Our Chariot to New Life

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( dreams, inner thoughts and flashback will be in bold italics)

Vegas, stop it , I said stop this nonsense. God , do you want to hurt yourself?" Saksit shouted at Vegas when he was scratching every pillar and breaking every glass that came his way on the terrace. He was fuming, his breath was heavy and nostrils were flaring. He would have definitely harmed someone or even himself if Saksit and Kim didn't control him."

"Stop it Vegas. Calm down. We are here, talk to us."

"Do I even have the right to talk?"
"Vegas , is it that bad to get married?"
"Yes it is, for me "

"Then why did you say yes to marriage? Kim asked. "I am sure father gave you other options."

"Do you want to know those other options?" Vegas questioned

"You have committed a big mistake Vegas." Rama showed his disappointment.

"Father, it was a genuine mistake. We didn't even see each other. I never intended..."

"Enough, there is no point in continuing to discuss the same thing. Just tell me, will you marry Pete or not."

"I am sorry father but i can't marry Pete and for that matter anyone."

Rama exhaled a breath held for long.

"So listen, take Kim along with you to the building where our soldiers are resting. Take a few of our most trustworthy ones. Tell them to collect the strongest quality wood and make a fully covered moving cage with only a small ventilation for air passage. Make sure you and Kim supervise it properly. It should be completed by tonight."

"A cage on wheels? But why?"
"To take Pete to Alcazar"
"But why would Pete go to Alcazar when we won't get married?"

"Sometimes I really feel that your mother leaving us left a great vacuum in our life. If she was here , she would have taught you all this. Vegas it's time for you to understand these norms and rules made by our ancestors for an ethical functional society."

He took a deep breath and turned his face away from Vegas

"When a person gets stamped and is rejected by the one who did it, then he is considered as a trash which has been used and thrown away. His value remains just like that of a useless object that has no place and is kept in the pile of waste items of the house. Pete is just like that now? He will no longer be accepted by any respected family. And no one will give his daughter or son to Dominica for Pete."

"What?" Vegas was confused.
"Father, I have never seen you speak like that before. Please stop."

"It's the truth and now you have to face it. If you don't marry Pete he loses all the respected positions in the society. He won't be considered as royal. He won't belong to Dominica and hence would not be allowed to live here. Even in Alcazar, we can't keep him in our house or in the city, otherwise some day people will know that he is rejected by you. That will bring a lot of rage towards us. That's why choose your most trusted soldiers for this task. Who would die but won't open their mouth."

"I still don't understand why we are taking him along if he can't live in the city. What will he do, where will he live?"

"Outskirts. Because now that is his position"

"Father, are you saying you are going to send Pete to a...to a bro....brothel?"

"Unfortunately yes"
"And he will sell himself every night to those monsters?"
"Those monsters are our soldiers who fight for us. And they become monsters because we have deprived them of family life. They fulfill their needs and respectfully pay the men or women they spend the night with."

"Stop it, stop before my ears start bleeding to it. Is this my father speaking? The king Rama who is known for his love and kindness. He is talking about sending his friend's son, his daughter in law's brother to a brothel? Don't bring shame on yourself father".

"And what about you? You, like a coward, tried to get rid of the mark. You marked him, you connected with him but do you even feel any sympathy for him? Any respect for him? Any pain for him? Let me ask you Vegas, did you feel any shame when he cried his lungs out in pain but you mercilessly kept crossing that needle across his wounded skin and left him in pain when your job was done?"

Only Vegas knew that he didn't sew up Pete like that but he didn't want to justify himself.

Rama continued

"It's time for you to wake up from your illusions son. These great empires are not built on love and kindness alone. They also have lies, blood and suppressed dignity as their foundation. It's not right or wrong. It is about wrong or very wrong. The choice is ours. For you a brothel may be a dirty place. But for those poor, abandoned people who come as migrants in our city to take refuge, it's their home, it's their work. The least I can do for Pete is to send him to the biggest one there. It will be better than others since it is for senior soldiers, ministers and chiefs of provinces. He will be..."

