Sixth Year : Chapter 1

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Author Note : For now they story will be written as Florence's view

It was September 1st, 1976 and I was finishing getting the last few stuff I needed to bring with me to Hogwarts. I'm starting my sixth year with a change, even though my appearance has changed I'm still quite nervous what people will think of me.

I had probably the best summer I've ever had, but I'm just ready to go back to my second home and see my best friends. Even though I'm really close to the Marauders I also have other friends then them. My best friends that have been with me since 1st year is Lily, Marlene, Mary, Alice and Dorcas. We're all basically sisters except I have this feeling that Marlene and Dorcas have this sort of thing going on which I totally support.

But I'm not really sure because Sirius and Marlene became really close and started hooking up with each other. Everyone in the group were kind of iffy about it, but they soon confirmed to us that it's just friends with benefits. I was cut off from my thoughts when my mum called me "Florence sweetie it's time to go your going to be late and miss the train."

I grab my last minute stuff I needed and stuff them inside my trunk. I quickly run down the stairs with my heavy trunk, I finally make it down stairs and see my parents waiting patiently for me. "Okay I'm ready let's go" I say, my father chuckles and says "Took you long enough your mother is usually the last one to be ready." My mother grabs the newspaper that was on the table and playfully hits my father, "That is not true at all, I like taking my time to look presentable."

We all laugh, my father grabs my trunk but before we leave I ask my parents "Are we going to Apparate or use the muggle way to go to platform 9/3 quarters?" My father thinks for moments but then says, "I say why don't we use the muggle way, change it up since we always use Apparation to go to the train." We all agree to the idea and walk out of the house, we start driving to the train station. Finally we made it to the station there's only 10 more minutes before the train boards, so my parents are rushing to get through the wall. "Florence darling go in first, your mother and I will be behind you."

I nod my head at my father and run through the wall even though I've done this since 1st year, I still get this giddy feeling of how amazing magic can truly be. Soon after my parents make it through the wall, as were walking I see a few people that are still out on the platform and they start staring at me with wide eyes like they never seen me before. I automatically get offended and then I remember I look like a completely different person now before then when I had left Hogwarts.

Getting all this attention kind of made my social anxiety go through the ceiling, I admittedly started blushing and getting uncomfortable from the stares. We stopped walking and it was my time to say goodbye to my parents, I was truly going to miss them, they always loved no matter what even when I was not the prettiest. I turn around and gave my parents a huge bear hug, they do the same and squeeze me tightly. My mother looks at me tells me "Florence remember what I told you even though your appearance has might change don't ever change who you are or your true personality."

"Never change for anybody Florence, that's why you are unique because she are your true self and don't let anyone tell you anything. We love you so much Florence." Her father gives her a tight hug kisses her forehead, her mother does the same "We also expect you to write to us constantly we love you, now go on before you miss the train." Florence gives one last hug to her parents before she says goodbye and rushes inside the train.

She was ready to see her best friends that she hasn't seen all summer. They have a specific compartment where they always sat so she knew where to find them, she had to pass some Slytherins. Florence was not stereotypical about Slytherins because her father was one after all he turned out to be a very good man, husband and father.  Which this led to some arguments with James and Sirius about how they should stop stereotyping people based off their house.

But there were some specific Slytherins that made her very uncomfortable they were Evan Rosier, Rudolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange and Severus Snape. Even though she felt quite bad for Snape when the boys would prank him she didn't feel sympathy after he had called Lily a slur last year.
So when she passed by them Rabastan had something to say to her, "Is that the one and only Florence León, woww your not ugly anymore, let's see if you become a slag with this new appearance."

Of course all of the guys found it hilarious, except one of them stays quiet that's Regulus Black, Florence never really talked to him before but he seemed like a nice respectful boy that hangs out with the wrong people. With that comment Florence starts getting nervous surprising herself she says something back, "It's nice to see you too Lestrange I wonder how many girls you will get this year with this little boyish attitude and let me guess that small dick of yours... I have to be somewhere goodbye now."

Now it was their turn to stay quiet, they were all shocked because they knew Florence was never the type to stand up for herself so when she finally got the confidence to say something back they stood quiet. When she was walking away she noticed Regulus trying to hold his laugh it made her smile a bit. Finally she made it to the compartment but before she opened the door she told herself "It's okay  Florence you got this don't be nervous their your best friends." After she told herself that she opened the door and their were best friends siting down laughing.

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