Extras (Sneak Peak in Future)

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Since it has been too long I wrote anything about the couple, here this shot is dedicated to them; Abhi and Shree. This may or may not make you smile, this may or may not showcase mischiefs of Surabhi. This may or may not reveal the gravity of Ayansh but this will definitely make you reconcile with the characters.
Fingers crossed.
Have a happy reading.


Why is he so late today?

He wasn't, his usual timing were seven and sometime, eight but I so wanted him beside me now. I fervently checked the clock that hung proudly on the brown ash wall. It had taken it to its ego to not move an inch beyond the number six, being so stubborn as it was.

Objects in my home often forget that I was the owner. Suppose if I am in mood of some excitement and ploy to involve Abhimanyu, his cellphone will buzz, the clock will tick his office timing, the mixer will work perfectly, the sofa will become so light to be pushed by me, the bathroom shower will not spray jets from multiple holes in the pipe, the leaking tap will stop and I can go on ranting many more scenarios.

Blowing out a sigh, I resumed to my task of jotting down the issues regarding new prototype of program developed by the interns under my supervision. Piyush, that interracial brawny guy, made sure to screw my mind more than it already was and I took careful mind notes to screw him the next day. He bloody ruined the front screen. Disaster. Four cups of coffee down my throat in past one hour and I still failed to produce a solution.

It was not like the glitch was major but my mind was on other things. I forced myself to concentrate and broke the record with fifth cup of filtered coffee. Cups gathered around the laptop and papers in the centre table.

I slammed shut the notebook and leaned back in Lawson, rubbing the aching spot above my left eyebrow. I couldn't contain the tornado of anxiety that whirled around in me and it was getting worse for me with each passing second.

In sober fact, my concern encompassed Ayansh - my once innocent munchkin - and it was more important because I couldn't bear the queasiness that occurred in me whenever I thought of his changing behavior as an outcome of my failed nurturing.

I thrust the cup back on the cluttered table and buried my face in my palm, exhaustively. When the silence around me began to thicken, I heard someone growling behind me, imitating that of a wild animal. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Bubbi, come out sweetheart." I called out, regaining my posture but the growl morphed into dead silence. When I turned and peeked over, my little monster wasn't there. My lips developed a grin thinking about her. This morning when my daughter woke up, she was enthused over a new past time that included my dupatta as her cape and devil horn that she bought after pestering Abhimanyu who so wanted to buy a tiara.

So, she was flopping around, hiding in corners, behind curtains, sofa or under the dining table as well. It reminded me that her homework was still due. Class third is a big class after all with so complex curriculum that comprises less activity and more rote learning. I had to vouch for her intellectual evolution without hindering her creativity.

It was a moment of breather before Esv jibed, 'I just hope my innocent daughter doesn't transform into a hooligan, following the footsteps of her delinquent brother.'

Shut the fucking hell up.

I screamed inwardly, feeling that anxiety rushing back in me. Unfortunately, since this evil resided in me, I couldn't wish for it to combust. My son wasn't a punk but somewhere, I knew that he wasn't confiding in me anymore and his actions lately - as I'd been informed - were a stab on my upbringing thereby I was in the serious need of counselling and I trusted none other than my husband for that.

I thought to be like a friend to my kids and Abhimanyu very much supported it but even after this, if my son didn't confide in me with his interests, what could I do? It's what they say, generation gap, maybe.

Esv narrowed her eyes at me. 'Would you've preferred him to tell you about his adult awkward interaction or the other boyish feats?'

I gagged out of gross. I wouldn't prefer that at all but at least he could confide his dad...maybe but who was I kidding to? No one does that. Even I didn't, no matter how close I was to my mom. Maybe, we parents could never fill up this awkwardness and gap between our kids and us. The more I thought of it, the more I was depressed. Ayansh couldn't go and well, kiss the heck out of someone on his whim, despite that he observed the reciprocation but how could I let it slide like nothing happened at all.

