Chapter Twenty- Eight.

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Lauren stirred the cup of coffee in her hand, watching the spinning brown liquid briefly before looking up. Normani was looking at her and Lauren smiled, somewhat casually, somewhat awkwardly from across the room. Now that they were in the company of others, Lauren felt reserved. She dropped her gaze and returned to her seat, saying hello to the casting director as she passed by.

Though the previous evening had ended professionally enough, Lauren still worried about who might've seen them together and how it might have looked. She'd spent half the night berating herself for not being more careful and the other half wondering what kissing Normani might feel like. There had been other thoughts, too, mainly centered around Camila.

"You look tired," Ella Peters said suddenly. "Rough night?"

Lauren took a sip of coffee and nodded. "Didn't sleep very well."

"Had a hot boytoy in your bed?" Ella laughed and sat down beside Lauren. "Ah, to be young and beautiful."

Lauren glanced at Normani who was looking back at her, amused. She cleared her throat and turned back to the producer. "I'm afraid my bed was quite empty last night."

Ella looked as if she didn't believe Lauren, then she laughed. "Well if that's true then I'm sure it wasn't for lack of offers, eh? I heard you and that studmuffin director broke up. Shame. You two made a beautiful couple. Don't you think?" She directed the question at Normani who'd taken a seat nearby. Not waiting for the director's answer, the producer continued, "Are you still single?"

"Quite so," said Lauren.

"You know, I have a son. He's not a male model or anything, God bless him, but he's a sweetheart. I tried to set him up with that one over there," she said, motioning to Normani, "but it turns out she swings in an entirely different direction. First date didn't go quite as planned." She chuckled.

"Most awkward night ever," Normani mumbled.

Lauren bit her lip. "I'm kind of... not really looking for anyone right now," she said, hoping that was enough to deter the woman, knowing, somehow, that it wasn't.

Ella was digging into her purse. "I'll just give you his number. If you're feeling lonely when you move to New York, give him a call. He can give you a tour. You don't need to get married or anything."

Lauren accepted the piece of paper without looking at it. "Will do..."

"Okay, then," Normani said, rising suddenly, "if no one else has a son, brother or distant third cousin they want to try and set our lead actress with, let's get started."

Lauren put the guy's number away somewhere that looked like she wouldn't forget about it, though she knew she would. She missed the safety of her relationship with Adrian, realizing just then how simple it had made things.

The door opened, catching Lauren's attention. A young woman stepped in, looking both nervous and confident as she walked to the center of the room.

Normani sat next to Lauren and handed her part of the script. To the girl, she said, "You may start when ready. Lauren Jauregui will be reading with you."

The girl took a moment and then began. From the second she first spoke it was clear that she wasn't right for the part, but Lauren read her lines as though the real Samantha stood before her.

The audition ended minutes later and Ella Peters was the first to speak once the girl had exited. "My vote is still on our esteemed director for the role. We're wasting our time with these auditions."

"Seriously, Normani," said the casting director, whose name Lauren had entirely forgotten. "I told you from the beginning that part was all you."

Normani seemed thoughtful. "I'll do a screen test and then we'll see. There's always the question of chemistry."

"Oh, please, Lauren would have chemistry with a rock," said Ella.

Lauren arched an eyebrow, but said nothing. She wondered if they'd forgotten she was still in the room.

"I'm not sure how to take that," Normani said.

Ella snorted. "You're slightly more attractive than a rock. Anyway, are we seeing more people? I've got a hair appointment at three."

Lauren smiled to herself, enjoying the easy banter between the two women. It was the first time in a very long time that she'd felt so at home in a work environment, and though she knew things might change once filming started, she was glad to be a part of this group of people. Whatever the consequences of playing this role, it felt worth it.

The door opened then, and Lauren felt her breath catch at the sight of Dinah. Despite the fact that she'd been expecting her, Lauren was all the same surprised. The brownhead had dressed simply in a burgundy leather jacket, black tunic sweater, and dark jeans tucked into black boots. It was a far more subtle look than the one she'd sported at the gallery, and much less distracting.

"Glad you could make it on such short notice," Normani was saying.

