The Blonde Cheerleader

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Watch the trailer that I made! Don't know if I should be proud or nah but oh well.


People will doubt you and judge you because of the simplest things.

It's one of those moments when you're just minding your own damn business and people think that it's so entertaining to just talk behind you back, because you know, they have nothing else to do with their own sad and pathetic life.

But in this case, they don't even try to hide it.

I'm that girl who walks along the hallways with the terribly short skirt and those horrendous high heels that make people question why I wear them.

Why? Because I can.

It's more of a rebellion and a nice way to feed those stereotyping idiots. I'm the head cheerleader with the blonde hair and blue eyes, in context, I should be the one who bitches about everything and anything under the sun.

"There she goes again," I heard one girl mutter as I walked past by her and her friend, "She's the reason why my boyfriend broke up with me, she pulled him into bed with her."

Oh boo hoo, that same old story just goes around again and again. Mix it up a little.

I wanted to grab that girl's shoulders and tell it to her straight that it was her boyfriend that tried to hit on me, he was the one who tried to make out, and I, being extremely disgusted with him, waited for him to strip down to his underwear before I left him, waiting for somebody to start the humiliation train for him.

But in the end, he turned the word around made him look like the victim.

I neared the small group of girls wearing the same cheer uniform as me, they were all in a circle and as I got closer, I've realized they were talking about me... again.

"Clara can't even do the flip properly yesterday during practice," Vivian, my so-called best friend and co-captain, told the other members of our team, "I could do that in my sleep."

I raised a brow, before shaking my head. Of course, you could tumble around while snoring like a loud chainsaw as drool came out of your mouth.

Finally thinking that they had their fair share of fun with insulting me behind my back, I approached them and made my presence known, "Hey girls."

Like a switch was flipped between them, they all perked up and gave me all those sugary sweet greetings and smiles.

These people are full of fake crap.

"Gray Martyn coming this way," Vivian muttered, turning her attention to the approaching hallway.

The girls visibly swooned at the sight of the bad boy. Smirking at him, I flipped my hair over my shoulder and played the flirty mode on.

If there was one guy that I would like to have, it was Gray Martyn.

He was absolute perfection, from those chocolate brown eyes to that amazingly soft brunette hair.

He was like a trophy that would be amazing on my shelf, and I know he feels the same way about me. In his mind, I was the easy lay and for me, he was the guy under my belt that made any girl jealous of me.

I mean, if I'm dubbed with this reputation, might as well live it.

Stepping in front of him, he stopped just a few inches away. When he realized that it was me, he smirked down, he was also a natural flirt.

"Clara," he nodded in acknowledgement and I did the same.

"Gray," I greeted, "It's quite rare to see you on time."

"Well, I couldn't wait to see you this morning," he teased. If only I wasn't used to his lines, I would have melted in a puddle - but unfortunately, I've become accustomed to his tactics.

"That's very thoughtful of you," I grinned, "Now how about you walk me to class?"

I heard Vivian snort behind me and I resisted the urge to turn around and slap her. I knew that she also has a crush on Gray, and she resents me for easily getting him. Technically, the school considers us a couple, but we both knew that we were far from it.

We hook up, we flirt, we acknowledge each other, but that was it - there were no titles.

Before he could respond, somebody bumped into him. A girl.

I scanned her from head to toe, assessing her features. When she looked up towards Gray, she opened her mouth and out came her weak voice, "I'm sorry."

I turned back to the other girls and from one look, I knew that they wanted to make her their new target. She was average, shy, and meek. The perfect person to bully for them.

Gray didn't respond, but I knew that he was already memorizing her face in his memory.

"Erin," somebody called out, making the girl turn to whichever the direction of the voice came from, "Come on."

Muttering another apology, she tried to walk around our group, but Vivian easily blocked her path, looking down on her. She squeaked at the sudden barrier that the team made and she looked around frantically to find an escape.

"How about you tell them that it's enough?" Gray whispered into my ear and with a lopsided smile, I shook my head.

"I find this a lot better," I commented, crossing my arms over my chest.

Another figure pushed himself through our small circle and grabbed her arm, "I said let's go."

"Don't ruin the fun," I told the newest addition, "We're not really doing anything to her."

"She's scared shitless!" he almost yelled at me.

My brows instantly shot up, I was actually surprised that he had the guts to raise his voice on me while in the middle of this group.

"Calm down," Gray chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me back, "No need to become a drama queen."

Boy, he was mad and I knew Gray loved the fact that he was easily provoked.

"What did you call me?" he gritted.

"That's enough," I said, "Now how about you and girly over here go along your merry little way."

From the look he was giving us, I knew that he wanted to say a lot more, but the girl tugged on his sleeve, silently telling him to just walk away. With one last look at us, he started to trudge away. Girly opened her mouth to say something, but because Vivian was openly intimidating her, she shut her lips tight and hurried along the hallways, speeding to catch up with her companion.

We stared at her retreating figure and I heard somebody behind me snicker, "Who were they?"

Shaking my head, I turned to Gray, clinging into his arm, "How about we go to class now?"

If my perfect knowledge of cliché love stories, I knew that I have to keep a leash on this guy. I have my pride, and if anything, I wouldn't let just any ordinary chick steal this trophy away from me.

Because darling, this blonde cheerleader will not be any simple antagonist who just makes the story entertaining. Though, I might say that causing a little bit of pain will amuse me greatly.


What's your opinion so far?

I'm finally writing this! This concept had been in my list for a long time so I'm relieved to finally write it.

I actually accidentally published this a few days ago, and some of you guys saw it in its incomplete state. You know I love bordering the line of staying with the cliché and breaking them, but a forewarning that our main character is indeed a girl with a personality.

Like always, introductions are meant to be short, but we'll have longer chapters as we go continue on with this story.

I hope we can all go through a wonderful journey with this, I'll be here putting it to words while you guys throw me your feedback and ideas.

I love you guys, and I hope you're ready for this book of ours.

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