Hello Friends, I'm overwhelmed by the support you guys have given me. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I'm not actually supposed to post anything today. But you guys have left me awestruck.
Thank you so much to everybody who has been active on Goodreads. Thank you guys so much for leaving such awesome reviews!
I've read all of the reviews, and I am humbled by your support.
If you haven't already checked it out here is the link to the book on goodreads.
And also a big thank you to everybody who is following me on facebook and goodreads. If you haven't found me there yet, then check me out.
With how popular this book is doing on goodreads, my publisher says that this might be a bestseller. Imagine that! (just picture it in your heads). I don't want to get ahead of myself, but what if this becomes a movie!
You guys are the best... We should form a club for awesome people. And I'm the luckiest book enthusiast in the world to know you guys.
And to collect all of you (and to stop just saying Heyah People), I want to grab a team name suggestion from you! Think Swifties, Directioners and Pizza Lovers. Anything you'd like to be called as a group of people who have read Blind Alpha! Comment the team names below!
Regardless if this is the first time you have read anything from me. Or if you have stuck with me the whole time (you old badass veterans!!!). Either way I'm so happy to have you with me. And I am going to be repaying that, with some free bonus material!
And of course if you haven't submitted a Goodreads review, THEN ITS NOT TOO LATE! :D I read each and every one of your reviews.
And you can still check out my facebook and goodreads
I will see you in the next update!
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