▪︎▪︎▪︎Chapter 5▪︎▪︎▪︎

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Rhaegelle stared across the table playing with the food on her dinner plate. The dinner was silent as most of their meals were, very little conversation flowing between them.

It was Dhaenyria who broke the silence. "We haven't spoken much... since...." her words lingered in the air and Rhaegelle tensed. " A regret of mine. We should be free to speak our minds to one another" her cousin Viserys gestured to each of them around the table. Rhaegelle sat with Rhaenyra opposite Rolrai and Naelyra - who was currently stabbing the meat on her plate with viciousness while her brother politely ate away- while Dhaenyria sat at the head of the table opposite the King.

"You can say whatever you'd like. You are the King.  Viserys smiled gently at his eldest's words. "I loved your mother.... very much" his eyes alternated between Dhaenyria and Rhaenyra.

"As did we all" Rolrai spoke for them all. After that the awkward silence continued some more.

Once again Dhaenyria attempted to break the silence. "Ser Harrold provided a fine field of tourney knights" she stopped hoping to gain Viserys attention. "Oh?" Dhaenyria smiled.

"But in questioning them, I discovered that Ser Criston, was the only man among them with true battle experience."

Rolrai looked over towards his niece. "Well done Princess"

"He'll make a fine knight of the Kingsguard" The King agreed. And even at that small moment it again remained stifling. Rhaegelle felt she could barely move without disturbing the quiet.

Dhaenyria face fell as she thought back to the small council meeting "Today at the small Council -"

"Pay it no mind" the King cut her off.

"I... I thought I might have had some insight but-" Dhaenyria attempted again.

"You're young. You will learn"

And once again Dhaenyria felt like a child. The rest of the table lowered their heads after the interaction was over and there was nothing to watch. Rolrai let out a deep sigh of contempt.


The four Targaryen princesses stared out across the balcony towards the garden, where young Lady Laena was walking beside the King Viserys.

Once the conversation was over  and they were finished observing, they made their way around the corner passing Princess Rhaenys.

"It bothers you, does it not?" Rhaenys asked gaining their attention. Dhaenyria was first to turn around to the princess. "My father is a King. It is his duty to take a new wife and strengthen his line." Rhaenyra quipped.

"I did not ask for a lesson in politics. I asked whether this bothers you." Rhaenys snapped, tossing one of her black locks over her shoulder.

Rhaegelle observed Rhaenyra as she snapped back at the princess, angry at being challenged by the princess. "Laena is your daughter. Does it bother you?" The corner of her mouth twitched. Naelyra made her way over to join in on the 'conversation' but Rhaegelle stopped her if Rhaenyra had a temper Naelyra was the black dread.

"Of course it does" the princess eyes were sincere and Rhaegelle could see the surprise on Dhaenyria's face. "But I understand the order of things" Rhaenys scanned the garden before her eyes snapped back to the girls. "I'm not sure you do" Dhaenyria's face was impassive and Rhaegelle could see nothing from her.

She stepped forward. "If you mean to elicit some anger from me, you should know that you're failing, Princess"

Rhaenys smirked. "Quite the opposite" Dhaenyria quirked an eyebrow. "Whether its to my daughter or to someone else's, your father will remarry sooner than late. His new wife will produce new heirs, and chances are better than not, that one of those will be male. And when that boy comes of age and your father has passed, the Lprds of the Realm will expect him to be King not you" Naelyra bristled from beside her gritting her teeth. "Because that is the order of things"

"When I'm Queen I will create a new order"

Rhaenys scoffs. "How I wish that could be, Dhaenyria. But the men of the realm already had their opportunity to appoint a ruling Queen at the Great Council and they denied it."

The Realm's Dream tilts her head. "They denied you, Princess Rhaenys. The Queen who never was" Dhaenyria's eyes narrowed. "But they bent the knee to me and called me heir to the throne."

"Do you remind your father's men of that as you carry their cups?" Rhaenys glared at the Princess. Gracefully she slowly rose from her seat and going towards the balcony resting her hands upon the fine stone. "Here is the hard truth, which no-one else has the heart to tell you" Dhaenyria moved against Rhaenyra's wishes her hand just missing her sisters, to stand beside the Princess. "Men would sooner put the realm to the torch... than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne" Rhaenys brown eyes flickered to Dhaenyria.

