Y/N opened his eyes at the sound of a drop of water landing on the ground.
When his eyes opened he immediately closed them back again due to the intense light that shined upon his eyes.
Just as his eyes were accustomed to the light he admired the view.
It was the sight of the dawn and the sky was covered in that distinctive glow of yellow that came out of the early sun.
He sat up from the ground, noticing that he was on the green grass.
Returning his gaze to the sky he let out a quiet breath.
"I must be in my mental space."
He acknowledged the fact that all this beauty was just on his head and wasn't real which was sad, he would have liked to take a picture for Instagram and put a reflective caption on it.
A chuckle left him at that silly thought.
But his chuckle ended when he felt a familiar presence behind him along with heavy breathing.
He moved his eyes back to see the gigantic Dragon that was his partner since the beginning behind utterly towering and looking at him with those purple eyes that were so similar to his.
"Hey. Is something wrong? You look serious, more serious than usual."
Rough times are approaching more for than for me. If Cain sent that Seraphim to recruit you that means that he acknowledges the fact that if you're not on his side then you better be out of all. You rejected to be under him... That only leads to a sole thing, Y/N.
"Confrontation. I know."
Vritra nodded as the silence followed.
You're not ready. Even if he is weaker due to my extraction out of him he still possesses a power that of a God.
"I know, Vritra. That if he appears right now I am in no state of defeating him. He is stronger than me and more experienced, plus he is the worst opponent I can be against. He was the one before me who wielded your power so he is most likely to know all the tricks."
Indeed. That's why you need to grow stronger, more powerful, resilient.
"Now that you're talking about this Vritra... I have been meaning to ask you this."
Y/N stood up from the ground to face him.
He looked up to meet the Dragon's eyes.
"Dragon Emperors and more of us who bear the Heavenly Dragons nonetheless can indeed reach the power of Gods, but I know that the stronger the bond is between the user and the dragon the more powerful they become. Meaning... that the most trust they share the more power the possess at their hand."
Vritra already knew where he was going with this but he didn't say anything.
"Yes, the training of the user also influences a lot in their development but the most important of Dragon Emperors is the connection between both..."
"Issei I can understand that Ddraig doesn't trust him entirely they barely started to establish a connection and Valiana well, she is Valiana. But why... you and I who have been together in the ups and downs haven't got any stronger since that time in purgatory? Why that power that you provide is the same as then. The only reason that I got stronger is because of me and no one else. I strengthened my body and control of the power I get from you... You didn't help me. I did it all alone except for your healing factor but above that... I did it all alone."
"Why do I feel that you still consider me as someone not worth trusting?"
Vritra as usual, stood in deep silence as he maintained his gaze on the human.
"Be honest with me. I... just want the truth, please. You're the being that I have less lied to, I think that I at least deserve that much."
The silence of Vritra was maintained for at least thirty seconds snd Y/N was starting to think that it would stay that way, silent. Until the dragon decided to speak.
"Because I also judged you... But can you blame me? I also have seen Cain in your eyes. Y/N, I could see the evilness within you... My past two users treated me as nothing but an unlimited fountain of raw power. You're the only one who has treated me as an equal but I still have my doubts... Do you know why?"
"Because you're a human. And humans are the most selfish, manipulative, evil beings that I saw, even more than Gods and Goddesses."
After receiving this information, Y/N frowned.
"Is that all..? Just because of a prejudice is your reason for not trusting me? Just because of that...? You're nothing but a child."
You don't understand!
For the first time ever.. Vritra rose the tone of his voice at him but Y/N didn't stand behind.
"Then stop the bullshit! Make me understand, Vritra. If you keep this constant neglecting of information then you only take me to my demise. And then you will be used as nothing more than a slave. Because you know it, the only one in this entire universe that will treat you like someone and not a godamn beast is me! And you're treating that only person as a damn Scum!-"
Y/N fell silent in the realization of his outburst and looked down before he let out a deep breath to calm himself.
"I... am sorry."
I lost everything. I lost my freedom, my love, my dignity, my family, my desire... of being called someone. It's true. No one in this world will ever treat me as you do. Everyone who I lie my eyes on, I see the greed more than the person itself. I concluded that I... am nothing more than simple power.