"But last I checked, he told me everything about him." I muttered remorsefully, dabbing pencil in between my lips. Papers before me were begging for my attention and I was in heavy thoughts. 

"Bhaww!" Surabhi came out from nowhere and attempted to scare me. I darted my sluggish eyes at her, marvelled how beautiful she looked with the hair cut Abhimanyu forced me to get her.

Her wide eyes which were glinting with excitement began to drop not getting the reaction she expected but in blue shorts and black top with the red cape tied around her neck and red devil horns clipping her hair made her look so so gorgeous that I couldn't bring myself to act scared. She was nowhere close to the scaring monster she was playing.

Sometimes, I wondered if these two masterpieces were created by me because even though I was convinced that my kids would be gorgeous owing to the fact that Abhi and I were...um....good looking, I really surprised myself with impressive offsprings. 

"Mumma, Bhaww!" She tried once, growling harder and I grinned, pulling her in me and kissed her cheek.

"No, mumma! Leave me." She squealed, wrestling out of my grip and adjusted her fringy mopes that fell over her forehead. She didn't like being kissed. I chuckled amusingly when she hid behind the sofa. Her cape flowing like waves behind her.

'She has begun to hide.' Esv snorted once again and my heart thudded. She was young hence I knew everything about her but will she tell me when she gets of her brother's age? Knowing her, I could say no and it made me blue.

She would be one step ahead of Ayansh because he was still my sensible boy and she was reckless, impulsive and very much volatile. She loved committing mistakes and venture new paths which made me dread. I was already very comprehensive of her future but my focus was on Ayansh now.

"Bubbi," She peaked at me with a frown and I smiled. "Go and call bhai."

"He is not at home." She sang, ducking down again.


"He went to take notes from Rashi di."

I clenched my jaw, fisting my hands. "I know what kind of notes he is taking from her."

Ever excited and curious Surabhi sneaked out. "What?"

"Nothing. Bring your notebooks and get your homework done."

Reluctantly, she went to bring her notebooks and I spent next half and hour, guiding her and fixing the glitch of the program.

"I'm done, mumma. Can I play?" She pleaded with puppy face and I checked the watch. It ticked quarter to seven. I nodded at her. "Okay but before that, place all your belonging to their place. Okay?"

"Yes." She quickly assembled her notebooks and put them in her bag before sprinting to her bedroom. I decided to get to cooking then.  

It was half past seven when Abhimanyu came home and collapsed on the sofa drained. I stirred curry one last time and put the tea on the stove.

"Thanks!" He smiled at me when I gave him water and sat beside him. He looked worn out, "Tough day?"

"Yeah!" He dragged a sigh, "Every day in office is tough without you." He leaned in and kissed me. In his forties, he couldn't get more cheeky. He pulled back, looking around. "Why is it so silent around? Where are kids?"

"One is busy hiding and other one is being an ass." I muttered unable to suppress the anger. I got up, "I'm bringing your tea. Meanwhile, get fresh and I will serve your dinner."

"Wait," he ceased me, gripping my one hand. "What's wrong? Which one of my kids irked you so much that you cursed?"

I contorted my face, "I shouldn't do this. You just came home. I can't pressurise you."

"What are you blabbering, Shree? Get seated first." He pulled me beside him and I chewed my inner cheek, staring at our joined hands. "Say something, what's there that pissed you off? I can clearly see these cups and I know you drank too much of caffeine."

"Ayansh!" I sighed out, then paused and looked around. "Surabhi, come out and go to wash your hands."

She growled again. Abhimanyu immediately left me and peeked behind the sofa. "Why's she hiding there?"

There we go! I rolled my eyes. Now I wouldn't have his attention. I got up and it wasn't a surprised that he didn't stop me. I collected the used cups and deposited them in washbasin, strained his tea and served it to him. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Did you see what she is doing? She just ran behind the curtain."

"I've been seeing that since morning." I looked at the satin curtain underneath which her tiny feet were visible. A few seconds later, she came behind us and tried to scare Abhi.