"And your father is no fool"

Rhaenys left thereafter leaving the Princesses to stew in her words.


"The Small Council is urging me to remarry" Viserys fiddled with his food. "It seems the realm wants for a new Queen" They were sitting in his chamber's by one of his desks, talking about one thing and the other.

Olenna tilted her head sympathetically. "A good and kind Queen will give comfort to your subjects" with no answer she continued. "Does the Small Council have a particular lady in mind?"

"Yes" The King breathed "Three of them, some say Naelyra as she is my sister and rides Paraxes, others say she us too wild and urge Rhaegelle instead, but Otto believes placing a bastard girl, legitimised or not as Queen would be a terrible idea"

Olenna nodded "And the third?"

"Lord Corlys has offered the hand of his daughter, the Lady Laena."

She smiled. "A very strong match, Your Grace". Over the past six months the King spoke more and more to her and by asking for her advice she was becoming even closer to him.

"I must admit, I don't know Laena very well"

"I'm sure that she is good and kind... she is very pretty, she'll make a beautiful Queen one day.... if you choose her. And, that she'll enjoy your company" Olenna smiled, before a thought popped into her head. "Ah, before I forget I have a gift for you, Your Grace" she blushed. Almost like a child with a new gift Viserys eagerly opened the box. Upon looking at the gift his eyes flickered to her in almost disbelief. She gave him a soft smile. He gingerly lifted the small dragon from its place amongst plush cushions, within the box.

"I asked the stonemasons to mend it"

Viserys chuckles. "This is, um... a very kind gesture, Olenna" a deep blush appeared on her face from the praise. "Very kind"

A knock on the door interrupted them and Olenna felt panic grip her body. Her mind racing. What if it was one of her friends or the Prince Rolrai he would surely tell them if he saw her in the Kings Chambers. How would they react?

Viserys placed the dragon figurine upon the table before composing himself. "Come" the door opens and Ser Harrold announces her Father. A small rush of relif washes over her, before a new worry sets in.

Otto Hightower struts through the doors quickly his eyes scanning his daughter before flickering back to the King. "Your Grace, I've called the Small Council to an emergency session."


Otto pauses before continuing. "I believe it best if you hear it directly"

"Very well" the King sighs before bidding Olenna goodbye. She bows her head and gets up turning to her father.


"It occurred in the blackest of night, my Lords during the hour of the Bat" the head dragonkeeper spoke to the council. Dhaenyria made her way to her chair beside her Father. "The thief eluded our pursuit"

"How is it possible that a dragons egg was stolen out from beneath more than thirty Dragonkeepers?"  Her father asked venom in his voice.

"It was Prince Daemon who was the culprit, Your Grace"  Dhaenyria and Rolrai shared a look.

"Daemon?" The King repeated.

"The Prince left a missive, which I believe might explain." Otto announced.

Grand Maester Mellos, unfurled a letter before reading for the council to hear. "It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone" out of the corner of Dhaenyria's eye she saw Rolrai burry his head in his hand at his twins actions. "and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife, in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume the title: Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragons egg placed in the babes cradle, in the custom of House Targaryen"

The longer the message went on the more surprised and angered Dhaenyria became.

"The Prince has invited you to be his wedding,  Your Grace." Mellos filded the letter back again. "It is in two days time."

"Gods be good." Lord Beesbury muttered.

"Who is Lady Mysaria?" Corlys asked

"We believe-" Mellos began.

"Daemon's whore." Otto began. "This is nothing less than sedition."

"I strongly agree sire" comes from Lord Lyonel.

"My brother wishes to provoke me. To answer is to give him what he wants."

"The realm is watching, Your Grace" the Sea Snake warns.

"What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Prehaps I could put his head on a spike" Viserys asks exasperated.

Dhaenyria eyes flicker from on Council men to the next, biting her bottom lip, and sinking into her seat"

"Daemon has seized Dragonstone, has surrounded himself with an army of Gold Cloaks, and has now stolen a dangerous weapon-"

Her sister's voice rings out over the council, they all turn to her. "Which egg did Daemon take?"  Rhaenyra demands from the dragonkeeper. The council holds their breath for the answer.

