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Kats POV

it was a sunday afternoon. We won our Qualifier meet. i got the highest score for solo and duet. But I was so bored. I was looking for mom. Penny was in her room, so i walked to her room.

"Hey, Pen. Do you know where My mom and the rest of them are?" i asked

"Um, I think they're doing a mission, some big mission, they're in europe..Sokian or sokafja or..." she said groggily

I must've woken her up.

"Sokovia?" i asked


"is Maria here?" i asked

"yeah, she's on the deck, i think she's waiting for the quinjet to come back."

"oh, okay.." i said walking away

they're at a hydra base, that's not good

i got up to the deck.

i hid in the shadow. under tables. what ever i could do to make sure no one can sense or hear or see me.

3rd POV

The Avengers aircraft lands at the Avengers tower in New York where Barton is taken by Dr. Cho to have his wounds tended to; Maria walks up to Stark, While katerina is hidden from view

"Lab's all set up, boss." Maria says to Stark

"Uh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler." Tony said pointing to steve

"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve said

"NATO's got him." Maria said

"The two enhanced?" Steve said

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special." Maria said

"Their abilities?" Steve said

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.... He's fast, She's weird." Maria said

Kat's POV (Later at the party)

I snuck to their party, no one has seen me.

i don't understand why no one has check up on me and pen up in the room. their was a party going on. it went for ages. after a while everyone left and it was just the avengers and Maria. everyone was trying to lift Thor's hammer. tony tried, failed. bruce tried, failed. others tried and failed. steve managed to pulled it a little.

"Widow?" Bruce asked Nat

"Oh, no no. That's not a question I need answered." she said

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged." Tony said

"You bet your ass." Clint said

"Steve, he said a bad language word." Maria said

"Did you tell everyone about that?" steve said to tony

The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. "Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints" is, I think, the literal translation?" tony stated

"Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one...You're all not worthy." Thor said as he picked it up

3rd POV

All of a sudden there's a loud screeching noise, like microphone feedback, causing everyone to cover their ears. They let their hands down as it fades, and Tony pulls out his device. One of the Iron Legion suits, heavily damaged and housing Ultron's consciousness, stumbles into the room

"Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers." Ultron said

"Stark." Steve said

"JARVIS." Stark said

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a-dream?" Ultron said deliriously.

"Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit." Stark said tapping his device

"There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." Ultron said

"You killed someone?" Steve said

Kat's POV

What is happening, how can a robot or kill something

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." Ultron said

"Who sent you?" Thor said

""I see a suit of armor around the world." Tony said in a recording played by Ultron

"Ultron." Bruce said

i looked over at mom and she looks scared. i hated it. i wanted to punch that stupid robot in the face but i can't, i mean i can but i won't not yet.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission." Ultron said

"What mission?" mom said

"Peace in our time." ultron said

3rd Pov

all of a sudden, The walls explode, and several Iron Legion bots barge into the room. They begin attacking the team, who all go on the defensive and fight back. Rhodey gets knocked through a window

"Rodney!" Maria said

Banner climbs over the bar to avoid fire from the bots. Natasha grabs him and drags him down, and he lands on top of her. the bots were fighting everyone. bruce apologizes

"don't turn green" Natasha said

"I won't" Bruce said

The Avengers continue fighting the bots. One of the Iron Legion bots steals the Scepter

"C'mon!" Natasha said

The Avengers, while they are fighting back, are mostly trying to avoid getting hit.

"Stark!" Steve said

Stark is attacking one of the Iron Legion bots with a fondue fork

"We are here to help" says one of the iron legion bots

A half-destroyed Iron Legion bot uses its thrusters to hold itself aloft, advancing on Dr. Helen Cho

The Iron Legion lowers its weapon, and Steve grabs it and throws it away for Thor to hit with his hammer

"Thor!" steve said

Stark continues to try and attack of the Iron Legions with his fork

"it's's unsafe" said the broken iron legion

"Come on! That's the one!"

He shuts it down and it falls to the floor. The fighting continues until Barton throws Cap's shield to him.

"Cap!" Clint said

Steve uses his shield to dismember the last Iron Legion bot

"That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?...With these? These puppets?...There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction." ultron said as he picked up the iron legion and crushed its head

then thor throws his hammer at ultron and destroys his body. he soon begins to sing and uploaded his body to the Sokovia's Base.

Later on the Avengers go to the lab. where Kat follows them undetected. The adults were talking about how Ultron was in everything, files, nuclear codes, everything.

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead." Natasha said

"He didn't say dead. He said extinct" Steve said

"He also said he killed somebody." Clint said

"But there wasn't anyone else in the building." Maria said cleaning glass out of her bleeding foot

"Yes there was." Stark said

Stark bring up the now-destroyed 3D image of JARVIS' consciousness

"This is insane." Banner said

Later on

The avengers, plus kat who was still spying, found out ultron killed stucker and wrote peace on the wall above him. they then found out Ultron deleted all of stickers files. so there ent old school, physical copies. Tony found a picture of someone he knew. this guy at a tatto/brand on his neck. he was from Africa, Wakanda. the tattoo meant thief in africa.