"Stop it father, stop please"

"Let me tell you something very clearly Vegas, this is the best solution. If we leave Pete here, Ritthirong will not keep him in the house. Words spread fast, his people will be aware of this incident. And you may call us regressive but we all believe in these norms and ancestral curses in case of not following it. Hence Pete will be abandoned and then all those vultures who have only eyed him from a distance would eat him raw. Here he is nothing but a leftover piece of flesh for them."

"Father, do you even know him? He is not like us . He won't be able to survive . He is ..he is delicate, he is soft. He is not cruel or a monster like me. He is naive and innocent enough to feed his killer believing that he was a priest. He won't be able to survive."

"He won't be able to survive here even for two days. Between less wrong and very wrong I am choosing less wrong for him. We don't have any other solution."

"We have" Vegas sighed
"I won't take the blame of destroying someone's life. If it has to be this way then fine I will marry Pete. But this marriage is just a compromise, just a political alliance for me. I won't accept him as my partner ever. And i promise you your majesty i will change the norms of my land"

Vegas storms out fuming.

Really? I can't believe that father said all that. So if you would not have said yes to marriage, Pete would have been sent to the brothel?" Saksit was in disbelief.

"Yes phi. I still can't believe it."

"Poor Pete. But Vegas, you should stop calling yourself heartless because if you were, you would have not cared even a bit about Pete. But you are now marrying him only to save him. Start feeling good about yourself a little and who knows you may even fall in love with him some day."

"Okay okay I won't tease you . Anyways didn't you say this marriage was just an alliance for you. So it's all fine. Just do it for the sake of that poor boy. God knows what is going through his mind. His entire life took a turn in just a few minutes."


It was midnight and dead silent. Pete was ready with a rucksack on his back. He kept all his weapons , a few clothes and his money. He decided to flee from his house. It was after five long tough years that he gained this liberation. He was in no mood to live a caged life again. He came down quietly through the stairs and proceeded towards the stable to take aureole, his horse along with him. But he could not see him anywhere. He whispered in a slow voice.

"Aureole, Aureole"

"Are you looking for him?"

Pete turned around and there he was Kim Haan again appearing out of nowhere.

"What are you doing with him"
"I was walking here so I fed him some grass. You look like you are out on some mission."

"None of your business" Pete took Aureole and tied him in his cabin. He was waiting for kim to go so that he could proceed with his plan.

"Okay, well your plan won't work. It's the most foolish planning"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you are planning to run away but do you really think nobody will ever be able to find you?"

Pete was irritated.

"How did you know?"
"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you need a better plan."

"And why are you helping me?"
"Just for humanity"

"Huh, yeah nice attempt at a joke."
"I may not come across as a good man but I am not that bad. I am doing this because I like you."

"Excuse me?"
"Oh , I mean not in any other sense. I like you as a person, as a friend and I think you are made to suffer. And I am helping you because unlike Vegas. I feel people's pain and I know he is doing wrong to you.

"Why are you saying that? Your brother is as much victim as I am in this situation"

"You really think so? Why do you think he said yes to marriage?"

"Because he had no choice. Because of all the ancestral curses."

"You are really naive Pete. No wonder you believed that killer to be a priest."

"Tell me straight"

"I asked Vegas why he said yes to marriage and he told me what father said to him."

"Sorry father, it was a genuine mistake. We didn't even see each other."

"There is no point in discussing the same thing. Just tell me will you marry Pete?"

"I don't want to but what will happen if I don't"

"It's a serious issue Vegas. He won't be able to get married till that scar totally fades away which will take years. I will have to compensate him with something big. Three provinces in Alcazar and each and every decision will need his approval too"

"Father's, isn't that too much?"
"Do you even realize what you have done? Even this is less. I won't even mind giving him the throne to compensate for the dishonor my son has done to him. But for now he will be part of every important decision of Alcazar."

"Okay father as you say. I shall take your leave then"

"Wait I am not done"
"Yes father"

"Compensating Pete is not enough for this. We will have to set an example so that no other man ever repeats the mistake you did and so as a punishment you won't be able to compete for the position of King."

"But father, this is not fair."
"I have to do it Vegas otherwise I will be questioned as a king and i can't answer every criticism"

After a lot of thinking Vegas said

"Father, you are right. Even I can't see you being questioned for something which is not at all your mistake. If I have to sacrifice myself for your honor I will do it father. I will marry Pete."

