Todoroki's Pov:
I was asleep while holding Bakugou close till I heard my door open so I opened my eyes as someone taps my shoulder. I didn't want to get up, Katsuki was snuggled up into me.
"Todoroki? Are you awake?" The person ask and I peer over my shoulder to look at them. "What do you want Midoriya?" I ask in a stern voice. He points to the door. "I want to talk to you about something without waking Kacchan up." He whispers to me.
I look at Bakugou and gebtly slide away while placing a pillow in my spot. As I stand up a floor board creeks and I pause while looking at Bakugou. All he did was burry his face into the pillow while hugging it.
Midoriya takes me into the hall. I close the door and then folded my arms. "This better be important." I tell him and he bows. "I'm sorry for disturbing your time with Kacchan, me and the squad wanted to hangout with us all together." He stands up and smiles at me.
"No." I say and he whines. "Come on Todoroki, You never habgout with us anymore!" "Shhh! Keep your voice down." He fiddles with his fingers. "My answer is still no. What if something happens and Bakugou needs me?"
Midoriya pouts "He has the BakuSquad." I narrow my eyes at him. "What if he wakes up without me and runs off again? The Lov still want him and he's still really jumpy." He looks down a bit more.
"Why do you guys even want to go so early in the morning?" I ask him and he looks at me. "Because we wanted to get back before Uraraka's dentist appointment." He informs me. "Why not go without me." He pouts more. "The squad isn't complete without you!" He whines.
If I don't say yes he'll just keep whining and wake up Bakugou along with the others. "Fine, I'll go." He was about to cheer but I shush him.
He smiles and skips off to his room. I sigh and open the door for my room and Bakugou was literally about to fall out of the bed.
I quickly skid across the floor to catch him. I prop him up a bit on my lap so I can stand up. I brush some of his hair off his face before tucking him in the bed a burrito. Just in case he falls again, it just won't hurt this time!
After securing Bakugou I got changed and headed out. I was gonna meet up with the others but I knocked on Kirishima's door. It took a few tries till he opened the door.
His hair was down and pulled back into a ponytail as he rubs his eye. "Oh, Hey Todobro." He yawns before asking "Do you need something? Is Bakugou okay." I nod. "Bakugou is fine, well for now." He lookd at me confused. "Deku wants me to hangout with the squad and I don't want to leave Bakugou without someone by his side." He nods. "I can take care of him." He says with a smile and a lot of confidence.
"I'm trusting you, Kirishima. If I find out he ran away again you will be frozen like Kaminari was last night." He folds his arms. "Like I said, I can take care of him. If he starts asking for you I'll call." I smile at this. "Thanks." He nods and pushes me to the others. "Now go have some fun!" he encourages us.
We all decide to head over to a cafe first since it was still pretty early. I volunteered to pay for everything but Yayarozu insisted she did so I let her. As we wait for our order we sit at a booth and talk.
"So Todoroki~" Uraraka says while looking at me. I look up at her, I was secretly glancing at my phone from under the table till she called on me. "Hmm?" I ask and and she smirks at me.
"So how is it?~" she asked while gaining the others attention in the process. "Hows what?" I look at her confused. "How is it being Bakugou's Teddy?" I sit back and fold my arms. "Why do you care?" I ask and Uraraka shows a photo of me and Bakugou sleeping together and I glance over at Midoriya.
"S-Sorry Todoroki, you guys looked so adorable together!" He says with a big smile. "I agree, you two were made for each other." Tsuyu announced and the others agreed including Iida.
I shake my head, "We aren't official." "Yet~" they all chime in. "And I'm not giving up." They all smile and support me."Do you know what he saod yesterday?" They shake their hrad. "What did he say?!" Uraraka ask, practically floating out of her seat.
"He said that he likes having me around~" I say with a proud look on my face. My phone starts buzzing and I look at them. "Go ahead, it's probably your lover~" Yayarozu says. I nod and was about to answer when Uraraka and Tsuyu said "Put it on speaker!"
I answered and put it on speaker. "Hello?" I ask. "Where are you?!" It was Bakugou, "I'm out with the Deku squad. Wanna say Hi?" I ask him. "No." He says and the girls including Midoriya show a hurt face. "Is everything okay?" I ask.
He takes a moment to answer but he says. "W-what time will you be b-back?" He studders as if he was affraid of being alone. "We should be home around 11." Uraraka says.
I head a light "Hmph." before he says. "If you go shopping somewhere get me some tangtops." be takes a few seconds before adding "Please...?" I smile. "Sure Babe." After I said that a wave of red flushed over my face.
Everything went silent on his side and the others on my side minus Iida were squealing.
I was about to say something but I hear Bakugou drop his phone before it hung up. I worry a bit and Uraraka laughs. "You broke him!"
"I'm just gonna call Kirishima to make sure Bakugou is okay." I say but Yayarozu took my phone. "Nope. You worry to much." I try reaching for my phone but she hands it to Iida who was farther away from me. "Come on!What if he fell down the dorm stairs whole talking to me?!" I worry more and she shakes her head.
I stand up and climb over the seat ready to leave but I stop so I didn't crash into our waiter. "Careful!" She says and I apologize. "Are you leaving already? I'm really sorry for being so slow! I'm new here." she bows and I saw tears in her eyes.
"Oh no ma'am! Your fine, he thought he left his car unlocked and forgot I locked them." Iida says while everyone scooted over for leaving me a spot to sit. I smile at her. "Yea, I was worried that my car was gonna be hijacked." I say while sitting down with a smile.
She stands up straight and smiles while handing us our order before takin off. I sigh in relief before standing up once again. "Sit, what if she sees you again." Tsuyu says.
I sit once again and focused on my order. "Hey Todoroki?" Midoriya asked I look at him. "Yes Midoriya?" he smiles. "Truth or dare." He asked and I was confused on why he was doing this now. "Um.. truth?" "Chicken!" The girls say.
"Fine, Dare." All of them smile. "I dare you to leave class alittle early tomorrow and when you see bakugou come out I want you to "Surpise" him." I fold my arms. "Why?" he pouts. "Come on! Please do it!" I groan but agree and he cheers until I say. "If" he quiets down. "If?" I nod and add. "If you do this to Kirishima as well." He giggles and says "DEAL!"
End of Chapter:
Word Count: 1342
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