The Pashmina Veil

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( flashback, inner thoughts, dreams etc will be in bold italics)


Two months passed by and Pete was still fighting his destiny. The love he got from Macau, Zara and Saksit and the advice Kamala kept on giving him, always refrained him from doing anything that could help him go back to Dominica. He didn't make any conscious choice but it was happening naturally. Sometimes he would get so indulged in talking with all these people, taking the state tour and involving in village school ceremonies that he would often forget that when he came to Alcazar his only goal was to return to Dominica as soon as possible. He wanted to avenge Vegas for marrying him for his own selfish motives but Vegas never created any opportunity where Pete could demean him or present him in a wrong picture. He would either stay away and do his work or he would be in the palace but would avoid every encounter with Pete and even if they met he would not cause any harm to him. Pete didn't get any weak points where he could blame Vegas for any exploitation and leave for Dominica as a consequence. Now he only waited for the time when the process for deciding the next king of Alcazar would start. That's the time when Pete will do everything to not let Vegas fulfill his dream, and Pete can then leave on the account of not wanting a husband who is a failure. Just as Kim Haan had suggested to him once. No one will be able to stop him then. Neither here nor in Dominica.

Pete was peacefully sleeping in his new room that was on the terrace of the queen's palace. His father in law kept his promise. Pete had never seen something so beautiful. Vegas's mother surely was a woman of taste. A big wooden door accompanied by the large glass windows with colorful curtains hanging on them. Queen size bed with silk sheets and half dipping mattress carried Pete's graceful figure so well in it. A sun shaped mirror and vanity table at one end with fine woodwork and curved stool to sit on. The glass made chandelier added to the beauty and its reflection on the colored marble floor spoke about the passion with which this room was designed. The only thing which was not to Pete's liking was the room just opposite of it. It blocked his view of the evening sun with the curtains that were that were always hanging on that large window same as Pete's room. But he compensated himself by watching the sun rise from the other window of this big hall-sized room.

Pete was lazy nowadays because he didn't have any work in this place so his early mornings were often missed. But today he was bombarded with knockings breaking his dream that was making him smile. He got up and opened the door. Macau , Zara and Kamala were standing with wide smiles on their faces. Pete rubbed his eyes and asked them while yawning.

"What's happening?"

"Phi, Father and Ma are coming here in a few days." Pete stilled for a moment.

"What , say it again Kamala."

"Yes, we got a letter from Dominica. They are on a cultural visit and they will be here in a few days."

Pete was feeling a lot of things. He was happy but was also getting reminded of the betrayal of his father. How he was not given any choice and disposed of like some liability. At the same time he wanted to see him and Kanlaya. He was worried for them and their health and also wanted to know about his mother Darha.

"Phi where are you lost? Let's celebrate" Macau said


"Let's go for a picnic in the outskirts of the mountains." Zara suggested.

"Phi Saksit will easily come, phi Zara will convince phi Kim to come and Phi , you have to convince phi Vegas"

"What? Why me? He won't listen to me . Macau , you tell him. And do we really need him there? We all are good."

"Phi please. Don't be so harsh." Kamala said glaring at Pete and in return Pete made faces.

After getting free from morning routine when Pete joined everyone for breakfast there were eyes that were staring at him in anticipation. All were waiting for him to convince Vegas. But when they looked around Vegas was not there.

"Phi Kim , where is Phi Vegas?"
"I am not his assistant to keep records." Kim's rudeness was noticed by Pete and his mind again questioned Kim's thoughts for his brother. But Kim tried to cover his brazen response.

"I was just joking. I saw him going towards the backyards."


"Go, go phi" all three were pushing Pete physically to the area where Vegas was doing some strange kind of physical activity that Pete had never seen before.

"Why can't you all go?"
"Phi Pete C'mon now"

Pete finally went in.

"Pillock what are you doing here? I am not in the mood of arguing."

"I have a name." Pete muttered but Vegas didn't hear that.