"we need to go on a mission." Stark said

"are we going right now, i might need to say good bye to kat. i haven't seen her all day." Nat said

"suit up in 45." stark said before leaving. going to say good night and good bye to Penny. Kat on the other hand, heard natasha and snuck out and ran up the stairs all the way to her room.

she ran up floor after floor. when she got to her floor she checked what floor the elavator was, Nat, maria, tony, and pepper, were on two floors down.

Kat's POV

After stark said suit up in 45, i knew my moms would want to say bye to me, or more like nat would be saying bye to me, maria would stay but still. i snuck out of the lab and ran up the floors all the way to my floor, i checked what floor the elavator was and they were two floors down. I was way too out of break to catch by the time they were up there. I saw the numbers and sprinted to my room. and closed the door.

What do i do

Nat's POV

I was in the elavator with maria, and Stark and Pepper. We wanted to check on the girls before we go on our mission. Pepper and Maria are going to staying here, but we still all wanted to check on them. the elavator open and we walked in. Maria and I head for Kat's room and pepper and Stark went to Pen's.

outside the door i could here crying and someone hyperventilating.

"kat!" i said as i somewhat barged in

she was in her bed, the light was off. but i could still see. she was in her bed and curled up in a ball hyperventilating.

"Hey. Hey, it's ok, it's ok!" i said running up to her.

"What's wrong? tell mommy what's wrong?" i said

"I-I-I...h-h-ha-had..b-ba-a-d..d-dre-dre-dream." she said stuttering before letting out a sob

I began hugging her rubbing her back.

"oh, sweet girl! It's okay, don't cry! what was this dream about?" i asked

"it...w-was about f-f-fought a a mo-mon-monster and you-you never ca-came ba-back" she said

"aww, sweet girl! i will always come back! why don't momma and mommy stay with you until you fall asleep?" i said

Maria and i sat on her bed, Kat sitting in the middle. kat layed her head on my chest. hearing my heart beat until she fell asleep. as soon as we left we went to suit up.

kat's POV

as soon as they left i went to the quinjet. i looked around for a hiding spot until i found one and waited.

soon enough they started filling in, all in their suits. the quinjet started off and as it was getting off I fell. no body heard me.

we were fifty minutes in the air.

"okay, we are almost there." Tony

"Bruce, you should stay here. We don't need you hulking out." Steve said

"Okay." Bruce said

"So, we all know the plan, right?" Tony said

"We are all going to separate. I will take-" Tony started to say before he was interrupted by Nat's phone

"Nat, seriously. you couldn't have silenced your phone." tony said

"Sorry Stark, It's Maria. it must be important, she knows not to call, that we'll call her if we need her help." Nat said before answering

"Hey Mar, what's up?" Nat said

"What, wait, what do you mean? she wasn't asleep." Nat said

"That's impossible...I-, you were there, she was crying and hyperventilating and she..yes she had a bad dream but, have you checked everywhere? the training room? maybe she, woke up and couldn't go back to sleep and went down there to run a dance or something, or maybe..." Nat said trailing off

oh fuck

this call was about me. Maria must've checked in on me and didn't see me in bed. I'm screwed, i shouldn't have done this.

"so she's not there, or...okay, your 100%, okay let me know" nat said as she hung up

"Kat's missing. she nowhere at the avenger's tower." she said

"that's awful." Clint said

"what do you think happened?" he said

"I- I don't know. She, uh, I found her curled up, she was hyperventilating and crying. she said she had a bad dream where "mommy went and left to go fight a big bad monster and never came back". i..I don't know maybe she..." Nat said trailing off

"what, snuck in here?" Clint said

"I don't know."Nat said

Nat started to look around

3rd POV

Natasha had gotten a call from her Significant Other, Maria, who was watching kat while bat was in this mission. it was late, so kat was supposed to be asleep. According to Nat, Kat had a bad dream and nat put her back to sleep, this bad dream was about Nat leaving and fighting this big bad Monster and never came back. That dream, that a kid gets separate from a parent is a very common bad dream. so it would make sense that a kid would dream that. but Nat having to go on a mansion right after that. it makes sense that a kid would sneak to where their mom is going, especially after a bad dream like that.

Nat was very worried. she really thought that her new found daughter snuck in the quinjet. She looked around and around. then she looked behind one of the chairs and found her.

"Kat!" Nat said

But she wasn't angry, she understood why Kat did it, but she wanted to keep her safe. she loved kat like she was her own daughter, she treated her like her own daughter. She may not be her's by blood, and almost didn't get the chance to be a mother due to the red room but now was her chance with kat.

"Oh, honey!" she said

"I-I'm sorry, I wa-was just scared th-that the dre-dream was going to happen!" kat said tearing up

when kat was found by Nat curled up in a ball, her chin laying on her knees

now they were talking face to face on one of the seats.

"Hey, it's okay, sweet girl! i understand why you did it, but you can't be here, it's too dangerous!" Nat said

"but...your here?" she asked

what kat said touched nat. she thought how adorable it was that she cared so much for her.

