The First Fight

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"You'll get a thousand reasons to be demoralized but if you really want to fix everything. That one single reason of sticking together is worth trying hard."

Abhimanyu's Perspective

"Why did not you pick up my calls?" She howled at the entrance. 

"You asked me not to disturb you for these three days." 

"But" She looked mad. "But I called you, so you should pick it up."

Exhaling, I ignored her words "This is the part where you must call me in." I reminded manners to her.

She murmured. "I was just getting to that." and clicked open the door, ushering me in.

"Butu! Did you check who's on the do-" Her mom stopped in her tracks as she noticed me. I smiled and touched her feet, passing nectarines to her. "Hello, mom!"

"God bless you son. You got late." She pressed her palm on my head and I stood up. "Yeah, meeting took long."

"No worries go get fresh." She turned to Shree, "Take him to the room."

The moment I entered, Shree spun around and put her arms on her waist. "Now answer, why you didn't pick my call?"

"I just answered that." I removed my tie, walking past her but she followed. "Why do I smell lies here?

"Diagnose your nose then." I scoffed and went inside bathroom, cleansed my face, hands and foot. I came out puffing my face towel dry. 

"Come! Everyone is calling you downstairs." She called and we headed downstairs.

"Hello, dad!" I greeted her dad and we got indulge in conversation, meanwhile she served snacks and welcomed her friends.

Shree's Perspective

"Why am I urging to kill him? He's hurt you a lot." Rhea muttered in my ear, as she hugged me and I twitched my lips. "No don't worry I know how to deal with him."

", enjoy. I have some work." Dad excused himself and delved in his study room. 

"So, how's everything going?" Akshat asked and the men got immerse in their high professional conversation, completely avoiding our presence. 

"Oh ho! Akshat!" Rhea slapped his forearm. "You are boring him. Stop being professional, sometime." She chided. 

"No no, I love talking business. There's nothing like that." Abhimanyu immediately said and Rhea gave him a dreamy look. "Oh jij! How smart you are!"

I eyed Rhea incredibly. Did she just say that? How could she?

"Um...thank you." Abhimanyu smiled awkwardly and Akshat was shocked.

"Akshat sit aside, I want to sit beside Abhimanyu." She literally pushed Akshat and sat beside him. "Oh! I can call you Abhimanyu. Right jij?"

My eyes popped out at her salacious manner. What the hell is going on?

"Yeah alright!" Exasperation and somewhat fear practically oozed out from Abhimanyu and I and Akshat watched this opera passes free. 

"What has happened to her?" Akshat whispered to me sitting beside and I couldn't look away from the ongoing scene. "I have no idea."

"Haw haw haw... You are so funny Abhi." She dramatically laughed over a serious statement and gently slapped Abhimanyu's arm, much to my discomfort and Akshat's jealousy. 

He groaned, clutching my arm, "Ask her to stop right now or I'll kiss her before everyone." I gaped at him to only trace seriousness. No no no! I don't want any pg-13 rated actions before my parents and definitely not before Abhimanyu.

"Ah!" Rhea gasped. "I hope you didn't mind when I called you Abhi." She smothered sultrily and I clenched my fist.

"Rhea..." I called through my greeted teeth. "Come, I want to show you something."

"Oh please Shree!" She showed me her hand. "Let me talk to me, Abhi." And she was back in seduction "You are very impressive persona, Abhi."
I could feel Abhimanyu squirming in discomfort and Akshat bawling his fist in anger. Count me in Akshat's team. Rhea had gone nuts.
"I am done..." Akshat whispered to me, breathing hard "Now." I clutched his arm tightly as he crouch forward a lil and on cue, Abhimanyu's eyes flickered on me and he gave me a one of 'Save-me' types look. I finally decided to be in charge.
"Rhea..." I got up and grasped her hand. "Let the men talk. I want to show you gifts. Come!" I forcefully dragged her to my room and if I wasn't wrong, while coming I heard a sigh of relief from Abhimanyu.
"What the hell were you doing?"
"I was checking if he is interested in women or not." She answered coolly and I glared her in disbelief "You did that drama to know this."
"Yes," she nodded. "And I think he has some manufacturing defect. You noticed how uncomfortable he was."
"That calls mannerism, you duffer." I slapped her forehead. "And for your concern, Akshat is hell mad on you."
"Oh my god!" Rhea gasped. "Now what?"
"Ask from your Abhi!" I commented wryly and she rolled her eyes. "Now come on, don't be jealous. You know I was faking. I love Akshat only."
"Try telling this to Akshat." I smirked.
"Huh! Ungrateful." She snorted, "Anyways, how are you gonna deal with him?"
"Very simple!" I shrugged, sitting cross legged. "I am his wife. Then I will be his wife." I vocalized determined.

