Villian or Hero?

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Bakugou's pov:

I was hugging and crying on him. On Dabi of all people. When I saw him I just felt like crying and he hasn't said a word since. I couldn't take the it anymore.

What suprised me the most was the fact that he actually hugged me back. I thought he would've laughed at me for crying like this. Was this a new tactic or something? How did he even know I was out here?

"Bakugou, you need to stop believing you can be a hero. You have the skill to be a villian like me. You already think like us." He said to me. "Never. I-I'm not a villian." I pushed myself out of his arms and basically growled at him. "Like I said before I'd die before I ever join you.. " I stopped mid sentence when he rolled his eyes and lifted my chin up so both of our eyes met.

He looked so serious about wanting me to join. I push his hand away and clench my fist and mumbled something under my breath as I looked away from Dabi. "What's the matter?" "Die..." I'm mumbled. "What was that princess? I need you to speak up~" I looked at him with wide eyets and I think I was blushing a bit because he started laughing.  "F-FUCK OFF DABI!" I said and his face turned from happy? To pissed?

He got closer to my face but I just backed up and I earned a smirk from Dabi. "What? Are you scared of me? That's embarrassing~"  He tries to ruffle my hair but I blasted him with my quirk and bolted out the bathroom door before slamming it. I kept a tight grip on the door as Dabi tries to break out. I let go when I see smoke and the door handle burned my hands. As soon as I let the door go of the door it swung open and all I see is Dabi ready to set the building on fire. "YOU WANNA CONTINUE PLAYING?!" he shouted at him.

I smirked and flipped him off and ended up being smacked by Dabi but I just grab his arm and threw him over my shoulder to the staircase behind me. I was full of anger and pushed Dabi down the stairs and he hit me with his quirk on imy side. Yes it hurt as hell but I watched him roll down the stairs and I let out a chuckle but immediately stopped after it turned into a laugh.

Laughing? No. No No NOOO!

Like I said, a total villian on thr in and out. You almist killed him. With your own two hands. That wasn't anyone else's doing. Only yours~

I put my hands over my ears as Ii started crying again. "I DIDN'T DO IT! IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S NOT!" I basically yelled at myself iver and over until I felt Dabi's flames from the bathroom get my arm. I backed away from the flames and tried on the rug that was on the floor. SHIT! I said to myself and fell down the stairs while closing my eyes tight. But then I was caught by something or someone warm.

I kept my eyes shut and felt myself trembling. I'm scared, I'm just scared. I can't even move! I want to see who's holding me but it wad like I was paralyzed. I felt tears fall from my eyes again. DAMNIT! ALL I DO IS CRY CRY CRY!!!

"BAKUGOU! YOU FOUND HIM!" That voice, who is it? I know it but... I can't remember. I'm a mess I can't remember a signal voice. "WATCH OUT! THE FIRE IS GETTING CLOSER!" I hear the same voice say. UGH! WHO IS IT?! TELL ME! I felt someone's hand get added to my shoulder. Comfort, he always comforts me. KIRISHIMA!

My eyes shot open and I looked to my side to see Kirishima about to pick me up. "Come one Bakugou, Let's get out of here." He said to me and nod as he picked me up. When I was off the ground I look at the person who caught me, Todoroki.

Todoroki saved me from that nasty fall. "Todoroki will follpw us out after he gets rid of the fire." Kirishima said while carrying me outside. I burried my face in hid chest and clenched on to his shirt and cried as he walks. "A-Am... A-Am I -hic- really a Villian?" I managed to ask through my sobs.

"Bakugou, your not even closd to a villian." I hear a voice behind Kirishima say. I didn't look up because I knew the voice belonged to Todoroki. I did look up when Kirishima's grip tightened. "If your a villain so am I!" He said to me. "I'd never let you become a villian without me." He says as a few of his tears hit my cheek. "I agree, if you were a villian then we'd stand right next to you." Todoroki said as Kirishima put me down so I was standing up. "Promise?" They both laughed softly and gave me a thumbs up. I smile as I closed my eyes to wipe my tears. I stopped when I felt someone wrap their arms around my shoulders. I open my eyes after hearing. "Your such a softy~" I glance back to see Dabi's disgusting face. "You really think they'll stand with you? They'd rather send you away to somewhere "safe" but basically ge-" He says as he was cut off my Todoroki "NEVER! I WILL NEVER LET HIM GO WITHOUT A FIGHT!" my eyes widened as I blushed. Without a fight? W-what if they do betray me...

Dabi has a better chance of protecting you. Todoroki and Kirishima would let you rot in an Asylum, that's what Todoroki's dad did to his mom. You think he wouldn't do the same?! HA! KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT!

YOUR WRONG! HE'D BEVER DO THAT! I yelled at the voice and bit Dabi's arm hard makong him let me go and I moved away from Dabi to in between the others. "Never." I said as Todoroki wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. "Bakugou's gonna be the best hero to send you to jail and he won't have to do it on his own anymore." Todoroki snapped at Dabi as I watched Dabi's arm bleed from where I bit him. I wipe my mouth with my hand that still had the bandana covering my cuts. Crap, if they see these they'll only be disappointed. "DABI! IT'S TIME TO GO! WE GOT THE OTHER ONE!" we all looked over to she Shiguraki with Kurogiri. Other one? which other one?! Tokoyami? Denki?! D-Deku?! Dabi nodded and left with the others as I was puzzled still...

"D-deku... they were talking about takinf Deku last time they had me." I grabbed Todoroku's hand. "We have to find him!" He nods. "Lets get you to thr cabin still so we can fix your burn." He said to me. "Fine...."

~Time skip~

When we got to the cabin I see Deku with Aizawa, I know it wasn't Toga because she was tied up in a chair. I pull myself out of Todoroki's grip and hugged Deku. "K-Kacchan? Are you okay?!" I glare at him. "Don't worry focus on me." I said and noticed a cut going down his arm. "Damn it." I said and took the bandana off and used it to wrap his arm. "Kacchan? It's just a scratch." I shook my head and I could hear people talking about me behind my back like: "He's hugging Midoriya?!" or "He might stab him in the back"

But they shut up when Kirishima and Todoroki snapped at all of them.

I look at Deku and noticed him staring at my arm so I sent him a look signaling him to stay quiet about the cuts but he just stayed quiet and I felt someone pull me into a different hug. It was Mr. Aizawa. "Don't you ever run off again." I look up at him. "Your lucky we got to you in time" I hear Kirishima say Todoroki say. I  nod. "Todoroki can you take care of his burn." Todoroki nods and takes me in to the room we were gonna share and he shut the door behind me before setting me down on my bed. I watched him get a med kit before sitting on the floor in front of me. "It'll hurt... are you ready?" He asked and I gave him the arm with the burn.

When he finished with the burn he points to my other arm. "Now let me clean the cuts." I let out what sounded like a whimper and Todoroki looked at me worried. "Please?" He asked and I gave him my other arm. "F-fine..."

After that he stood up infront of me. "Lay down, I want you to get some sleep." I shook my head and he rolled his eyes and got on the bed and laid down with me in his arms. "The doors locked no one wi see us." I blush and shook my head again. "Just trust me." He said and smiled at me. "I-I hate you." I said before barrying my face in his chest while closing my eyes while listening to him laugh slightly. "I love you too Bakugou." I blushed really hard  was to tired to yell at him.

Todoroki's pov:

I hold Bakugou close as he slowly fell asleep. "I promise I'll keep you close." I whispered in his ear.

Word Count:  1637

Hey guys just wanted to say, thanks for supporting me and reading my stuff. I know a lot happens to fast but it'll slow down soon.

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