"No. You're not power... You're my friend Vritra, and I will never wrong you. But I can with the future alone... I need your help Vritra. We need to work alongside or else both of us will suffer a terrible end. Will you help me..? Will you trust me? Even a little bit more."
Y/N extended his hand into a fist towards him and Vritra looked at it but his eyes revealed insecurity...
Why? Why he was so insecure about trusting him?
Something interrupted them.
A loud sound that resembled a glass being shattered into millions of pieces along with a bright light that blinded them.
Y/N managed to see what was causing all this disaster and saw some sort of flashing star up in the center of the sky.
Due to the power that came from this star, the sky started to break apart little by little and the previously blue sky started to turn a dark red.
"What is that...?"
Y/N muttered while he covered his eyes from the wave of violent winds that this unknown phenomenon was causing.
He called for his partner's name but when he turned to see him he was surprised to see that the Dragon was... frightened?
No... It can't be. It's impossible... She cannot be here, not yet...
"What? Who? What the hell is happening?! Vritra answer me!"
However, his question didn't get an answer.
Out of the bright star, a silhouette was visible through all the pure light.
A woman with twelve wings, six white and the rest of them a pitch-black, long pristine white hair that cascaded down her back, two red piercing eyes that stared at both of them with amusement. However, her face was hidden in a black shade.
"I almost shed a tear while hearing you two. I love drama."
Her delicate but mocking voice echoed all over the place as if her voice was coming from all places and corners. As if she was everywhere, Omnipresent.
Slowly, she descended from the sky at the same time the star from where she came from disappeared.
Her feet touched the ground only to start walking towards them. And while the shade that masked her face covered her features with exception of her eyes, Y/N could that she was smirking.
At each step she took closer to him he felt as if his heartbeat accelerated and it wasn't precisely due to her visible beauty. Yes, he was frightened by her sole presence just like Vritra behind him and she knew this.
She loved this, seeing them freeze on their spot without being able to even speak. So delightful.
His body trembled unwillingly and he sweated due to the venomous dark red aura that surrounded her form and the bright crimson of her eyes that were stuck on him.
Something inside him made him able to snap out... Something that yelled at him instead of the usual survival instincts of humans to just run.. it told him otherwise... Confront and face.
And he did that.
Acting, his eyes glowed purple and all the shivers flew away and he took a step forward.
"Oh? Interesting. You can move."
She asked genuinely curious.
The Dragon behind Y/N couldn't so why he could?
Y/N now approached her with eyes full of defiance only increasing her curiosity about him.
It took a couple of seconds for them to be face to face close enough to speak with each other.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?"
He asked and she laughed.
"And you can speak too, Marvelous! As expected of you.
"As expected? Do you know anything about me?"
The woman chuckled again.
"A little. Enough for me to judge."
"Right? You have no right. You're in my place, all of this is mine and you're just an uninvited guest."
"Like two drops of water you two are indeed... Kid don't think just because this is your place you have the power to subdue me... You don't know who I am."
Y/N smirked
"Then you can answer my questions at once. Who are you? Because you won't gain any respect from me if I don't know who you are."
"How about if I just kill you? I'm sure you're well aware that even if this is your mental space killing you here can mean that you will fall into a coma that could last years... I'm sure you wouldn't want that."
"You won't. Because if you're here is because you seek something out of me and if you kill you won't get it. So, enough with meaningless threats. What do you want?"
The woman appeared to be pleased with his challenging reply.
"How clever. Indeed, I want to ask you something... or better said I want to offer you something in this times of need that you're suffering and that lizard there doesn't seem like he will help you a lot, doesn't he?"
"Offer? What do you mean by that-"
Y/N words didn't manage to come out fully due to Vritra who managed to snap out of his terror and finally act against this woman.
You sick woman! Do you think you can come here and act as if you rule?! This won't go like last time! This time will be the one that I will destroy you.
Vritra, totally unlike him yelled out in vexation as a destructive black beam grew in his mouth.
The woman made an exasperated noise as she rose her hand.
You were always so noisy, Beast. Although you're right, this won't go like last time... You won't even get a chance to act.
A dark red aura surrounded her hand and from out of it some chains of the same tone of color circled Vritra and entangled on his extremities, trapping him.
The black dragon lost balance and fell to the ground the power that was accumulated in his mouth fading away.
Vritra looked at the woman with pure hatred in his eyes.