"Happy to be here," Dinah said.

"I hope you've had enough time to look over the scene and get a feel for what it involves," Normani said. "Feel free to start whenever you're ready."

Dinah was nodding and looking calmer than Lauren had expected. The brownhead's gaze traveled quickly around the room and lingered briefly on Lauren before turning to the pages in her hand.

Lauren watched the exchange of dialogue with interest. Dinah was auditioning for the part of Lynn, the main antagonist, and doing a great job of it. Normani, too, seemed right at home reading for Samantha, and Lauren sighed quietly, thinking that Normani playing her onscreen lover was a recipe for emotional chaos, no matter how right for the part the director was.

And Dinah... Lauren didn't even want to consider the many complications that might arise from Dinah landing a role in the movie.

Maybe it was fate, Lauren considered. Maybe fate was set on punishing her for telling lies over the Internet.

The scene ended and Normani thanked Dinah for coming. And just like that, it was over.

Lauren watched the door close, thinking the entire ordeal terribly anti-climactic.

"She's great," the casting director said.

"She is," Normani said, looking at the headshot of Dinah in her hand. "Unfortunately, she's got little to no film experience and no agent. She's not even been professionally trained."

Ella chuckled. "I thought you were the one that wanted to scrape the bottom of the barrel of New York City actors?"

"I'm all for finding new talent, and hell, she's got it in spades. But the lack of experience and representation raises a few flags for me."

"For me as well," said Ella. "That girl we saw the other day... what was her name? She's on that show about the tennis instructor? Well, her. She was perfectly good for this role."

"She was okay," Lauren found herself saying, realizing too late that she'd spoken aloud.

They were all looking at her now, so she opted to say something else. "I mean, it's good. It's fine to play it safe."

"But?" Normani prompted.

Lauren shifted in her seat. It wasn't her place to be voicing casting opinions. She was just an actress. "I don't know... it just seems to me that some risks are worth taking."

The casting director spoke after a moment. "You know, I've been looking for a lead for a short film project a friend of mine is doing. I think this Dinah girl would be great for it. We could try her out first and see how it goes. Filming shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks."

Normani looked thoughtful. "That could work. Ella?"

"You know how I feel about casting a bunch of unknowns for this film," the producer said with a shrug. "When it flops, you know who to make the checks out too."

"That's what I love about you, Ella, your positive attitude." Normani rolled her eyes.

Lauren didn't say anything more, thinking she'd said enough already. There was a part of her that wanted to jump to Dinah's defense, to battle strongly and adamantly in favor of casting her. But there was also a part of her that agreed with Ella.

The auditions that followed were, in Lauren's estimation, entirely forgettable, and by the time the last person wandered out of the room, Lauren was grateful that casting actors was not in her job description.

Joe, the camera guy, was the first to leave the room. He gave a quick apology, explaining that his wife had gotten held up at work and couldn't pick up the kids from school. He handed Normani some tapes and wished everyone Happy Holidays before making his disappearing act. Lauren had never seen anyone pack camera equipment quite so rapidly before, and she was rather impressed.

Meanwhile, Ella had begun gathering her possessions. "I've got to run, too. My husband's boss is throwing his annual Holiday party and it's all the way in Jersey. I've got six hours to do my hair, my nails, and get a bikini wax." She stood and smiled warmly at Lauren. "Lauren, it was a pleasure meeting you. I can't wait to see you again. Have a safe flight back to L.A. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that." She glanced at Normani. "You, I'll see later."

"I'll ride down with you," said the casting director. "I've got a meeting with my son's principal. Guess who's not getting that gaming console he wanted for Christmas?"

Ella snorted and the two women disappeared through the door, chatting back and forth about the perils of motherhood.

It struck Lauren suddenly that she had absolutely nowhere to be, nowhere to go, and no real life outside of that casting room. She had, up until that moment, forgotten entirely about Christmas.

"You okay?" It was Normani asking.

Lauren reached for her coat and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just realized that Christmas is coming up and I haven't done any shopping."

"You've still got a week. When's your flight?"

"Tomorrow morning. Ally and Adrian wanted an extra night in the City."

