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The house is looking so beautiful because of the wedding decoration and everyone is in awe as the house looking very bright and beautiful with the minimal decoration

"your house is soo pretty Ishu but why is your house decorated I heard it's your best friends wedding" Siddharth asked as he is a little confused with all the decoration "oh about that me and Aditya are very close because our families are really close through our family we became childhood friends and my parents are like his parents and his parents are like mine" Ishan explained while walking towards his mom and dad who are standing on the door waiting for them

"namaste mom and dad" Ishan said and touched his parents feet and hugged them after that "oh my baby I missed you soo much" Ishan's mother said and kissed Ishan's forehead "son come here and give me a hug as well" Ishan's father said and ruffled Ishan's hair "dad I missed you soo much" Ishan said after hugging his dad

after that everyone meet and greeted Ishan's parents and at the last was Shubman who is a little nervous about him meeting Ishan's parents because as you know he wasn't the most respectful towards them but still he went towards them and touched their feet and greeted them "hello mom and dad how are you" Shubman said it a little awkwardly but still managed to give a small awkward smile "we are fine son how are you and I hope my son is not troubling you" Ishan's father said and hugged Shubman

"no dad he is not troubling me he is a sweetheart" Shubman said and returned the hug and here Ishan blushed because of the compliment but he noticed someone on the side leaning towards the wall after realizing who is it he ran towards him and hugged him "Adiiii I missed you sooo muchhhh" Ishan said while hugging adi who retuned the hug "I missed you too Ishu" Adi while a smiled gazed over his lips because finally Ishan is here "but I'm angry at Shubman how dare he I tried to contact to so many times and he litrally refused me" Adi said and made a angry face while looking at Shubman who is talking with Ishan's parents

as all this is going on someone kept staring at Adi because he is looking so beautiful

It's Sid who kept staring at Adi after few seconds he went towards both of them "hey Ishan" Sid said trying to get both of their attention "ohh sid I forgot to introduce you both Sid this is Adi and Adi this is Sid" Ishan said introduced them both "hey Adi said forwarded his hand for handshake and Sid shook his hand while looking at him Adi also stared at him both were staring at each other but Ishan interrupted them so they could come to their sense "guyss why are you two still shacking each others hands" Ishan said and after hearing that Sid leaves Adi's hand

"Sid come here we need to find you a room" Virat called Sid who went towards Virat to get his room "and now you mister tell me how are getting married suddenly I don't remember you liking anyone" Ishan pulled Adi to the side and asked the question "my parents got his rishta and they said he is a good guy and they were really happy so I couldn't say no to the marriage so I said yes" Adi explained Ishan everything "that means you don't like him" Ishan asked with a gasp "I don't but he is a nice guy so I don't think their is any Issue" Adi said and looked at Ishan "are you sure about this Adi" Ishan questioned because he wanted to make sure Adi is ok with all this "yeah I'm and leave all this what is my wedding gift" Adi said trying to change the subject "oh it's something you will love" Ishan answered as he didn't realized that Adi did it intentionally to change the subject

After the whole day Ishan finally entered his room and saw Shubman setting the matrasses to sleep so he went towards him and back hugged him "because of me you have to sleep on the floor" Ishan said as he felt a little bad "no problem Ishu I ready to sleep in the floor if I'm sleeping with you" Shubman said and turned around to hug Ishan who returned the hug "then go and fresh up I will arrange it" Ishan said and pushed Shubman towards the bathroom who went towards the bathroom to fresh up

Next Morning

Ishan, Shubman and everyone is awake and preparing for the rituals of the wedding after all the helping Shubman is going towards the room and bumped into someone who is going to fall but he caught them by their waist on time

"hey are you ok" Shubman asked while making the young guy stand and fixed his shirt "omg handsome who are you I never saw you before" The young guy said and hugged Shubman's arm "that's not what I asked answer my question then ask your question" Shubman said and removed the hands of the young guy from his arms "omg dominating daddy you look so hot when say those demanding things" the young guy said and licked his lips and Shubman is shocked because he didn't thought he will find someone like this in a village

"you are little kid stop saying those things I'm way older than you" Shubman said trying to knock some sense on the kid "I'm not a little kid daddy I'm 18 so im legal and you don't look old you are young right daddy" the young guy asked Shubman "im not young like you i'm 28 way older than you so give me some respect" Shubman said as he though the kid will back away after hearing his age but boii he was wrong "omg dilfy dilf Daddy I like it more that you are older than me btw I'm Sam the grooms younger brother and you" Sam asked Shubman before he could say anything someone came towards Shubman and hugged his arm "Shubman Gill husband of Ishan Gill and not nice to meet you sam" Ishan said and kissed Shubman's cheeks who smiled at Ishan

*yoooo update... Ik their is not much Ishman but in next chapter you will find more Ishman and also Sam is Indian btw don't think he is American or something.. he is Indian with a firangi name and tell me did you like the update was it good or bland and you wanted Adi and Sid so you are getting Adi and Sid and should I update "Oh...No" tomorrow or after this story is finished do let me know*

Edit- *people I don't have a model for Sam if you guys want you can suggest some... Sam will be just a side character but still I want a face so if you can then suggest some model for the Sam.. if you want to send a picture you can in my Instagram because I don't think you guys can send me pictures here*

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