"Macau and everyone else want to go for a picnic on the mountains and they want you to come along."

"And why are you speaking on their behalf?"
"Because you are a terror to everyone. Your own brothers don't feel comfortable enough to talk to you."

"And you do?" Vegas asked looking at Pete with curiosity and Pete could not answer.

"Tell them I won't go"

Pete scoffed. "I thought you only hated me but it seems like you don't love your family either."

"Yes I don't . Because it's a weakness. All that matters is that i become an asset to them. That i should be capable to protect them"

"And how will you help them if you are not there only? All your physical abilities to fight, your mental ability to judge a threat, what is the use of it when you are not there where they are likely to face it."

It hardly ever happened with Vegas that he went silent after listening to someone. He didn't expect this intelligence from Pete and also he was questioning his own. How could he never think it in this way?

"Asset doesn't mean only developing physical strength. Emotional strength is equally important. You don't need to turn into a machine to run a state. They want to spend a happy time with you so that if you leave them someday they can remember those times"

"Why are you telling me all this?" Vegas could see a dullness in Pete's eyes and he could feel the sting of it within himself. Pete was sad. He had been sad throughout the time Vegas first met him till now. His sadness was affecting Vegas. He didn't like the emptiness in Pete's voice.

Pete sighed "because not everyone is as fortunate as you. Not everyone gets a chance to be with their family. They wanted me to play some trick on you so that you say yes. But I am not going to do anything like that. If you feel what I said is right, then make an effort to make them happy. Specially Macau, he always looks forward for that one moment where you can talk to him like a brother and not a trainer. If my Arthit was here , I would ...." Pete stopped and exhaled. Vegas could feel the agony in his breath.

"I know I am probably the last person you will take any lectures from. But i wanted to do my bit for the people who show me love here. Rest is on you."

Pete left and left Vegas astonished. Before Vegas had never listened to anyone lecturing him except his father. Whatever Pete said was lingering on his mind. And everything felt so right.

"What happened phi?"
"I tried Macau but..."

"If you all want to go for picnic then get ready fast. Don't just stand and chit chat here. I have other works too" Vegas said, entering surprisingly and then left for his stable to prepare the horses. Everyone was left shocked specially Pete so much that they all looked like statues. It was only a second time shouting from Vegas that broke their mental pause.


I am not going" Kim told Zara
"Now what is your problem when Khun Vegas is also ready."

"Why? I can't have work? I can't be busy ? Just because your Khun Vegas is ready does everyone need to be ready at disposal?"

"I don't mean that. But please come along."

"No, i am not in mood"
"Please Haan , for me"

"Please, please, please "
"You are really bad. You know I won't deny it if you do it like that. This is blackmailing."
"Blackmailing is when you force me to wear your gifts, with you even when I tell you that we should not do it. I am just requesting you. Anyways, who am I to blackmail you. Just a mere servant "

"Ok, stop. Don't start all that nonsense. I am coming but you choose what I have to wear."

"Ok, let's go"


They all reached the mountains on the outskirts of the city. Luscious green trees filled the atmosphere with fresh cold monsoon air. The moisture was just perfect, clouds looked like a touch away . The wind was perfectly blowing towards the north and sitting at the far corner under a tree , there was Vegas who could not prevent himself from being enthralled on how Pete's smooth silky hair that he tied loosely were flowing with the wind often causing a soft discomfort to Pete when he would pout and remove those strands from his face.

"Can you not look so good all the time pillock" Vegas was busy talking to himself while stealing glances at Pete who was wearing red today which normally is not the color Vegas liked but on Pete, it looked eye holding. "Stop Vegas, why you lose it every time when he dresses up. He is normal , not that beautiful, but that's a lie, he is beautiful, how can I lie to myself...aaaggghhh"

Vegas screamed and everyone looked at him , his embarrassment was visible and so he ran away to the other side.

"Macau, why didn't you stop me from marrying your brother?" Pete rolled his eyes. "Are you sure he is mentally alright?"

