March 13th, 2014
I wake up with Lana's head on my chest, her body pressed close to mine. I smile, giving her warm body a gentle squeeze. Last night, she told me I was going to be a father. My excitement stirred my wolf, bringing him to light for a moment to see my mate with a new glow about her... A glow only a mother can get.
I meant what I said.... I will ask for Macklin Calhon help. If that means gritting my teeth and holding back four years of vengeance, I will. I will not let anything happen to Lana or our unborn child. And the only way is to ask for the monsters aid.
I run my hand over Lana's soft back with my fingertips, causing her to moan and press closer to me, trying to escape my touch. I smile, knowing it tickles her. "You're evil." Her voice is thick with sleep as she speaks. Lana clears her throat and rolls away from me, stretching. "I was having a good dream."
"We need to get up... It feels like noon." I tell her. After last night, we needed all the sleep we could get. She was like a lion in heat.
"It's seven." She mumbles, thumping me on the chest as she slides out of bed. I let out a chuckle, calling upon my wolf to get a few glimpses of her beauty as she walks to the bathroom. Her hair is a tangled mess, but that is to be expected. My shirt barely covers her butt, leaving her legs fully exposed. She is truly perfect.
I hop out of bed, making my way to my dresser with ease, grabbing a simple t-shirt, boxers and basketball shorts. I then walk into the bathroom where the shower is already running.
"Don't steal all the water." I hear Lana say as I step in with her.
After we a long shower, we both get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast. I can feel Mason, Natalie and Sarah already sitting at the table. There is another presence... it must be Jesse... It is taking me sometime to get used to her and Trent being here.
Lana and I take our usual spots, our hands intertwined.
"Sleep well, you two?" Mason says in a knowing voice. I shoot him a glare and I am sure Lana stuck her tongue out at him.
"Mature, Blondie." I never really thought Mason was that blonde. He must have bleached his hair.
Orange juice and pancakes are placed in front of Lana and me. I don't hesitate to dive in, scarfing the cakes down.
Jenny then enters the room, yawning quite loudly. "Jeez, I think you guys shook the entire house." I hear her say to Lana. Mason laughs like a baboon at my right.
I roll my eyes, a smile on my lips as I hear Lana's heart racing. Is she embarrassed?
"Enough. We have children here." Lana says, her voice shaking. But not with discomfort... With laughter. I turn my head, catching the soft hiccups of her laugh.
Mason continues to laugh, Jesse chiming in with a giggle. My sister and Sarah don't seem to understand, which is good.
As the table goes quiet, we all begin to go back to eating in a peaceful silence. I was about to apologize for last night when I am suddenly misted with orange juice.
Lana lets out a tremendous laugh, spraying all of us with orange juice that she wasn't able to swallow. Her laugh is infectious, causing us to all join in with her, until our sides hurt.
"I am so sorry. I don't know why I did that." Lana barely manages to say.
"That's so gross." I hear Sarah say.
Once the orange juice is cleaned up, we all depart from the table. Lana leaves to help carry the dishes into the kitchen, leaving Mason and me.
I wanted to wait until Trent showed up, to discuss asking for the Prowler pack's help. He surely should have been up with all the noise.
"Where is Trent?" I ask him.
Mason doesn't answer right away. His heart races and I feel his anxiety as if it were my own. I crease my eyebrows in confusion. What? Did he kill the man?
"Trent left to go speak with Macklin Calhon."
"WHAT?!" I hear Lana yell from the entrance of the kitchen.
"What do you mean what? You're the one who told him to go..." Mason says. Why would Lana tell him to go when I agreed to speak to the Prowler pack?
"I told him not to go!"
"Did you make sure he got your message? That his mind wasn't blocked?" I ask her, turning to face her. Lana grows silent and her fear overwhelms me.
I get to my feet and walk over to grab onto her shoulders.
"He's not answering. What if they have him? They'll kill him! He's not an Alpha... Oh my Moon Goddess! What have I done?! I am so stupid. I've killed him!" Lana begins to panic, her breathing coming in bursts. She starts to hyperventilate.
"Sh, calm down Lana. Mason and I will go get him. I promise I will bring him home." I turn to Mason, shooting him a message to go wait outside.
Lana grabs my face, turning it back to her. A hard kiss is pressed to my lips, causing me to wrap my arms around her tightly, kissing her back with fervor. "Please be careful." She whispers, giving me a hug before I step back and call upon my wolf. I wasn't sure what would happen, but I had to look at her.
Her cheeks were flushed, wet with tears. Her eyes were wide with fear and her hair damp against her shoulders. I will do everything in my power to make sure this isn't the last image I have of her. "I love you." I tell her before I run outside, allowing the shift to overtake me. Mason is already in wolf form, waiting for me.
Together, we take off just as we had four years ago, in the direction of the Prowler pack. Hopefully this time there will be a different outcome.
I'm sorry, I know it's short! But I hope you guys enjoyed it! Comment and let me know what you guys think!
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