[17] Officially His.

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A/N: oh my gosh, guys. I totally forgot today's a Saturday and I'm supposed to publish a new chapter. I'm so sorry! As an apology, I'll release the next chapter immediately after this one!! Enjoy!!! ☺️♥️

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Everything so far has been going splendid. The first few events went by smoothly. It was so much fun that Ashley was joking on about how she wants to marry into a South Asian family for the big wedding.

Now, the only events left now is the Nikah and Walima. The Nikah will take place at a local mosque, this is where the bride and groom will say their formal "I do's" in front of their families and make their marriage official under the law of Islam.

For the Nikah, Dunia doesn't want to dress up too much because she wants to save the glitz and glam for their reception.

As she lays in bed, staring at her mehndi, she thinks about how life after marriage would be so different. All her life she's been told to keep her distance for men and now she's going to be spending her life with one for the rest of her days. Interesting how that works, huh?

Then, she starts thinking about Barqat; his frozen blue eyes, his sculpted muscles, his sharp as heck jaw, his lusciously [sometimes, unkept] hair, his rare white smiles, his laughs— oh, his laughs! The sound of his laughter to could bring her to her knees.

"You're mine, Dunia Bukhari, don't you think for a fucking second I'll let you forget that." He said that with such fire in his eyes! She couldn't distinguish his tone; was it like? Was it hate? What did he mean by that? Will he love her? Will he torture her? It's probably too late to back out the wedding.

She fell asleep to her nerve-wracking thoughts. It's a good thing it didn't take her long to fall asleep because tomorrow is her big day, tomorrow is the day she becomes Mrs. Barqat Sheikh, tomorrow will begin her new journey through life.

• • •

Dunia woke up from someone kissing her forehead, "Wake up, sleepyhead. I made you breakfast."

She rubs her tired eyes, trying to focus on the voice, what the— "Mr. Barqat?"

"It's just Barqat to you, Mrs. Barqat Sheikh." He playfully taps her nose.

"What in the world is—"

"Shhh! You talk too much unnecessary things." He caresses his finger across her lips.

Dunia gets up from her bed and stands to face him, his eyes, they're so calm right now. Most of the times, there's some kind of a storm brewing within those orbs, but right now, it looks so serene.

Barqat twirls her around and her back his against his chest and he wraps her arm around her stomach, "I'm such a lucky man to have someone like you." He whispers seductively in her ear. "I'm a little hungry..."

"Oh, really" Dunia asks as her heart thumps away loudly.

"Mhm... You know what I want? I want you..." He sends chills down her body. He begins kissing her neck and she feels his stubble scratch along her soft skin.

"DUNIAAAAAAAAA!!" Eliza calls her. "You slept through your goddamn alarm!"

Dunia jumps out of her bed, whips her head around the room to familiarize herself with her situation. Oh, it was a dream...

Suddenly, she feels extremely embarrassed about dreaming such a provocative thing right before her Nikah.

"Why the heck are you so red?" Eliza asks, confused. And then a smirk appears on her face, "You were thinking about your boo boo, weren't you?"

"Eliza! Stop! I was not! And my what? Boo boo? Kids are so weird nowadays."

"Mhm... Whatever you say... Anyways, quick! We have to be out in an hour and you look like you haven't slept in years." Eliza ushers Dunia away to the washroom to take a shower.

• • •

At the mosque, they were joined by their small, intimate group of family and friends. The parents from both sides are present, along with a few close relatives and close friends are also here.

There was one person missing though: Aamir Khan. Barqat tried not to take into offence that his best friend decided to skip out on such an event. However, he guesses that Aamir is upset over the fact that Barqat's marrying Dunia. Aamir only had a crush on her, he'll get over it and come right back to Barqat. Or so that's what Barqat said to himself to make him feel better.

Muslim couples traditionally are married by an imam, or Muslim religious leader, although any adult Muslim male can perform the ceremony. In Dunia and Barqat's case, the Imam read from the Qur'an and speaks about marriage and the roles of spouses, then asks the bride and groom three times if they accept one another willingly and the terms outlined in the nikah.

The Imam begins, "Barqat Sheikh, do you accept Dunia Bukhari to be your wife?"

Barqat looks at Dunia, who hasn't looked up through the entirety of this, which upsets him, why won't she look at him?

"I, Barqat Sheikh, pledge, in honesty and sincerity, to be for you a faithful and helpful husband. Qubool hai, qubool hai, qubool hai (I accept)."

The Imam turns to Dunia, "Dunia Bukhari, do you accept Barqat Sheikh as your husband?"

For some mad reason., Dunia begins questioning this whole thing right before she's supposed to accept. Should I do it? Should I run? What if I regret this? Why am I thinking about this so late? Too late to think about this now, Dunia, isn't it? She can tell she's taking too long to answer because Ashley and Inaya are throwing her concerned looks.

She exhales and begins, "I, Dunia Bukhari, offer you myself in marriage in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Qur'an and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him. I pledge, in honesty and with sincerity, to be for you an obedient and faithful wife. Qubool hai, qubool hai, qubool hai."

She looks up at Barqat, finally, after everything is over and could see something in his eyes, she just can't place what it is.

Everyone joins in a silent prayer and then, everyone breaks into an emotional breakdown. The parents from both sides are crying. Inaya and Ashley couldn't stop their tears either. Eliza tries to be stronger for them all but that becomes pretty tough when everyone around you is basically a mess.

"Can you give this husband a few minutes of alone time with his wife?" Barqat shocks everyone with what he says.

Adnaan Sheikh is so proud of how Barqat welcomed Dunia into his life. Honestly, Barqat's overall presence has improved so much, he couldn't give credit to anyone except Dunia. He's so proud of both of them.

"Nah, you have the rest of you life to do that. We're taking our girl home and spending the rest of the day with her because tomorrow's the Walima and Rukhsati and she'll be gone." Inaya puts her foot down.

"True, I agree." Ashley says. Eliza agrees.

Maheen smirks and whispers to her brother, "You'll have her to yourself starting tomorrow, stop getting so feisty. You're injuring your manly image."

Barqat looks at his giggling bride, "I guess you're right. She's officially mine for the rest of her life."

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A/N: Barqat is a shady guy... 🤔

Sorry if this was a little shorter than most of my chapters! I'll try making it longer next time. ☺️

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