"oh, honey. I'll be okay! we are almost there. I need you to stay in the quinjet with bruce, okay! can you do that?" She asked her daughter

"okay, mommy. I'm sorry." Kat said

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay." nat said

They soon arrived at their destination

Salvage Yard, Coast of Africa

The maximoff twins + Ultron went to intimate Ulysse. He gave Ultron Vibranium.Ultron used to say something that atari used to say.

"Stark." The man said

"What." Ultron said as the maximoff twins were watching

"Tony Stark used to say me." He said

"You're one of his." Ulysse said

"What?! I'm not...!" Ultron said as he grabs his arm

"I'm not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets, his hollow men? I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man? Stark is..." Ultron said as he chopped his arm off

Wanda looked with a bit of horror as she stayed silent

"I'm sorry. I am sor-- Ooh, I'm sure that's going to be okay. I'm sorry, it's just I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is, he's a sickness!" Ultron said

All of a sudden Stark flew down, Thor and steve behind him

"ah Junior.. your gonna break your old man's heart." he said

"If i have to" ultron said

"we don't have to break anything." thor said

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron said

"he beat me by one second" Tony said looking at Thor

"Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro said

"This was never my life." Stark said

"you two can still walk away from this!" Steve said looking at the twins

"oh we will." Wanda said

"I know you've suffered" Steve said

"Uuughh! Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." Ultron said

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Ultron said

"Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?" Tony said

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan--" Ultron said

Ultron attacks Stark, and his drones drop down to attack Steve and Thor. The Twins join the fight, Ulysses orders to shoot them, all of them. The rest of the team, including Natasha and Barton now battle it out with Ultron's drones, Klaue's men, and the twins as Stark fights with Ultron. Steve then knocks down pietro.

"stay down kid." Steve said to pietro

"It's time for some mind games." Ultron said to wanda through a drone

Kat and Banner hears the commotion as he waits in the Quinjet

"Guys, is this a Code Green?"

Wanda uses her power on Thor then Steve comes up to him

"Thor! Status?" steve said

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." Thor says

Thor sees his self going to a asgardian party

Wanda then uses her power on Steve and Natasha

"ah, this is going very well." Ultron said as he packed up his vibranium

Wanda tries to sneak up behind Barton, but he quickly turns and puts an electric arrow on her forehead

"I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." clint says as Pietro speeds up and picks up his sister and take her away

"yea, you better run." Clint said

Steve drops his helmet and walks off.

Steve sees himself in a 1940s party, his old girl friend Peggy asking for a dance. Natasha is back at the red room, specifically memories of right before and during.

"Whoever's standing, we gotta move! Guys?" Clint says with no response

Back with wanda and pietro, wanda is still in pain from the arrow

"what can i do?" Pietro says to his sister

"Ah, it hurts." Wanda says in pain

"I'm gonna kill him. I'll be right back." Pietro says

"No. I'm over it. I want...I want to finish the plan....I want the big one." Wanda says looking over at the quinjet

what wanda doesn't know or that anyone other than the avengers know is that Bruce isn't the only one in the quinjet. that a little girl, who is much stronger than she looks, is in there too.

She sneaks into the quinjet

"Bruce..." Kat says pointing behind him

unfortunately bruce was too late and instead of looking behind him was looking at kat. Hulk is is mind controlled by Wanda and turns into the hulk and leaves to go destroy everything in his path. Wanda sees Kat.

"What are you doing here. Hulk was the only one in here." Wanda says with a thick accent

"Let me guess... Hydra" Kat says with jazz hands as she rolls her eyes

Kat goes into do a widow leaping scissor kick throw when wanda puts her in a trance and leaves.

she goes to go down the stairs, she felt like a puppet, as if someone else was controlling her. Everyone of the avengers who were controlled felt like that. she walked down and she was back in the red room.

Kat's POV

im being choked, i try to get free but i cant

"sloppy" said Madame B

i look up at her with pleading eyes

"pretending to fail"

i blink and im some where else, madame B is still infront of me

"the ceremony is necessary for you take place in the world" she says

"I have no place in the world" i say as look at her with pleading eyes

suddenly i blink and im in a wheeling gurney im tied to gurney and i cant move, i look around and i see the younger levels, they're my age, but something's weird, they don't have mouths, like they've been silenced.

The light it's so bright, it blinds me and the next thing i know i'm in our classroom; repeating the words i know all too well. The whole class is repeating it, it's stuck in our brain.

i close my eyes and when i open i see Dreykoff, i don't remember where i am

"Remove all the Defect" he says.

i see a soldier hold a baby and putting in a van

"red room is your home now" he says to the baby

"Your name isn't Catherine anymore. It's katerina" he says

"katerina. katerina. katerina....katerina Ivanovna Baranova"

"i have no place in the world" i saw

"exactly" Madama B says

Suddenly i'm dancing

"Again." the Dance teacher says

i violently open my eyes, and im standing next to madams B behind the window,

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