"The egg was Dreamfyre's princess. The same that you and Princess Dhaenyria chose for prince Baelon's cradle"  The Targaryen Kings almost erupts in anger. Dhaenyria feels a black fury take over her.

"Assemble a detachment, Otto" the king rises. "I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself" the King all but shouts, a purple fire burning behind his eyes.

"Brother" Rolrai calls, standing up from his seat with the other men. "My apologies brother, but I cannot allow it, its too dangerous. Your presence is exactly what he wants. Let someone else go to Dragonstone. You nor I cannot without increasing the chaos that is sure to come"

"Let me go to Dragonstone, Your Grace. I can quell the fire for you" Otto volunteers.

Viserys nods before leaving in his fury. The Kingsguard trailing behind him.


Her Father readies his armour preparing for the journey to Dragonstone. Alicent helps him while Olenna stares into the fireplace. Her worry for her father facing Daemon eating at her. She hears her father sigh. "You and Olenna are the most comely girls at court." Otto grips Alicent's hands. "Why do you destroy yourself? Hmm?" With no answer from her sister, Otto turns to her.

"Will you see the King tonight?"

"If you wish it" the brunette replys monotonous, turning to her father. Spotting Criston Cole in the doorway, in his new Kingsguard armour Olenna greets him.

"My Lady, I've assembled 20 of your best household guards, my Lord Hand. Ser Harrold will also join us"

Olenna makes her way to the door. "Please look after the Hand, Ser Criston." She asks looking towards her father.


Dhaenyria readies herself early the next morning to make her way to the Dragonpit.

"Where are you going?" Rhaenyra's voice calls.

"I'm going to stop Daemon from doing something even more stupid then he already has done." Dhaenyria slips on her gloves.

"Father does not want us to go, he has forbid it. The Hand is going instead" Rhaenyra whisper shouts.

"The Hand will not succeed without some kind of bloodshed, I will prevent it"

"Then take me with you, you might need someone to have your back" Rhaenyra holds her hands gently.

Dhaenyria closes her eyes and shakes her head. "No, there is no point in us both getting in trouble with Father. Stay here at the castle and I will come to you when it's all over." She can see the hesitation in Rhaenyra's eyes, and the pleading look she gives her. Dhaenyria refuses to give in and eventually Rhaenyra relents.

"Okay" she lets go of her hands, looking downcast. Dhaenyria leans forward hugging her. "It'll be alright" she whispers before making her way to the stables to get her horse.

Dhaenyria waits for Moon Crescent to be brought to her from her nest. The white beast as the smallfolk call her emerges from below the pit. Ever since she was named heir, Moon Crescent grew bigger ever faster and more vicious. More likely to snap at the Dragonkeepers who lingered near her for too long. Dhaenyria admired the way her scales glistened in the light shades of purples blues and pinks glowed on her scales, iridescent.  Saddled and ready Moon Crescent walks towads her purring softly at her rider. "Hello my little Lady." Dhaenyria smiles stroking her nose. The dragon huffs and a small bit of smoke is released from her nostrils.

Dhaenyria laughs before ordering the dragon to lower herself so she can climb on. Moon  Crescent watchs her do so, Dhaenyria uses the rope and part of Moon Crescents wing to heace herself up and once in the leather saddle, Dhaenyria straps herself in carefully pulling the leathers straps tight aroung her belt, and gathering her reigns tightly leaning forwards and placing her ands on the handle bars. Wiggling in her seat rying to become comfortable and pressing herself low as possible the princess readies herself. Moon Crescent stands up on her legs and stretching her wings out.

Looking up at the great dome above them Dhaenyria watchs with anticipation as the great dome opens, revealing the blue sky above.

"Sovēs Moon Crescent" she shouts. The white dragon raised her wings up and flapped thrice jumping into the skies above. They soared above King's Landing and Moon Crescent let out a delighted shriek to be up in the air. Dhaenyria pulled the reigns steering the dragon towards the Blackwater bay, and across it, Dragonstone.



So shorter chapter than most but i loved the last bit with Dhae Dhae and Moon Crescent love the descriptions of her and her dragon getting ready to fly and kick some ass.

Also the idea of the Dome opening was from a fanfic called 'the Blacks and the Greens' on Ao3 by Sweetest Popcorn. Such an incredible fic i adore it ❤

Anyway bye for now my Gods and Goddesses and everything in between and not. :)



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