[47] Fear In Her Veins.

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A/N: I didn't review this chapter for errors, could you let me know if you see any grammatical errors? Thanks! ♥️

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"I can't believe my car broke down in the middle of an emergency. I'm telling you, they don't pay me enough at work to be able to even afford an old Toyota." Ashley grunts.

Dunia becomes anxious as she sits in the passenger side, patiently waiting for the tow truck. "I can't wait any longer, Ash. I have to go." She flings open the door and was about to shut it when Ashley stops her.

"Hey! Woah there, missy!" Ashley says.

"I really have to go. I have this horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach. I have to go find Barqat." Dunia's voice is almost shaking. "Our house is a five minute walk from here, I'll make it."

Ashley sighs, "I wasn't going to stop you, I was going to say you're forgetting your phone." She hands Dunia the cell phone. "I want you to text me a video of yourself or FaceTime me if anything changes or you're in trouble or need a ride back. Do you understand?"

Dunia nods.

"Don't you dare send just a normal text, I want a video of you saying you're okay or whatever to confirm that you're okay!" Ashley says, sounding like a concerned mother.

Dunia gives her a thankful smile, "A video or FaceTime, I understand. Thank you so much."

Ashley waves her off and stays back to deal with the towing situation for her car. She scans the area and says out loud to herself, "Why the hell does Mr. Devil need to live in such a private area? Who is he hiding from?"

• • •

Dunia runs as fast as her feet can take her towards Barqat's house. The fact that it's night and the streets are dimly lit doesn't help her journey. She trips a couple of million times on random things such as branches or rocks or even on her own feet on her way to the house. It was almost as if some force was trying to make her journey as slow as possible.

Once she reaches the house, she takes a few seconds to normalize her breathing because she was breathing way too hard from all the running. Once she catches her breath, she sends Ashley a quick video telling her she made it and then she proceeds to ring the doorbell a couple of times. To her relief, Donatella opens the door.

"Dunia! Ma'am! You don't understand how extremely glad I am to see you right now." Donatella brings Dunia in for a warm, longing hug.

"I'm glad to see you too! Where's Barqat?" Dunia asks.

Donatella looks away for a second, almost if questioning herself whether she should tell Dunia or not. She decides it's better to tell her. "Sir is in his room. He told me strictly to tell anyone who comes to his door to tell them he is not here."

That explains why Aamir or Imran haven't been able to figure out where Barqat has been, Dunia thinks to herself.

Once Dunia comes inside, Donatella decides she should fill Dunia in about the current situation.

When Donatella finishes telling her, Dunia stands there in shock with tears in her eyes.

"I broke him again, didn't I?" She says more to herself than anyone else.

Donatella shakes head, "He was never mended in the first place, Ma'am. He was getting there but the process wasn't complete."

Tears fall down Dunia's cheeks as it feels like someone is squeezing the life out of her heart right now.

Donatella shakes her head and wipes away Dunia's tears, "Ma'am, both of you were fighting your own battles at one point and needed the time apart. This is not your fault, neither is it Sir's. Always remember that."

Dontella lets Dunia know that she's going to go back home and Barqat is in his room. Dunia thanks her for everything, then she closes the door behind Donatella.

Dunia stares at the floor for a few seconds as she says to herself, "Please, Barqat. Hold on, hold on to us."

• • •

Dunia knocks on his door, no answer. She knocks a few more times and now her heart begins to pound.

She fiddles with the door knob. There's no luck, it's locked. A sickening feeling settles in her stomach.

She calls out to him, "Barqat! Open the door! It's me!"

No answer.

"Please, please open the door... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for not thinking about you, about us, before I left." She begs, her voice is pleading with him to open the door. But there's not a single sound coming from the room.

Dunia panics and calls Donatella.

Dunia: He's not opening the door! He's not answering me, Dona. I'm freaking out, what do I do?!

Donatella: Ma'am, please breathe. There's a key I keep in case of emergencies for the master bedroom. It's in the vase that's right beside your door.

Dunia looks inside and finds the key.

Dunia: Thank you so much, Dona! I don't know what I'd do without you!

Donatella: You're welcome, dear. Now, quick! Make up, you two so we can all go back to normal!

Dunia smiles, says goodbye and hangs up.

She inserts the key into the keyhole and unlocks the door. She slowly creaks open the door and gasps.

The room is a clear mess, bottles and cans of alcohol everywhere, trails of broken glass. The look of the room makes Dunia's heart sink because she can see Barqat's distress through this mess.

She scans the room further but no sign of Barqat. It feels like her heart is beating in her ears because of how hard her head is throbbing.

"Barqat...?" She calls out. Again, no answer.

She walks towards the washroom and sees a clear trail of red substance smeared against the marble white floors.

She flings open the door to the washroom and to her horror, she sees spiritless Barqat slumped up in the corner. Her stomach churns at the sight of the man she loves in a state that crushes her heart into a million pieces.

Then, her eyes land on something even more terrifying, sitting neatly beside him: a bottle of pills. The sight of the bottle drains all the colour from Dunia's face, making it as white as a sheet. Her mind is telling her to run to him but her feet are rooted to the floor, frozen. She feels her body turning cold and paralyzed, she can feel herself shaking. She wants to scream but she is unable to speak, her eyes wide with tears pooling in them. Her heart is in her throat, pounding too hard to her discomfort. She's scared, too scared to comprehend the scene in front of her, to scared to think about how far he had gone. Fear, that's all that is flowing through her veins.

"Barqat!" She manages to scream with all her heart, but he doesn't move, doesn't even flinch. He's seems... unresponsive.

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A/N: I keep building up the tension in each chapter... sorry! 😭😭😭 I promise next chapter I shall bring some peace.

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