Charizard X

Ash - "Used Dragon Claw!"Ash said and Charizard X claws glow light green and he destroyed that Stone Edge and it hit Steelix like a ninga and Steelix falls down with swirl on his eyes

Brock - "#%$#!!LUDICOLO USED HYDRO PUMP!!"Brock send out Ludicolo and it used Hydro Pump at Charizard X

Ash - "Used Thunderpunch..."Charizard X avoid the Hydro Pump and his right arm start craking electric and hit Ludicolo

Brock - "Return you useless piece of #$$#,Go Fortress!!"

Ash - "(Sigh)Used Fire Punch..."Charizard X fist flare up and punch Fortress making it fainted

Brork WAHT TEH ##$$!!!!!SWAMPERT MEGA EVOVLE!!!!!!"Swampert came out of its Pokaball and began Mega Evolve and once it's done Mega Swampert appear

Ash - 'Wow,He is mad man or something'

Ash - "Just used Dragon Claw to smack him to the wall"Charizard form a Dragon Claw then run at Swampert and smack him to the wall

Charizard - 'Well...That was,FISHY"Charizard then fingergun at Ash and Ash return the fingergun

Reefer - "Swampert is unable to continue!Charizard wins which means Ash Ketchum is the winner!"Then the people cheered wildy and Ash leave the Tournament.

----With Ash----

Ash was leaning at a tree and was enjoying the air and land and he saw Cynthia with Steven and Diantha chating

Cynthia - "God,For all the times...Can Ash stop leaving us for one bit?!"Ash sweatdrop what Cynthia had said,True he did leave them alone alot actually

Ash - "I'm right here,dumey"Thry turn to see Ash leaning against a tree

Steven - "Hey Ash"The Hoean Champion said and Diantha wave her hand

Cynthia - "Alright mister,Better care for some explanation?!"

Ash - "...Fine,The reason i leave the Tournament all the times when i won...It's because i don't want a lot of reportors came to me asking a lot of questions..."

Diantha - "Well,That make sense..."They were silent until they burst out laughing until a group of people apporch them,This made Ash and his Champion Friends stop laughing and Ash growl who he saw was Misty,Brock,May,Max,Dawn,Cilen,Iris,Clemont,Bonnie,Serena,Delia and Leaf

Ash - "What do you idiots want...?"His voice was full of anger

Serena - "Ash,Come on we miss you and we got hypnosis by something,When we wake up and we were teying to find you...Come back to us and i can be your girlfriend"Ash then grew even more madder and Cynthia was fuming with also anger

Ash - "Pfft,Please don't lie to me you disgusting little crap!"He said and his Pikachu cheek were sparking electric

Ash knew that they were lying to him,They were going to bring back his friendship to kill him and take away his Pokemon so they can use it

Dawn - "Oh come on!We are sorry okay?!"

Delia  - "Ash please,Come back to your mother"Ash know the traitor was lying to him

Leaf - "Ash,Come back please?"

Ash - "Enough with that crap,I knew what you are going to do...Don't lie to me,I know that you are going to give back my friendship and then you are going to kill me so that you can take use my Pokemon...Get the hell oit of here or else i will have Articuno used Sheer Cold on you idiots"Serena then walk to Ash and Cynthia was teying to control her anger

Serena - "Ash i know you still love me back then"Ash then burst out laughing that Giratina would also laugh with Ash

Ash - "HAaHhahahaahoo,You are really a stupid idiot,Me?Loving you?Pfft,Please you piece of shet,I don't like you when we were childhood and during my adventure you were annoying and stupid as hell,Actually i like someone so i can say Piss Off"

Serena - "Ash,You are faking it,The person you love is me,I love you too"Serena then lean at Ash and ahe nearly touch her lips at Ash until she got push back by Cynthia and Ash was surprised to see Cynthia actions

Cynthia - "Listen up you bunch of crap...What Ash saying is true...Now i wanted to say this word......GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ASH!!!!HE DOESN'T NEED A BUNCH OF IDIOTS LIKE YOU!!!!HE IS NOW HAPPY WITH HIS NEW FAMILY SO I WILL BE PLEASURE TO SEND OUT MY GARCHOMP TO USED A DRAGO METEOR AT YOU ALL!!!!"Then Steven and Diantha join in and Cynthia sent out her Garchomp,Steven send out his Metagross and Diantha send out her Gardevoir.

Steven - "Get out of here before i will have Metagross used Pshycic on you fools"The Traitors din't listen and they send out their strongest Pokemon out

Ash - "...Charizard,Destroy them"Ash send out his strongest number 1 Charizard that beat his entire team

Charizard - 'Hey Ash,Who will i destroy for you?'Charizard grinned that he heard Ash calling him to destroy someone

Ash - "Them"He pointed to the traitors and Charizard was now full of excited to beat all of their Pokemon

Charizard - 'Hehe,I have been waiting a long time to do this...It will be my pleasure'

Cilen - "Pansage used Bullet Seed!"

Misty - "Gyaradoes used Hydro Pump!"

Brock - "Steelix used Stone Edge!"

May - "Blaziken used Overheat!".

Max - "Gallade used Phycho Cut!"

Dawn - "Empoleon used Hydro Canon!"

Iris - "Haxorous,Dragon Pulse!"

Clemont - "Luxray,Thunder!"

Bonnie - "Dendenne,Thunderbolt!"

Serena - "Braxin,Fire Blast!"

Delia - "Mimey used Moonblast!"

Leaf - "Venesaur used Solarbeam!"

They shouted and the move combine and were very strong

Ash - "Charizard...Show them your Mega Punch!"Charizard roar and he fly toward at the Beam

Charizard - "I WILL MAKE YOU ALL PAY FOR BETRAYING ASH!!!!ONE PUNCH!!!!!!!!"Charizard shouted as his right fist glow light white and he punch the Beam sending it back to the traitors Pokemon and the beam hit the Pokemon sending out a massive dust and crack noise

Once the dust was done,The Traitors Pokemon were lying on the ground fainted

Ash - "Now i would suggested that you all better get the hell outta here before you will earn a Mega Punch deom Charizard again"The Traitors return their Pokemon and Charizard send out a Flamethrower at them as they run

Ash - " Well,Thanks guys"As they return their Pokemon back

Steven - "Meh,It was for nothing Ash"

Diantha - "Because we are family right Stevo?"Steven then faceplam because he was given by the name "Stevo" and he just nodded his head

Ash - "Heh well,That's all better anyways...Where is Nathalie?"The Chmpions then look at each other and have a nervous look

Ash - "......Is there somthing i'm missing....?"Ash then crack his knuckles and it was a loud crack

Steven - "...Whoops..."And they can see a fire blazing behind Ash

Cynthia - "We left her at the house because she was playing with Mew so she said that she don't want to come"Ash then check Mew's Pokeball and Mew was not there

Ash - "Well,Okay next time better warn me about this and now let's go back to the vila!"

And then they ran back to the vila happily

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