I don't think we can discuss anything with this nuisance here. Shall we move?-
She had to cover herself with her arms due to a hit from Y/N that didn't seem to have much effect on her defense besides making her slide a couple of meters back.
"I don't care who you are. But do you think I'm just going to stay idle while you hurt my friend? Think again. I will destroy you."
No, Y/N. Cut it, cut it all. Cut the connection. Get out of here.
Y/N looked behind with a faint smile.
"If I do that you would stay here all alone with this deranged woman. We can't have that."
His eyes returned to the woman who brushed a little dirt on her clothes.
"Honestly, I would love to play... But time is against me and I just came to have a chat with the third one."
"So you're the first user of Vritra, right?"
"Correct. Well, we should leave me and you."
The sky started to break out and avoid extended all over the dark red sky.
How could she do this? How could she Overpower his influence on his own world?
A snap of her fingers followed and the void started to cover all the place even Vritra.
Y/N exclaimed and tried to help him but the void blocked his way.
Slowly that same void reached Vritra and devoured the Dragon slowly.
Y/N hear me out. Do Not Listen to Whatever she has to say to you. Do Not Believe Her-"
Those were the last words Y/N heard from the dragon before the void swallowed him. The only thing remaining in the middle of the hollow landscape were him and the woman.
"What did you to him?"
Y/N's sharp eyes looked at her who seemed to smirk below the shade that masked her face.
Don't worry. He is not dead. Getting into business, shall we?
"You think I will hear anything that comes out your mouth? I rather kill you than hear whatever you have to say even if it's useful."
Come on. Curiosity is killing you, right? You're dying to hear what I got to say... I will please you with my words... I know that you're in some desperate moments in your life. Cain is the problem, right? Well, I have a certain offer that you might consider quite pleasing.
Y/N frowned and didn't flake but his fists loosened. The woman's smirk widened at seeing his growing interest.
I can offer you what you seek the most, Y/N... Power, I can provide with it. I can provide you power only comparable to those of the Gods. Enough power to destroy Cain and to achieve your goals.
"And who do I have to do to get such power that you promise?"
Simple. I just need you to find me a vessel... I'm currently in something similar to a Limbo. While I'm not alive nor I'm dead. Due to that, I have no power in the world of the living. That's where you come in. You, Will, find an adequate vessel and bring it to me in a world where being alive isn't necessary to step on... The Purgatory.
"That seems easy. I just get any asshole who I find anywhere and bring it to you."
She chuckled as she shook her head.
No. That won't work. If the vessel is weak it would all be in vain... I need someone strong. With enough capacity to contain my majestic power. And that's the hard part, almost no one can reach that amount of willpower. But there's also an easier way... If you get a relative of mine it can also be used as a vessel.
"Do you seek my body? Perhaps you aim me to be your vessel whoever you are..."
You're indeed an above adequate vessel but I don't want to take you... I want to have you. So no, I don't desire your body. And if I may add I would rather be in a female body.
Y/N narrowed his eyes when she mentioned "have you" What does she mean by that?
"So who?"
The woman grew a grin that reached her eyes.
Maybe... Valiana Lucifer might make a fine vessel... Or even that incoming child of yours-
Her words died in her throat when she felt a powerful grasp on her neck. A grip that almost made her suffocate.
"Remember, Wench. I am not afraid of saying no to you. I can easily reject your offer and still get what I desire. If you dare to finish that sentence... Gods can bleed. And you're no God which means that I can kill you. I don't care who you are and if you act against those I care about, I will kill you."
He said with a deadly voice.
The woman whose neck was being gripped smirked at seeing this violent reaction of him.
Her hand gripped his slowly pushing away his grip off her neck.
Y/N frowned at this show of strength, but he pressed further... still it was futile. She ended up overpowering him.
Although... she used more strength than what she expected to use.
When she freed herself from his grip her eyes locked on his
You have heart, I give you that... But learn your place, Human.
"This human might be your only safeguard of getting you out of that shithole you're in. So pay some respect to me."
She chuckled darkly.
You're only partially right... But do not think you're the only choice that I have. Don't hold yourself in such high esteem.
"Maybe not... But I am the Best."
The only thing that followed from her was the silence which told Y/N that he was in the right.
You have a point. Returning to the topic at hand. If you don't want to give me the people that I want...
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