"Phi" Kamala hit Pete softly.

"Okay , okay. Macau go to him and give him these. He didn't have breakfast"

"Ohoo, someone is really worried about Vegas's breakfast" Saksit came teasing

Phi, stop it " Pete felt teased and blushed even though he didn't want to.

"What, I am just saying what I am witnessing. Why don't you go and give him something to eat."

"Why would I go?"
"Because other than you no one is worried about his breakfast. We literally see him without food for many days. We don't really care"

Pete worried, how can they all be so nonchalant about their brother not eating for days. But then should he care for him either. They all became busy talking and eating, took walks , Saksit and Macau told so many stories of their childhood to Kamala and Pete.

On one hand there was Vegas who was quietly lying under a tree with his hands on his eyes. On the other hand there was Kim Haan , whose entire attention was on Pete. He was shamelessly looking at him though they were not able to notice it but his behavior was well noticed by Zara. She could see how Kim's eyes changed when he looked at Pete, how he would often try to walk beside him. He would show care , tenderness which he never did often. It was strange and Zara felt there was something wrong in it. Kim's energy was different, it was that of observing, of desire, of want. It was as if he looked at something that was his. He was underplaying his fascination with Pete.

Zara wanted to create a hindrance in whatever Kim was thinking so she went ahead to offer some mangoes to Pete pushing Kim aside.

"Khun , have some of these"

Zara accidently dropped Pete's clothes.

"Can't you handle anything properly?" Kim shouted and everyone was shocked. Even Vegas woke up from his nap. Kim was glaring at Zara rudely.

"I am sorry Khun, please come with me and I will clean it." Zara said

"No need. I will take him there. You better just learn how to walk without being clumsy and causing nuisance to someone"

Zara could not believe that Kim talked to her like that and others too were shocked.

"It's okay, I can manage myself. I can wash it off by the river and it's not that much so Khun Kim , you can keep your tone low when you talk to her. Zara, it's okay. Nothing bad happened." Pete confirmed and left after giving one last warning to Kim. "She is like my sister and I won't tolerate that kind of rude attitude towards her. She spilled it on me hence it should not concern you so back off"

"Everytime I want to think that there is nothing good about you, you come up with another hidden quality, Pillock. Stop it, i don't want to feel defeated" Vegas muttered as he found himself being impressed by how Pete talked to Kim and defended Zara.


What happened, why are you so slow in cleaning up?" Vegas teased Pete when he saw him taking very little water every time and trying to clean the stain on his jacket. He went there when saw no one accompanying Pete. The river had good flow due to the monsoon and he decided to no longer avoid that he felt worried.

"Why do you care?"

"I am just asking out of courtesy."

"You don't need act when it's just us here Your Majesty"

Vegas chuckled on hearing that. He actually liked how Pete addressed him trying his best to feel irritated but always looked cute while making that face.

"Okay okay , I understand. Water is icy cold here, that's why?"


"What a weak prince you are. You can't tolerate cold water? How would you manage difficult situations" Vegas said with a smirk on his face approaching Pete. He was in the mood of teasing him.

"What has Dominica trained his prince for? He can't do a sword fight properly, he falls sick so easily, he can't tolerate cold water. Very weak I must say. You should be a little better now that you are here"

"Really? Then Alcazar must have raised Your Majesty with a lot of strength and skills"

"Of course. I am sure you have seen enough to judge that."

"It's never enough your majesty. Why don't you show me some more."


"Your strength"

"Woohhh" Vegas screamed. Pete pushed Vegas into the water and he succumbed to Pete's sweet charms when he saw him laughing cheerfully. His cheeks were fluffed up, shining teeth were at display. His soft hands were playing with his hair ends. He was looking ethereal. Rather than being angry Vegas was smiling with his mouth wide open, lips trembling from the cold and eyes squinted with water drops making them heavy.

