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P O V~Hermione

I looked around the school, I wanted to find Antonia or Safferdite, I had looked out into the middle and seen Harry approach the Hufflepuffs, Cedric was laying on the bench with his head...on Antonia.

When Cedric got up to go with Harry I walked over to Antonia who was talking to Cedrics friends. "Antonia" I said and she looked at me, she gave me a confused look.

"Can we talk, its nothing bad, ive been trying to find you or Safferdite" I said and she stood up walking with me a little bit from them people.

"Is everything okay? It is clearly about Enola" she said and I nodded.

"Exactly, so the other day, we had figured something out, Harry, Ron, Fred and myself, George Weasley has fall for Enola" I said and her eyes widened.

"What, really? Thats amazing what do you want to know?" She asked.

"Well, we don't know Enola well enough to know if her actions say she also likes him, all we know is she is so happy around him" I said and she smiled.

"Leave it up to me" she said and I nodded and watched her walk back to Cedric...did she just peck his lips?...woah okay.


I walked over to Ron and Harry "I seen you go over to Antonia" Harry said and I smiled nodding my head, I connect both of my hands.

"Antonia is going to look more into it, I think she will be watching over how Enola acts" I said and Harry chuckled. "I know we should just let them do it alone, but I have a feeling it will be harder for Enola to realise her feelings" I said and they nodded.

"Hermione" I heard and turned seeing Enola walking over with the twins, I smiled. "Antonia just said her and Saf are going to come to our dorm for the night" she said and I nodded.

"Do you want me to leave the room?" I asked and she smiled shaking her head.

"Join us" She said and I seemed shocked.

"Boy talk?" George smirked leaning down to be at height with Enola, she looked at him and seemed shocked at how close he was, her cheeks turned red...SO CUTEEE.

"Maybe, that means I get to talk about ALL the hot boys" She said and his smirk vanished.

"Oh really? Because I think Antonia will be only talking about one guy" I said and she looked at me confused "I saw her and Cedric Diggory kiss" I said and she gasped.

"You're joking, Cedric?" She asked and I nodded, she seemed shocked. "Well damn" She said shaking her head.

"I wonder if Safferdite has a crush or boyfriend" I said and Enola chuckled.

"Oh the girl definitely has a crush, not a boy though" Enola said winking at me and I gasped.

"Any guesses who?" I asked and Enola nodded.

"Cho" She said and we looked at Harry, he seemed shocked, we knew he had an eye for Cho Chang.

"Is Cho even into girls?" Fred asked and Enola shrugged her shoulders.

"Possibly, I do see her giving certain looks to Saf" She said and I smiled.



"Soooo" I smirked looking at Tonia, she knew right away, she whined and leaned back. "Ceddy, is that what you call him, Ceddy baby" I teased and she hit my arm.

"Stopp" she laughed "I don't call him Ceddy, it's normally Ced, we may have rushed getting together but Babe or baby have not be said yet, neither has I love you" She said.

"BITCH HE HASNT CALLED YOU BABY?" Saf yelled and we laughed "that would be the hottest shit, even though I'm lesbian, mann" she said shaking her head.

"Well what's happening with Cho?" Tonia asked and Saf froze, we all laughed at her reaction.

"Listen, we are getting closer, I think my feelings for her are becoming to obvious" Saf said and I smiled, I love hearing them talking about love or feelings things for another human.

I looked at Hermione "Mione" I said and her eyes widened at the name, she smiled "you seem very close with Harry and Ron" I said and she blushed.

"I don't have those sort of feelings for Harry" she said and we looked at eachother then looked at Hermione "I don't know, it is very confusing, I might like Ron, but I'm not rushing it, he is dumb, so I will wait for him" She said and we smiled.

"I have an idea for us 4-" "Ah Nola I do not think so, you aren't getting out of this, I see you've been close with one of those Weasley Twins" Tonia said and my eyes widened, I felt my cheeks burning up.

"George? I dont know, I mean he makes me so happy, even just knowing he's near me I feel so happy, I have never felt like this before, not with Dad not with you girls, I have like weird feelings in my stomach, my face heats up like I'm embarrassed, and I just have this feeling that I just want to stare at him everyday" I said and they all smirked at eachother.

Before Saf spoke there was a knock at the door, I got up and opened it "Ginny" I smiled and she looked nervous "Oh look at you, come on join the group" I said and she smiled as I dragged her in.

"We are speaking about boys" Saf said and Ginnys eyes widened.

"You like him, heck you are falling in love with him" Tonia said and my eyes widened "Honeyyyy, that is love, don't say it isn't because it fine well is" she said and I looked at my lap.

