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When we arrived at Adam's house I wasn't surprise by the size of it since he is filthy rich. Adam held my hands for the whole damn ride. Every time I would try to move he would hold me tighter.

Adam gets out of the limo and then opened my door for me.

I walk into the mansion and see a really tall ceiling, lovely crown molding, a table in the center, two flights of spiral staircases going up to the second floor, the floor is ceramic tile. There are pricey things all over the place. The kitchen has the best gadgets. The counter top is marble. And also there are at least eight bedrooms. Each one with a different theme and a bathroom of its own. From inside you can see that he had a heated pool that is connected to a hot tub. I see a great garden with wonderful plants.

Adam put his keys on a coffee table and turn to face me." So make yourself comfortable while I go and fetch you some clothes to wear." With that he was out of the room.

I look around the room to see pictures of Adam wearing suits. He looked really handsome in these pictures. There a canvas of paintings and other stuff but no pictures of him with his family. I've seen pictures of his mom and dad on TV. His dad seems to be a very nice man. And his mom is a stuck up bitch. Wendy Williams words, not mine.

"Are you enjoying these?" A voice ask behind me. I jump and spun around to see Adam leaning on the living room door with an amused look on his face.

"I- I. No" I shuttered as I look at him.

He chuckled and give me the clothes. I look at them and see a sweat pants, and a tank top. I raise an eyebrow as I look at the tank top.

"They're my sister's"

"You have a sister?"

He runs his hands through his hair. Man! "Yeah now go change" He said tiredly.

"Um... Thanks."

I walk to the bathroom he has on the first floor and changed my clothes. Thank goodness I always bring my makeup remover with me everywhere. I to my hair out of the bun and let it down. When I was done I folded my dress kinda neatly and take my shoes and get out of the bathroom. When I was out of the bathroom I sae Adam seating on the floor, sleeping. He looks cute. I was about to take a pic when I remember that Adam broke my phone. Ugh!

I bent down and shake his shoulder, "Adam" Nothing. "Adam" Again nothing. Then I did something without thinking first. I kiss his cheek but he turns his head around and I kissed his lips instead. My eyes widen and I back away quickly. Adam looks at me and smirk.

"Gotcha" He said still smirking.

I am so mad at him. Well, I kinda kissed him so....

"I wanna go to bed" I said sternly.

"Whatever" he gets up and I follow him. He stops in front of a door. "This is my room."

I look at him. "Great. Now where am I gonna sleep?"

He looks at me like I have two heads. "In my room" He said in a duh tone.

"WHAT!" I screech.

"What is there a problem?" He asks with a glare. I'm not gonna fall for this.

"Yes there is. You're my boss and I'm not gonna share the same bed with you. It's a no no." I said sternly as I put my folded dress, heels, and clutch on a chair by his bedroom door.

"You ask for it then." He mumbles. With that I was being carried and thrown on Adam really soft bed. Ah! The sheets smell like blossoms. Snap out of it Jessie!

I sit up on the bed and said, "No I don't want to. Either I sleep here on your bed and you sleep somewhere else or I can just go sleep in another room."

He shakes his head and takes a towel and walks toward a door and went in. Seconds later I heard the shower. Well I guess he's gonna take a shower then. I walk out of his room quietly. I tried to use the guest rooms and guess what. They were locked.

He freaking locked him. Little piece of shit. I know I shouldn't call my boss names like this but he doesn't know what I'm thinking.

I walk back to his room and took remote and turn on the TV on. I was watching 'Vampire Diaries' when I fell asleep.

Minutes pass then I heard the TV turned off and I felt the bed move a little. I was too tired to see who it was.

Something soft and warm touched my forehead then I heard a faint. "Night Angel." And a door slam shut.

The next morning I wake to find no Adam next to me. Then I did a happy dance in my head. But for some unknown reason I was kinda sad because he wasn't next to me.

I took the covers off of me and went to Adam's bathroom. I saw an unused brush and brush my teeth then I washed my face. When I was done I went downstairs to the living room.

When I got there I found no Adam. Uhm! Maybe he went to work.

"Miss Johnson you're awake. Mr Moon is waiting for you in the dining room." A chubby and bald man wearing a suit said.

"Oh thank you but where is he?" I ask.

"Right, follow me" He open the door for me and show me where the dining room is. "Mr. Moon, Miss Johnson is here"

Adam turns around and walks toward me. "Jessica! My beautiful Jessica. You're awake." He then kisses both of my cheeks. Wow! Oh my god! I can't believe it! He- "Thank you Delewique. You can leave now." Delewique nodded and left. "Sit down Jess" Adam said as he pull out a chair for me. Okayyy.

I look at him and ask, "Are you okay?"

He look at me weirdly and said, "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because you're acting all nice to me."

"Well do you want me to be a dick to you then?" I shook my head. " Alright enough talking and more eating" With that we spent the rest of the morning talking about work.

"Wow I'm full." I said as I take a seat next to him on the couch.

"Yeah me too."

I look over at the clock and see that it's 12am. Oh my! "Well I have to go Mr. Moon. Keyla might be worry about me"

"You know you can call me Adam when were not at work." He said softly.

"Thanks but no thanks. That is very unprofessional-"

"I insist."

"Ok. Mr Mo- I mean Adam. I have to go home before Keyla calls the police." I joke as I get up.

"Wait!" He gets up and opens a cabinet. "Here." He hands me my house and car keys.

I'm gonna kill him!

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