Abhimanyu's Perspective

"Here! Your coffee!" She smiled, placing my regular on the study table and I followed her gaze. What's wrong with her?
"Oh and I've already taken out your suit," She spun around midway while going. "You just need to match the shirt. Okay?"
I nodded, still unsure. I continued working and she danced around, folding and ironing clothes.
"Hey! Leave that, I will do that." I forbade as she took my shirt to iron but she shook her head. "I will do it. Relax!"
"And yeah, if you have laundry, do tell me. Washer man is coming today. I will give him." She added.
This was the routine now. She's either gone mad or she's been lectured thoroughly by her mom. Since the day she came back from her parent's home, she had her typical wife mode switched on. She would greet me smiling when I got back from office, offer me coffee without even asking, place my office bag on the rack and did my works eagerly even though I didn't want her to.
I looked at her and she smiled arghh! She'd become a smiling doll basically and this sudden change was bothering me too much. This was so not her.
What happened in three days that she changed so much!
"Abhimanyu!" She called and I glanced at her, "I was thinking that it's been almost two weeks of our marriage. So can I join office back?"

This. This was also annoying. She would ask me before doing anything. Last week, she had to go shopping with her creepy friend Rhea and instead of announcing, she asked my permission.
Not that I denied but it was just this was so not her. I think she's faking it. The real Shree was who lashed on me the next day of our marriage. Again, it's not like I was not liking the change; it's peaceful but I was more tensed why she was doing it.
"You don't need to ask me. You can join whenever you feel like." I mumbled, looking away and she chirped, excitedly. "Really? Thank you!"
I closed my eyes, irritated. I was going to get mad if she continued this. I think she's chalking my mental disorder scheme.
"Rhea is coming to-"
"Why?" Her friend Rhea had some negative vibes. I mean, not that I am afraid or something, it was just she was creepy, she would open flirt with me before Shree or her boyfriend. Why the hell I am bestowed with crazy people?
"To pick me up." She said. "It's my friend's birthday on ensuing Monday. We need to buy gifts."
"Actually I wa-"
"Shree, will you please let me work?" I asked, vexed or more likely to bring out her real expression; anger.

"Oh I am so sorry." She apologized, making me slump my shoulders. I took my stuff and moved out.
God please help me.

Shree's Perspective

I grinned as he moved out. "Run as much as you want Abhimanyu. But you've to come back to me."
I folded remaining clothes and placed them neatly in cupboard and sprawled on the bed. So basically the plan was to impose this relationship on him. I will remind him every second about me being his wife and one day, either he will spill out the truth or he will accept me. The reaction he gives to my current behavior, clearly says how troubled he is.
So, in near future he would definitely confront me and ask me to be real.
"Oh god! How much I have to do for this relation." I muttered, holding my head, though in a way it was good. We didn't fight now, sometimes he gave up and sometimes I.
Yeah, sometimes he tried to argue but I caved in. Just like now. I tried to evoke an argument with Rhea's context as I knew he disliked her lately. My stupid friend, still thought that he was not interested in women and sometimes her stupidity took a toll on relationship but nevertheless she was hell bent on pushing Abhimanyu to his limits.
"One day, you will come to me Abhimanyu and that too willingly I promise." I mumbled, looking at his photograph and placed it back on the table.
I ran downstairs to play with Adi. Sometimes, he brought the best mood out of me. I loved kids but my jerk husband, he didn't like kids even. I mean, what was he? A demon!
"Mom! I was thinking to join office. Is that okay?" I asked after breakfast, as past two weeks we were free since men had gone to office.
"Of course! When do you want to join?" Mom asked, stitching a patchwork on Aditya's cover.
"Ensuing Monday!" I enunciated and she nodded, Vidhi Bhabhi came at the moment precisely with tea "Here, your coffee!"
"Thank you Bhabhi!"