"Why are you shivering your majesty aren't you very strong" Pete teased Vegas sticking his tongue out.

"Take me out, it's really cold"

Pete could not believe it because he actually knew Vegas is quite strong.

"Stop fooling around"

"I am not joking, it's really cold," Vegas said with a shaking voice.

"Is it really that cold?" Pete still had his doubts.

"Why don't you come out yourself? Why are you calling me? You want to pull me in too , right?"

"Listen pillock , you really think I like playing like kids? There is no support here, how am I suppose to come out, just help me a little"

Pete offered his hand to Vegas and Vegas took it.

"Aaahhh, it's cold , your majesty ,leave me" Pete shouted as Vegas pulled him. Dipped in the icy cold water till their chest both Vegas and Pete were unusually close and smiling in the moment together. Pete was trying to get out but Vegas was pulling him in playfully.

"Your Majesty please, this is cheating"
"When did I say I am fair...ouuh" Vegas exclaimed as Pete hit him lightly on the chest and kept giving him little hits.

"Stop, it's hurting, ouuh, stop Pete" Vegas said while pulling Pete more towards him. And there was a sudden silence surrounding them. He held Pete firmly but gently from his waist. They were drenched in water and their proximity provided them the warmth they needed. Vegas was looking at Pete and Pete was looking down , trying his best to hide his glistened eyes from Vegas but even the water all over his face could not hide the fact that he had tears in his eyes. Vegas was nervous thinking he had hurt Pete in some way. But before he could say anything Pete spoke while looking up at Vegas in the eyes.

"Can you say that again? Please?"

Vegas read Pete's eyes, they had tears but they looked more composed. Like Pete gained something. It didn't take long for him to understand what Pete was asking. Vegas obliged to his request.

"Pete" with his shuddering lips Vegas said what Pete wanted to hear. He didn't understand why but he did get that Pete was overwhelmed. As if this was the first time he felt immense happiness after being married.

"Can you say it again? Can you call me again like that?" Pete said with a teardrop falling from his eyes. He just leaned and placed his head on Vegas's chest loosing all strength of his body.

"Pete" Vegas said hoarsely. He understood that Pete was feeling high on his emotions because this was the first time someone took his name here. He was either a son in law or phi to everyone. But his identity was lost. Vegas always addressed him with that word which right now he was hating the most. If he knew how detached Pete felt with himself without his name being taken by someone in his new home, he would have never used that demeaning word for him. The sun was about to set and the direction of the wind changed. A strong breeze broke Vegas's daze. He tried to pull back but stopped when he again heard Pete's tiny voice.

"Just ten seconds.. please" and who was Vegas to deny him that. Although he didn't understand the meaning of all that was happening, he didn't want to pull back; on the contrary, he wanted to let Pete feel more secure. His hands, which were hanging straight on his side, gathered some courage and he brought them up. He was hesitant but he didn't want to stop. With several approvals and denials by his heart in those few seconds, he finally was about to pat Pete's head but just before he could touch him, Pete pulled back and made a distance leaving Vegas a little too hollow.

"Forgive me Your Majesty. It won't happen next time"

No, Vegas didn't want that. He didn't want Pete to go away. He didn't want this to never happen again. He wanted to move a step forward and call Pete again. He wanted anything but this distance from Pete at that moment but his emotions and his ego were clashing mercilessly. And just like that Pete went out of the river. He turned to look at Vegas one more time. His eyes showed gratefulness which left Vegas feeling more guilty that how he kept Pete deprived of this happiness.

A few days went by and Vegas deliberately kept himself away from Pete. He was battling with a lot of feelings and he couldn't understand any. Whenever he would be free after his work all he could think of was Pete and him in that river, so close , so snug in each other's space. And how vulnerable yet calm Pete looked. How he leaned on Vegas but apologized for it later, how he was happy to hear his name yet saw it as some favour. Vegas was bothered by how weak Pete felt in this new world but he was also bothered by the fact that he was thinking so much about

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