Normani nodded and slid on a pair of black gloves. "If you're not doing anything tonight, my friend's throwing a party downtown, and you're more than welcome to join me."

Lauren considered the offer for a split second, but said, "Thanks, that sounds fun, but I think I'm going to just crawl into bed, order up some room service, and watch TV."

"Ooh, that does sound good." Normani smiled.

If Lauren had been the flirting type she might've said, "You're welcome to join me," but she wasn't, so she didn't. Instead, she wrapped a scarf around her neck and returned Normani's smile.

"So what are your plans for Christmas?" Normani asked, as they headed out of the room and toward the elevator.

Lauren's plans were bleak at best. She vaguely recalled agreeing to make dinner for Adrian and Ally. "Well, my family's in Paris..."

"You're not joining them?"

"Ah, no. The further away they are, the happier I am. So, I'll probably spend Christmas Eve with Ally and Adrian. What about you?"

"I'm going skiing," Normani replied. "Really festive of me, huh?"

"Sounds fun, actually."

"Want to come? It'll just be me and a couple of friends. We like to do unconventional things for the holidays. Last year we went white water rafting. Next year we're thinking... sky diving."

Lauren smiled. It all sounded nice. Terrifying, but nice. "I think I'll pass, but thanks."The elevator chimed and they stepped inside. "I'm more of the quiet Christmas at home type."

"I'd love that, actually," Normani admitted a moment later. "But I'm alone, so what's the point? I think I'd just get depressed waking up on Christmas morning with no one to share it with."

That sounded like a pretty accurate description of Lauren's most recent Christmas mornings. She was especially not looking forward to the next one, and for a moment she actually considered Normani's invitation.

The elevator doors opened before Lauren could make her mind up one way or the other.

"Can I offer you a ride anywhere?"

Normani paused to consider. She glanced at her watch. "I'm meeting with my realtor in an hour to look at a couple of apartments so I should probably hang around here."

Lauren nodded. Parting ways with Normani always felt awkward. "Well, have fun at your party tonight. And be careful skiing."

"Thanks. Have a safe flight."

"See you in a few weeks." Lauren started to turn away, but stopped. "You know, the other night?"

Normani looked back at her expectantly.

"It could've been a date," Lauren said. She smiled at the surprised look on the director's face. Then she did walk away.


Camila jumped up from the couch the moment she heard the keys jingle in the door. "How'd it go?" she asked impatiently. She was practically hopping with anticipation.

"I think I kicked ass," Dinah said in a tone that gave no indication as to whether or not she was pleased about the fact.

Camila let out something that sounded like a shriek and hugged Dinah. "I knew you'd rock it."

Dinah hugged her back, and then said, "I don't think I'm going to get it."

Camila's elation gave way to confusion. "But why?"

Dinah hung her leather jacket on the rack by the door. "I've got no experience, no agent, nothing to show for myself except a few lousy plays that no one's ever heard of."

"Yeah, but if you were good..."

Dinah sighed. "It doesn't work that way. Trust me; I've got no delusions about this role. Not after seeing the sort of people they were auditioning. On the plus side, I got a bunch of autographs."

Camila wasn't sure what to say. She'd expected the situation to be a little more black and white than this.

Dinah had moved into the living room, and Camila followed. "Oh so guess who was in the room I auditioned in?"


"Your future boss."

"And again I say, who?"

Dinah smirked. "Lauren Jauregui. Crazy, isn't it? First she shows up at your art thing. Then she randomly follows you into the men's room and offers you a job. And now I get called into audition for her movie." She paused to consider. "Do you think she's stalking us?"

"It was outside the men's room, not... never mind." Camila sat down on the couch.

"What are you watching?" Dinah asked, noticing for the first time that the TV was on. She sat down next to Camila.

Camila smiled. "Guardian."

Dinah laughed. "I don't believe you. Really? You hate that show."

Camila shrugged. "There was nothing else on." She watched Lauren Jauregui on her TV screen for a moment. "Maybe she is stalking us."

"I got to read lines with Normani Kordei," Dinah said suddenly. "Holy shit. That just hit me."

