Todoroki's pov:
I woke up in Bakugou's bed and he was still asleep, when I looked at him I noticed how close he was. He looked really comfortable in my arms and I used my quirk to keep us warm.
There was a knock at the door and a familiar voice. "Bakubro! Let's go explore with the rest of the Baku squad!" It was Kirishima. Bakugou rubbed his eye. Damit! He's waking him up! He's so adorable when he sleeps. I gently got of the bed and tucked the blankets over Bakugou before I opened the door, I stood in Kirishima's way so he couldn't see Bakugou. "Hi Todoroki! Where's Bakugou?" he asked and i put my finger over my mouth to signal him to stay quiet.
He tilts his head and looked confused. "Bakugous' asleep..." I whispered to him and he sighs. "Can you tell him we wanna hangout when he wakes up. Also! We're gonna start the first challenge soon." I nod "Thank you for the update" He shows his big sharklike smile before leaving.
I closed the door and heard a faint yawn. When I turned back Bakugou was slightly sitting up as he rubbed his eye. Damnit! I'll kill that red head for waking him! Bakugou lookes at me and he still had sleeping dust in his eyes. I walked over and sat on the floor while poking his cheeks repeatively to make him mad but he just smacks my hand away and I decide to do it again. He started growling at me and I coulr see blush. "I CAN AND WILL BITE YOUR FUCKING FINGER OFF!" He yelled while pouncing at me and landing on top of me as I laid on the ground and stared up at the mad ash blonde.
I chuckle a bit as he looked clueless as there was a faint knock at the door. "FUCK OFF WE'RE BUSY!" the door opens and Bakugou stared puzzled at the door as Mr. Aizawa walked in and he didn't looked fazed about the postion we were in. "We're starting the first challenge so come outside." he says before leaving for the next room after closing the door.
I look up at Bakugou who was still on top of me and he was red as a tomatoe, I laugh quietly but he didn't react. I think we broke him. I poke his cheek and he just blinked. "Bakugou? Are you okay?" he finally got of me and headed out the door without answering me. I think I should've waited. Did I already lose some of his trust? I'm gonna have my hands for awhile.
I got and decided to follow, when I got outside people were already out and bundled up except Bakugou who was in a tangtop and sweat pants along with his black and orange boots.
"BURR! HOW ARE YOU IN A TANGTOP!" Mina says as she rubs her arms.
"Bakubro! Did you not bring a coat?!"
"Kacchan I have extras if you want?"
I rolled my eyes I was about to cut him off when Mr. Aizawa spoke up. "He's not wrong, I want everyone to take off their costs. I will too." He yawned midsentence. I noticed someone's eye twitch as he said that but i didn't subject and I put mine inside as others did the same like Midoriya. When most of us got back Bakugou was doing pushups in the snow.
He was about to get up until Kirishima sat on his back. "GET OFF ME SHITTY HAIR!" "What can't continue with the extra weight?" Kirishima said and Bakugou literally growled as he went faster with Kirishima on him. Then Kirishima decided to use his quirk and Bakugou kept going with no problem.
I thought he was strong! But not that strong! People looked just as suprised as me. I looked at Mr. Aizawa also looked suprised but didn't show it as much as us. "Keep going Bakubro!" "SHUT IT SHITTY HAIR!" "GET OFF ME SHITTY HAIR!"
Bakugou started flipping his hand up at Kirishima, if you looked closer at Bakugou's face it was turning red as if he couldn't breathe and I think Mr. Aizawa noticed as well when he erased Kirishima's quirk and I pulled him off of Bakugou's back and everyone looked puzzled. "W-What's wrong? We were only playing." Kirishima said looking worried and confused. Bakugou was still on all four staring at the snow. I hope he's not having a panic attack. When he finally blinked he sat in the snow and Mr. Aizawa kept asking him questions. "Bakugou? Do you feel okay? Want me to call someone? Your mom perhaps?" He shook his head "I'M FINE!" He was obviously not and I know Mr. Aizawa could tell. Me and Kirishima tried to help him up but he just smacked our hands away and stood up on his own. "Geez Bakugou, why can't you trust people and stop this act. Your pushing people who can help you away." I accidentally said out loud and everyone looked at me. "What act?" Bakugou hissed his answer at me. " You know what i'm talking about. Just let us help you." He ignored what I said and brushed past me to group up with Mina and Sero. Everyone stopped staring when I sent them all a glare and they looked over at Mr. Aizawa.
Bakugou's pov:
I glanced over at Todoroki after I went to the Bakusquad. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kirishima threw his arm over my shoulder and waved a habd in front of my face. "What shitty Hair?" "I want to say sorry if I hurt you. I forgot about... you know.." He whispered in my ear. He's talking about what happened the other night with my panic attack. "This is why I grew distant." I whispered back as Mina raised and eye brow "Whatcha talking about?!" She said with a happy tone. "This Asshole was just telling me how he got so strong!" Kirishima replied. "No fair!" Kaminari said. "YEA! No private lessons without us!" Sero said to us and I roll my eyes. "I'LL DO WHAT I WANT EXTRAS! TCH!" I turned away from them and I looked at Mr. Aizawa who kept staring at me, my back, and arms. He's starting to creep me out! "CAN WE START THE CHALLENGE NOW?!" I yelled at him and some people other than the Bakusquad agreed.
We were split up into teams. On my team we have Kirishima, Sero, Uraraka, Iida, Tokoyami, Shoji, Sero, Yayarozu, and Jirou. I'm alittle happy Todoroki isn't on my team again, I'm also happy to have my bestfriend Kirishima on my team. Would I admit it? Nope. I trust him more than anyone in the world, I know for sure he wouldn't betray me. I know him to well.
I stood in the front of our group with Kirishima's arm around my shoulder again as Mr. Aizawa explains what we are doing and the rules.
"Today we're gonna do something similar to capture the flag but no quirks are allowed and you only get to fight your opponent with your hands, feet, capture tape, and the villain team gets a plastic knife. Bakugou, you are the captain of the villian team. Pick who you want to be your side captain. Midoriya you do the same on your team."
I turned my head to face Kirishima and Sero who had cocky smiles. "Of course he would pick one of us to be his underling." Sero says and Kirishima nods. "You have a better chance than I do." He said to Kirishima. "I'll take Shitty hair but you can stay with us Tape arms." They both smiled at my response.
I looked at the other team as Deku picked Tsuyu as his sidekick. I grabbed my knife and gripped it tight. I'm on the villian side again, I'm not suprised. When I fought Deku and Pink cheeks I was a villian then too. Hero? Do I even have a chance as one? I guess I'll have to prove myse- I was cut off when I noticed Todoroki staring at me with this worried look. I flipped him and some of the other team off causing Mina and Kaminari to scoff as they pretended to take it offensive.
I roll my eyes and walked back to my team. Let the game begin! I said to myself as I glared at Todoroki without turning around before I looked at my team.
End of Chapter 10
word count: 1441
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