"Oh my princess, you're looking so cute." He gathered her on his lap and kissed her forehead.

"Dad, I'm a predator." She puffed her face. "I'm a scary wolf."

I missed my chuckle. Scary wolf with a cape? Seems like last night bedtime story of beauty and beast dwelled in her mind.

"Oh, but you're my cute, beautiful scary wolf." He bloated, removing her devil horns. I stared at him blankly. Wasn't he the same man who wanted to know what bothered me?

"I'm not supposed to be cute if I'm scary dad." She whined, snuggling to him. It was the time I had to interfere. "Okay, enough now. Surabhi go and wash your hands, I'm serving dinner and," I glare Abhimanyu, "If you've time, phone your son and remind him that he has a home."

"Are you mad at him?" I was asked immediately by him to which before I could say, his daughter responded. "Mumma is mad at everyone, all the time."

"If you don't want me to be mad at you, go and wash your hands." I threatened her while Abhimanyu laughed and she reluctantly went to wash her hands. Abhimanyu called up Ayansh and asked him to come back. He left to get changed and I completed my cooking.

"So, what he has done?" Abhimanyu startled me by coming up behind me and munched a carrot. "I am sure it is connected to your drinking five cups of coffee."

I paused while pouring the curry in casserole dish. "I don't know how to say or....do you think I failed as a mother just because my son is hiding things?"

He bushed his eyebrows together. "If you take that reference, eighty percent of mother fails as a parents, dads included. I hide things from mom and I am sure you also hide."

"Yes but..."

"You haven't failed in performing any role of your life." He got hold of my shoulders and swivelled me to him. I believed it because it was evident in his eyes. "You didn't fail as a daughter, as a daughter in law, as a wife and definitely not as a mother."

"Thanks Abhimanyu." I smiled at him. He nodded, prodding me. "Now tell me what happened?"

"Rhea called." I bit my lip. "She said that Rashi and um..Ayansh...they kissed." Now, he mirrored my surprised and shock mixed face. I continued, "He never told me that he like Rashi but, how can he go and kiss her? It feels so wrong. I thought they both were just good friends but I'm afraid what Akshat will do?"

"Rashi told this to Rhea?"

"No!" I shook my head. "Rhea actually.....saw two of them. She was going to give snacks to them and she saw them in....awkward..."

"Okay that's enough." He stopped, embarrassed as me. "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know." I seriously didn't know. I couldn't ask to Ayansh and I couldn't also let it slide. I was just afraid what would Akshat feel about it? I didn't want to ruin my friendship because of our kids. Especially not because of mine.

"Did Rhea ask Rashi if she likes Ayansh?" He asked and I shook my head. "She didn't. They two behaved so normal after it and even Ayansh didn't say anything to me. I just don't want this to ruin my friendship."

"You're being ridiculous." He chided. "We need to accept it Shree that our kids are growing and there will be incidences where they won't confide in us. By forcing them or being strict, we'll just deepen the ditch between us. We need to act smartly."

I nodded as he went on. "Rashi didn't complain to Rhea which means feelings are mutual. I'm assuming that the act happened mutually."

"Obviously!" I was sure that my son wouldn't force Rashi, or any girl. I bet my life on this.

"Then don't intrude in his life. Shree, look, we're fortunate that we got to know this but what if, it's not how it looks. Maybe they both didn't do anything."

"Who didn't do what, dad?" We both paused as Ayansh entered jovial as always and without washing his hands, tore a morsel of roti, dipped it in curry and ate. 

"You won't stop it, right?" I slapped his back and he grinned, unabashed. "Ma, you make delicious food. I couldn't stop. By the way, what were you two talking?"

"Before that, tell me why it took so much time?" I queried, forgetting that I was pissed over him a few minutes ago.