"Who's that again?"

Dinah ignored the question. "She was like, this close to me." She stood up and came to stand in front of Camila. "We breathed the same air. She... talked to me. Normani Kordei, Camila!"

"Still don't know who that is, but it all sounds very exciting."

Dinah sat down again. "It would've been so nice to get that role," she said, sounding depressed. "I mean, jeez, Lauren Jauregui's the lead. How insane is that?" She pointed to the screen. "I could've been acting with her. Hell, you're going to be decorating her apartment, that's even crazier."

"I'm sure she's forgotten all about it," Camila said, because she couldn't help but think that it was true.

Dinah sighed. "I really hope this wasn't the highlight of our year."

"Well this year is almost over."

"That's true," Dinah said. "I suppose it's okay if it's the highlight of our year then. Speaking of, are we doing Christmas at your parents'?"

"I guess. It's going to be so weird without Harry there."

"But so nice without Nathan there," Dinah added with a grin. "Maybe we can do New Year's with Harry. I've been dying to meet Louis. We can throw a party here."

The thought of spending New Year's with her favorite people made Camila smile. "I think that'd be wonderful."

Dinah turned off the TV. "Let's go buy a Christmas tree."


"Yeah, all the pretty ones will be taken. We'll take the ugliest one we can find and make it all pretty."

Camila giggled. "Let's get two. We'll both decorate one and Louis and Harry can judge the best makeover."

"Oh you're so going to lose." Dinah jumped up. "Let's go!"

Camila smiled and followed Dinah. For the moment, she forgot all about Lauren Jauregui and the job offer that might never be.


Adrian was sitting in her hotel room when Lauren walked in, and she paused at the sight of him sprawled on her bed watching TV. Then she closed the door. "What are you doing here?"

"And hello to you, too, my dear best friend," replied Adrian, shutting off the TV with the remote.

"How'd you even get in?"

"I smiled at the maid, and she let me in."

"That's it? You smiled?"

"You can't tell, Lauren, because you're a lesbian, but I'm actually ridiculously handsome."

Lauren smiled and removed her coat. "Damn these lesbian eyes that make you look like a two-headed troll." She hung her coat in the closet. "Where's Ally?"

"Sleeping. She always takes a nap after sex."

"Thanks for the tip. And back to my original question, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you."

Lauren sighed. "You know if anyone saw you sneak in here they're going to think we're having an affair."

Adrian shrugged. "So let them. Tell me about your date with Normani."

Lauren frowned at him. "How could you possibly know about that?"

"One of your fan blogs has pictures of you at Gray's Papaya. There's a very cute one of you and Normani, each holding a hotdog, getting into a limo. Very New York of you."He stretched out on the bed. "So, tell me the juicy bits. Skip to the part where you undress each other slowly."

She sat on the couch and regarded him for a long time. "I was hoping the outing would slip under the radar."

"You're always on the radar."

"So it seems." She signed again and kicked off her boots. "I told her that she terrified me and that I was a virgin." She shook her head and let it fall against the back of the couch. "I'm a disaster with women."

"You're honest. I bet it's refreshing for her. Plus, I'm sure the whole virgin thing has her all intrigued."

"Or turned off."

"Who wouldn't want to be the first to get into Lauren Jauregui's pants? You could totally make a reality show about it."

"I think that's the most depressing thing you've ever said to me."

"I could try harder."

"Shouldn't you get back to Ally?"

"She'll be fine. Tell me about Normani."

Lauren stared at the ceiling. "She's funny. She's smart. She's talented. She's a shopping list of perfect qualities."

"And she's hot."

"And she's hot," Lauren agreed.


Lauren thought of the way she'd felt when she'd first seen Camila at the gallery, and then again at the theater. She thought of the voice at the other end of the phone line and the way her stomach fluttered whenever the name Camila Cabello appeared in her inbox. She didn't want this for herself. She didn't want to be the sort of person who yearned for the unattainable. "I think I'm going to see where things go. If she wants things to go somewhere, I mean. I don't even know how she feels." She stopped to consider. "Though she did invite me skiing with her and her friends for

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