Chapter 14 The Path

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I slammed my hands on my lab table in frustration no matter what I did I couldn't find out the secret behind y/n's blood. I've done every experiment I could think of and then some. I try to eat her the other day but I couldn't force myself to do it. She has some type of power that protects her from any demons hurting her.

My upper moons even seem to be under her spell. They fought over her like wild dogs fighting over food. I am no better than them as for the first time in centuries I had something I wanted to protect.

Even with the frustration of not being to conquer the sun I was happy. I turn in away from my lab table where y/n was no less than 10 feet away sleeping in her bed. I liked to keep her close when she was in her most vulnerable state.

I walked quietly on the tatami floor till I stood at the edge of the bed. The satin sheets hugged each curve of y/n's beautiful frame. As gently as a feather I reached out stroked her figure with my fingers. I felt an electrical feeling underneath my fingertips. As if her and my energy were combing together.

"What are you doing"

I looked to see that y/n was now awake. Her e/c eyes looked up at me in fear of what I would do next. My body moved on its own as I now more forcefully stroked her body. My hand moved from her arm, shoulder, and stopped at her face. I felt her tremble as I roughly gripped her face.

I lowered myself until my face was in front of y/n's now paling face. My red eyes stared into her e/c eyes they were glazing over with tears. I didn't stop as I pressed my lip onto hers. She let out a whimper but I just deepen the kiss. My whole body felt tingly something I had never felt before. When I pulled away she had tears falling down her face as she let out soft sobs.

I pulled away from her and my stomach twisted into knots. This feeling was guilt something I hadn't felt in a long time. I hated all of these new feelings that this human was making me feel.

"Get up Akaza will be here soon" I order her

I turn away from her and exit the room before I did something more. My whole body felt tingly and I knew I had to test my new theory. It took a while but with Nakime's help, she was able to find a spot that still had sunlight.

I slowly open the door only cracking enough to let in a little bit of light. Slowly I stretched my hand of touching the light. When no pain came I stuck out more of my hand. I just stared at my hand in amazement as for the first time in centuries I was able to touch the sun.

I wasn't sure how long I stood there but slowly the tingly disappear and with that my ability to be in the sun went with it. So physical intimacy with y/n was the way to conquer the sun. All this just from a kiss imagine what would happen with I had sex with her. I rushed home to find out.


My skin was still crawling from the kiss I shared with Muzan. I wanted to wash the stench of Muzan off of me but I had more important matters to deal with.

Today was the big day with the help of Akaza and Hantengu I would finally be free. I couldn't wait till I could fill the grass beneath my feet again. I waited patiently for Akaza to come and get me. I nervously twisted the sleeve of my kimono with all the thoughts of what-ifs running through my head.

What if we get caught?

What if they hurt Akaza?

What if they find me again once I escape again?

I flinch once I heard the door open. I looked to see Akaza standing in the doorway.

"let's go we don't have much time," Akaza said pulling me out of Muzan's room.

We were speed walking through the endless hallways. His grip on my wrist was soft even though I could sense his fear. My heart thumped hard inside my chest as fear ran through me. Akaza never looked at me his eye set on our destination.


A voice rang from behind us. We turn to see an angry Kokushibo behind us. He had exited out of the room he had claimed for himself. I felt a nerve-racking fear that made my body go rigged. Akaza looked surprised to see Kokushibo and I knew this was not part of the plan.

"Where are you taking her?" Kokushibo asked as he glared at Akaza's hand that was still holding onto me

"The bath on the main floor was out so I am taking her to the one on the East wing." Akaza lied

Akaza didn't show his nervousness and I knew if anyone was going to give us away then it would be me.

"Why didn't you just have Nakime replace the broken bathroom?" Kokushibo asked with a scowl on his face


"There you are Kokushibo I need your help with something"

Hantengu appeared out of nowhere cutting off Akaza.

"What did you need?" Kokushibo snapped at Hantengu

"Doma has let a human into the fortress again and it has gotten away" Hantengu

The look of anger on Kokushibo deepen even more than it had before. He gave me one last look before stomping away. Hantengu followed behind him but not before giving me a secret thumbs-up. I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched the two walk out of sight.

Akaza started to pull me again but instead of walking, we were running. We were running he knew once Kokushibo found out about our lie he would come back after us. I didn't know where in the fortress we were unlike most of the fortress this part looked old and ran down. It was dark and I stumbled many times but Akaza stopped me from falling.

It wasn't long before I started to feel tired and wanted to stop. The drugs made me weak and slow. Akaza got tired of me slowing him down so he lifted me up carrying me like a princess. His speed increased substantially making the screens blur as he ran.

He finally stopped and placed me down onto my feet. In front of me was an old screen that had holes in every piece of rice paper. Akaza open the door and I followed him into the dark dingy room. It was empty except for an old chest that sat in the far corner. I watched as he walked over and open the chest. It took my eyes a moment to see inside the chest. Inside the rotten old box was a hole not just a hole but a tunnel.

"I think this part was the original fortress before it was taken over by Nakime. This most likely was the emperor's room and this his way to escape if he ever needed to" Akaza explained

"H-how?" was the only word to leave my lips

"Hantengu found it I don't know how but we both have taken the tunnel and it does lead outside. It'll take about twenty minutes but after you'll be outside" He said

Akaza's expression became sad and he gently took my hands into his.

"Promise me y/n once you get out you won't stop running until you are no longer in Ja-." his voice cracked "Japan. Don't go back to the demon corp or you'll be found again and I won't be able to save you again."

"Come with me" I begged

My eyes burn from the tear felling up in them. Akaza whipped the tear from my face bring the tear that was on his finger to his lips.

"I can't y/n Muzan would find you easier if I was with you and I would just slow you down," Akaza said with sorrow in each word

"I am afraid to do this alone" I cried grabbing onto him hiding my face in his chest

Akaza gently pats my back whispering sweet words to calm me down. I wasn't sure how long we stood there but I would have done anything to have frozen this moment in time. He gently lifted my face before placing a kiss on my lips. This was his final goodbye we would never see each other again.

"I love you y/n"

His words were barely above a whisper as if he didn't want me to hear them.

"I love you too Akaza"

I had never felt like this before even if he was a demon I couldn't help but love him. Even if he was a killer my heart didn't care but here I was finally in love and having to leave him behind.

"Go now y/n we have already wasted enough time" Akaza order

He helped lower me into the tunnel it was a tight fit but I was able to squeeze in. Akaza gave me one last sorrowful look before closing the lid. Darkness consumed me and fright took over me. I was paralyzed by my fear stop me from moving. I pushed myself with the thoughts of those who have helped me to make my way through the tunnel. My eyes burn from my tears but I couldn't see anyways so I didn't need my sight. My skin was scrapped by jagged rocks that stuck out of the tunnel. The loose dirt clang to my exposed skin and wet face.

I kept pushing no matter how many times I was scrapped or stumbled. The end was never in sight and I started to worry that maybe there was a turn or something I had missed. Just when my claustrophobia started to get to me I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. My adrenaline pump pushed me to run out of the tunnel.

My body pushed me to run out of the tunnel. As soon as I saw grass I fell forward onto it. I rolled in the soft grass like a mad man. Once I stopped I was on my back staring into the night sky. The star and moon lit up the night sky feeling me with happiness.

Get up and run

A voice said in my head it didn't belong to me but I heard it before. I jumped up and with a new burst of energy began to run. I was in a forest that I had never seen before. If only I could find a road then I could take it to a port. The forest was large and dark but eventually, lead to a dirt road.

I followed it until it split off into three different directions. Each road would lead me to a different future but first I had to choose which one to take.







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