"You know Rashi, ma. She never keeps her books at place and it took her one hour to find her notes. I jotted down quickly and then dadi asked me to stay for she made phirni. Before I could come, Rhea aunt came and she asked me so many things about you." He replied in a breath and paused to look at me. "Oh, before I forget, aunt is going back to Jaipur tomorrow. So, she invited us over for dinner."

Abhimanyu and I read him closely but we didn't find any guilt on his face for hiding anything from us. He looked like he didn't care.

"How's Rashi?" I asked before I could hold back.

"What about her?"

"No, I mean she is cute right?"

"Yeah, she is." He nodded and rubbed his stomach. "Mom, I'm really famished. Please serve the dinner."

He went away and I fumed. "Did you look at him? Did you see how he behaved as nothing happened? As if I don't know why is he going there again and again."

"But I feel he didn't lie." Abhimanyu contradicted. "I mean, he looked as narrating normal incident. He didn't stammer. He didn't say anything. I think Rhea has misunderstanding."

"God knows what's true!" I muttered, screwing the lids of dishes.

"Do you want me to talk to him? I mean, have a man to man talk with him?"

"Won't it be intruding in his life?" I reanalyzed. "Let's go for dinner tomorrow and observe these two. If I found anything, then I will definitely confront him."



At dining table, when brother sister duo was bickering. I noticed that Ayansh was behaving usual as if he didn't kiss his childhood best friend, as if my best friend hadn't seen him doing that, as if it didn't matter to him that he hid things from us.

"Dad," He looked at Abhimanyu. "Actually, I wanted to buy a camera."

"Smart phones clicks better pictures, you know." Abhimanyu smirked, mixing curry and rice. "Got a girlfriend?"

I almost spurt the water and looked at him aghast but Abhimanyu looked over me. Ayansh rolled his eyes and snorted. "Dad, I want a camera for wildlife photography. I have decided to go for the camping before the school starts."

"You can't even get a girlfriend and want to snapshot a tigress." Abhimanyu provoked him, making Surabhi giggle. "What a wasteful life! Did Rashi refuse you?"

"Dad from where she came?"

"I thought that she is your only friend. So why don't click her pic before clicking a wild beast?"

Ayansh dropped his spoon and complained to me. "Ma, look what he is saying?"

I kicked Abhimanyu under the table and hissed at him. "Why are you turning him into an asshole?" 

"What is an asshole, mumma?" I cursed myself for cussing when Surabhi was in earshot.

"Ma!" "Shree!" Both my son and my husband glared me and I sheepishly reddened. "Surabhi, you don't have to repeat all the words I use, okay? You can't say this word. It's bad manners."


I highly doubt it because she wasn't a person to understand so easily so I wasn't surprised when she said. "Dad, what is the meaning of the word that mumma said?"

"It means," Abhimanyu shot a dark look at me. "She meant how sweet I am but she's right. You can't repeat each and very word she utters, okay?"

"Okay." She caved in and began to finish her dinner.

"So am I getting a camera?" Ayansh asked and Abhimanyu was back to his cocky self. "We'll see if you don't get hit by Rashi and take a shot of her."

"I didn't get hit." Ayansh widened his eyes, "It happened by mistake." I restrained the smile forming on my lips when I recalled that he came limping from school because Rashi unwillingly practised a karate move on him.

"Liar! She slapped your head once again, I saw that." Surabhi grinned and Ayansh groaned. "Fine.. I didn't hit her because it isn't ideal but I've found a way." His lips curved enjoying a private joke.

"You were not supposed to tell us that." I said crossly.

He looked flabbergasted. "Sorry ma, but was I suppose to hide it? Don't you tell me to tell you everything?"

"Shut up!" I groaned. God knows how long wouldn't I confront him owing the fact that Rashi was just not his friend but my friend's daughter.

Esv chipped in, thoughtfully. 'Ayansh and Rashi....together....? Hmm....doesn't sound that bad.'

Well, here I agreed. They don't sound bad....together.

I just hope you've enjoyed. It calls for a new phase where the, well, friends will have something to vouch for and kids have something to hide.

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