chapter thirteen

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I do not own any of the rights or characters of The Office, only my oc Amy


Jim's POV

While I was assembling my gift, the camera crew came up and asked what I was doing. "Well, for the first time ever, I got Amy in secret santa, and I got her this teapot, which I know she really wants. But, I'm also going to stuff it with some inside jokes. Like my high school yearbook photo, because ever since she saw it, she put it as her work computer screensaver, I also have her high school photo just for some giggles. What else, Oh I got her a mini bottle of tequila because you know Ames loves her liquor. Some of these will take a little long to explain, oh this is the shirt she stole from me one of the first night's she stayed at my house, this is to show her I stole it back, but she can keep it, it looks better on her anyways. Okay. That was cheesy... And finally this is a card. Because Christmas is the time to tell people how you feel."

Amy came and sat down at her desk and immediately started ranting about how terrible it is being on the party planning committee. All I could really do was nod my head in agreement every now and then and try to hold back a smile because she looks so cute when she's worked up. 

Dwight came in dressed as an elf and said, "Alright everybody, it is time to take your gift, wrap them up and place them under the tree... like so. if you do not put your present under the tree within five minutes, you will be disqualified from secret santa. All right? No exceptions. Except Michael." 

Eventually, Michael came up to me while Amy was talking to Pam at her desk. "You get something good this year?" I paused, "Uh, I think I did a pretty good job." "Yeah? Who'd you have?" "I cant tell you because its a secret." "I think I got something pretty nice for my guy. Spent a lot of dough, a lot." I narrowed my eyes and said, "Well there's a 20 dollar limit, right?"  "Well, I wanted this party to be really special, so I sort of went above and beyond." "That's great. Don't tell me who it is-" Michael cut me off by saying, "It's ryan!" 

Dwight saved me from the conversation by announcing the start of secret santa. Michael started a countdown of the tree lighting and to say we were underwhelmed would be an understatement. Amy stood next to me with her arms crossed. "I told them we needed more lights, but noooo." I just laughed at her agitation. Oscar opened his present from Kelly, next I opened a shirt from creed. He got it from his closet probably but ill just give it to Amy since it's too small for me. Next up was my gift to Amy. When she saw the teapot her face lit up and she looked at me, "Oh Jim! Thank you!" I tried to tell her there were things inside, but Dwight cut me off.

Things went smoothly until Michael got handmade mittens from Phylis and he suggested the idea of a white elephant game after his little meltdown. "But this defeats the whole purpose of the gifts, they were all designed for a certain person, you cant just-" Michael cut Amy off and continued to explain the game. My face got pale thinking someone else might end up with the letter. 

Meredith immediately stole the teapot from Amy, much to my protest. Amy kindly tried to steal it back but michael told her that was against the rules. She chose the oven mitt saying phylis wroked really hard on it and should be used with care. The game went on and eventually Amy ended up with the ipod which she used to trade for the teapot. 

"Amy, why did you give up an ipod for a simple teapot?" I asked out of curiosity. She laughed, "Well, i really wanted it but if I know you, then there is definetly something inside. And well, I guess i wanted it because... its from you." Michael interrupted us by bringing in 15 bottles of vodka. While Amy was distracted by the alcohol, I snagged the letter from inside her present. Maybe this disaster was a sign that I shouldn't tell her about my true feeligs yet. 

Amy and i went through the teapot and I just knew she loved it from all the smiles she gave.

Amy's POV

Jim's present was literally the sweetest! We were just enjoying our time together when low and behold, Todd Douchebag Packer entered the party. I rolled my eyes and Jim knew exactly what I was pissed at. He then came over towards me and pointed down, that's when I noticed the mistletoe he put in his pants. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I had had enough. "Listen here buddy. This is highly inappropriate and I should go to toby right now and file a report but its christmas and im feeling nice. So here is the thing. Leave me alone or else." The douchebag just scoffed and uttered something under his breath that I couldnt hear, but apparently Jim heard it as i saw his face get a little red and he stood up. 

"Todd. If you ever say anything like that again, it will be soo bad for you. Here is how this is going to go. You can stay at this party but you are NOT going to speak to Amy. If you even THINK about talking to her, touching her or even LOOK at her, I will not hesitate to throw you out the office, Alright?" With every word he said, he got closer and closer to Packer. I got nervous that things were about to get physical so I grabbed Jim and pulled him into the break room but not before I could flip todd packer off. 

"Jim, Jim, hey hey, look at me! You gotta calm down Jimmy, its okay just look at me." "But you didn't hear what he said-" I just shushed him. Eventually he calmed down enough for me to thank him. "Jim, thank you for standing up for me, I really appreciate it." He smiled at me and moved my hair out of my face. we both leaned in but before anything could happen, Michael barged in with two shots and gave them to us. We both just shrugged our shoulders and threw 'em back. 

Closer to the end of the party, said douchebag was passed out in one of the chairs so jim and I started to dress him up with tinsel and ornaments. Jim pulled out some silly string and was about to spray him but he paused. "Here, you do the honors. I think you've earned it." So I sprayed his whole head until the can ran out. we both laughed and high fived each other. 

Jim and i were playing around in the snow, acting like children when everyone came out and asked us if we would meet them at Poor Richard's. We agreed and met our little work family and got super drunk. Again. 

Michael's pov

Happy Birthday, Jesus. sorry your party's so lame.

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