"Whos this for, George?" Ginny asked and we all nodded, Ginny smiled widely "Oh you both definitely are in love" Ginny said.

"Both, he likes me too?" I asked and they all laughed.

"How do you not know this? I sed how George is around you, even Fred sees it, His own twin knows he is in love with you, he stares at you, he smiles always when you are around, he is very protective over you, he loves being around you" Hermione said and my eyes widened.

"We haven't been here long enough for love" I said and they smiled.

"Falling in love is perfectly normal, it is a dream, saying I love you needs to be the right time, it can be whenever as long as you mean it, forever" Ginny said and I smiled.

"So Ginny, who do you like?" Tonia asked making Ginny go shy.

"Oh come onnn" Saf said and Ginny covered her face getting very shy "I think i like Harry, Hermione please don't say anything" Ginny said and we gasped. "She likes the boy who lived" I said.

"You like the boy with an identical twin" Saf said and I laughed.

"I can tell them apart so shut it" I said and they chuckled.

"Anyway what was the Idea?" Hermione asked and I looked at all 4 of them

"Sirius had told me, us 3 remind him of his past, with the Marauders, why don't we start a girls version, I am like Remus's daughter, you are Sirius's daughter, you like Potter, and I mean we could simply make our own for our kids to find out when they are in this school" I said and they gasped getting excited.

"I had already started somethings" I said and took out somethings, this map is similar to the Marauders map, but this, this is a Desired map, it shows who you desire to see, just by your touch the map will know who you want to see, and if they are off the map it will tell you something" I said and they seemed shocked.

"This, this i have been making for a few years now, this is a magical wand, it only can be used by the people who place their name on it and they can't do that without a spell I made, these necklaces will keep us all connected, I had actually made 2 spare so you girls are lucky, the white jewel changes colour" I said as we all put them on, the jewel turned Pink.

"We are all excited right now, Pink means Excitement, Red means Love, Dark blue means sadness, Purple means fear, light blue means nervous, brown means angry, Yellow means Happy, Orange means Relaxed, light green mean Uncomfortable and camo green means disgusted" I said and they nodded noting it down.

"White means you aren't connected to us, black means danger, it means one or any of us are in danger" I said

"This is amazing, so we will literally know eachother by simply looking at your necklaces, so if one is in danger ALL necklaces will turn black?" Ginny asked and I nodded.

"I have just realised, if we had kids they will be somehow related, Ginny is a Weasley, Hermione will be if she ends u with Ron, you will end up with George, you will be the one to bring the relation together" Tonia said looking at me.

"Okay kids are not discussed now, but they had names for eachother, I didn't want to go all smart on them so, Tonia I had Tosh" I said and she smiled nodding her head.

"Saf I had Afer(A-fer)" I said and she smiled.

"Hermione lets see, Myoe(My-O)?" I questioned and she nodded smiling widely.

"Ginny, lets see, Wist?" I asked and they nodded seeing it was good. "And myself, Loni(Lon-ee)?" I asked them to see if they accepted.

"So Tosh, Afer, Myoe, Wist and Loni" Tonia said and we nodded "should we sign the map?" Ginny asked and I gasped grabbing the pen I made the map with, it is a magic pen.

I put my wand on the map "I promise I will find the one I desire" I said and the map came up, they loved the design, it was a much girl like design, I opened the map and it was the whole school "oh shit, I forgot, It doesn't come up where the person is, it shows you the map of the other place, meaning the map can go up to your home, school, diagon alley and hogsmeade" I said.

"Nowhere else, so only our 5s homes, so if you looked for George the Burrow will come up?" Hermione asked and I nodded. The schools map was on right now. And guess who's was highlighted in glowing red, George Weasley, he was in the common room.

"So it is obvious to find the person or people as they are glowing red" I said and they nodded, from one to the other we signed the paper with our made up names, the map was called, The Desired Map "the Marauders map, the group who made it were, The Marauders are we The Desired?" Hermione asked and I winked at her.

I took the pen and grabbed The Desired Wand, "Marauders now Desired, place my name upon this pen and allow my magic to be created" I said and the pen dug so far in as I carved my fake name on it, the others done it getting used to the spell and all tried out a spell.

"This is the greatest thing we have ever done" Saf said and I nodded, I grabbed the wand, I hovered it over the map as it made 4 shapes above it "Multiply magics of desired" I said and a bright light appeared, we covered our eyes and looked seeing 4 other maps.

All of them open and revealed "and to stop people from reading them, Mystical Magics" I said as the map turned into a blank paper with red edges, they did it to their maps.

"And to the beginning of The Desired, we shall go to sleep" Tonia said as we laughed

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