I came to upstairs, taking water jug with me and opened the door to find Abhimanyu throwing each and every thing here and there. Ah! The moment he came back from office, he was topped in sour mood. He'd dinner silently, didn't even sit with dad and Dada for the regular chat. He just sprinted upstairs while I stayed back to help Vidhi Bhabhi.
"Are you searching something?" I asked, keeping the jug on the night stand but he didn't answer and continued his work.
I chose not to bother and taking my nightgown, I ambled to bathroom. I showered leisurely and came out wiping my face. Involuntarily, my eyes followed to Abhimanyu and he'd now done emptying half of the closet on bed, now his next target seemed study table.

"What are you searching?" I asked again and this time, he roared turning to me. "Will you just shut up?"
I was stunned as he glared me and bawled. "Why can't you just stay out of my matter?"
"I...i...was...just -"
"I was just what? Why the hell you have to poke your nose in everything?" My eyes widened as he gripped my elbow. "Did I ask your help? Then why do you keep blaring in my ears?"
He jerked me back and I fisted my palm, as much as I wanted to hit on his face square, I was afraid I would cry.
"There's no need to..." I mumbled and he cut me off. "Just shut up! I don't want to hear a word."
He rapped out and resumed his work while I stood numb, tears threatened to fall but I controlled it somehow.
"You are touching my stuff right?" He yelled again, spinning around. "Who asked you to? I have clearly told you that I give a shit about this relationship and you. Then why are you imposing yourself on me?"
He threw some t-shirts on the couch, yelling. "And, your new hobby- arranging. Ma'am nothing is on its place."
ESV sharpened a knife, glaring him. 'Were your things on place before?'
"Who asked you to rearrange my files and clothing? Stop being my wife, okay! I will never accept you not now, not ever." He seethed, slamming shutting the wardrobe.
I lost it finally; my tears gland started their lachrymal discharge without my approval. He threw some of his files and folders on the bed, oblivious of my crying.
"This is the last time I am telling you; don't try to be my wife. Doesn't fucking try to be-" He spun around and trailed off.
Seldom had he seen me crying. I didn't care. My tears kept rolling and I dug my nails deep in pillow, clutching it to my heart. Soon, my silent tears turned into sobs and he slowly ambled near me, I hiccupped, wiping my saline water.
"Listen, I-" He preamble but I shouted. "I've heard enough Abhimanyu. I've heard that you don't want me as your fucking wife." Oh screw the manners!!
"It was my fault that I tried to be good with you, I thought perhaps something is bothering you but no" I inhaled sharply, "You are a jinx to me. It was my fault to trace humanity in an inhumane!"
"If you don't want me, if you will never accept me why the hell did you marry me? I didn't beg you." I coughed as my voice croaked and he stepped ahead but I pushed him. "Don't come near me."
"I am sorry I touched your things. I will never do that again. I won't touch your things; I won't do your any work." I wiped my tears frantically.
"I will never try to be your wife." I spat those words at him, taking my pillow and blanket and threw them on the sofa.
I went inside bathroom, rinsed my face, came back to room again but didn't cast any glance at him. I threw his clothes and files that were on the sofa to floor and lied, covering myself completely.


I was getting ready and Abhimanyu was busy searching his tie. I was looking at the mirror but my eyes were following him everywhere and the moment he would look at me, I looked away.
"One thing! I can't find one thing on its place." He muttered to himself, more like telling me but I ignored, just like I was doing from the past four days. I threw the Stoll around my neck and walked past him, not even looking at his things on the way. I even crushed his file under my feet and came out.
"Bhabhi, I will make breakfast. You go and check on Adi." I propounded, taking charge and she smiled at me. This was the last day of my one month holiday as from the next day, I was joining back. So why not make breakfast one last time?

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