"Vegas You won't back out right?"
"I won't father. But my punishment would be canceled right? I can compete for the throne?"
"Ofcourse, when you will marry him then there is no need for any punishment"

"What? He said yes to marriage just because he wants that throne?"

"Yes and he also didn't like father's idea about your inclusion in Alcazar's important decisions."

Kim lied conveniently and Pete was so vulnerable at this point that he believed it.

"Look Pete I know Vegas is my brother and it seems strange that I am sympathising with you here but I have always stood up for the right side. I am your well wisher and as that i can only tell you that running away from this will never gurnatee you freedom. One or the other day you will be caught and whatever you will face then it will be much more worse than what it is now. Think wisely."

"That's it Pete. Just believe whatever I told you and take a wise decision. I promise this game shall be really thrilling to play. It's time for Vegas to see a few defeats."

Pete sat in his stable almost all night thinking about how he should plan his next move. Should he accept his fate as it came to him? Or should he think of something else. He kept pacing around the garden, couldn't sleep all night and by the time he made his final decision the sky had a tint of white. The morning was making its way. Pete went back to his room. Looking in the mirror he made a promise to himself.

"Let's get this pete. Let's take this challenge on. What can be a more thrilling game to play after all these years. Let's show that man what defeat feels like. Not only will you return to your home here but you will also make sure that Vegas Theerapanakul's life turns upside down, just as he has turned yours. It's okay. You can do this. Let's start this new adventure as a gift to yourself."


The house was full of colours , decorations and music. It was a happy and jolly environment for the people who came as guests. But for the family itself, it was a little tensed.

"You are worried? Or angry at me?" Rama asked Ritthirong.

"I don't know what I am feeling. But I still feel you will protect my son but Vegas"

"Don't worry Ritthirong. I know my son really well. Trust me, I would never propose marriage and even ignore the scabbard thing if it was done by Kim Haan. But I know my Vegas. It won't be me protecting Pete. It will be Vegas himself. They will just need some time to open up to each other but I am sure once they do, their bond will only grow stronger. Pete will forever be our family."

"Sorry for interrupting your majesty, but all the priests have arrived. Queen Kanlaya said, "It's time for the marriage ceremony."

The whole state along with neighboring Kingdoms were present to witness the most grand wedding. Ritthirong made sure that each guest and his people were informed about Vegas and Pete's marriage last night only. A story has to be told and it passed on well as everyone was talking just about that.


"This is funny" Kim scoffed while helping Vegas to get ready who was already in a rotten mood.

"What's funny? Me? You don't need to tell that. I know it myself. The person who hated even the term marriage is now getting all ready for it. What a funny game my fate has played with me . You must be enjoying Kim. Afterall you like to see me suffer."

"Come on Vegas. Marriage is not that deep. You are just making a contract. Once we reach home you will probably don't even have to look at Pete or meet him everyday. Give him any other room. You stay in yours. Life goes on the same. Yes sometimes for the show you both will have to pretend as a happy couple. That much you will have to tolerate."

"Oh my god it's so funny" Macau and Saksit came in laughing after Saksit got ready.

"Now what?" Vegas said irritated.
"Macau tell him"

"No , he will beat me"
"Macau, if you don't tell me, then I will definitely beat you up." Vegas glared at him.

"It's a story circulating."
"What story?"
"Your and Phi Pete's love story"
"I don't know who said it but overall apparently everyone is saying that you fell in love with him while you stayed with him in the temple and yesterday when he came down for the ceremony in all his beauty you were head over heels for him. You also held him and prevented him from falling. And after knowing that today we will be leaving you were anxious that you won't be able to meet him again and some other prince may approach him. That's why you marked him in a hurry so that you both can be married" Macau said everything in one breath.

"What ? Head over heels ? For that joker?"
"Phi Pete is not a joker?"
"I will beat you up if i hear one more time this Phi Pete. Only we are your phi. Uggghh"

"Relax Vegas, this story is better than telling everyone that you marked him and then were running away like a coward"

"Phi but"
"Vegas , just ignore all this. People will say ten versions of the story. Let people here believe that you have fallen hard for him . In Alcazar we will tell our own version. Now don't ruin your and my mood today. I am getting married by my will. I want to feel the happy atmosphere.

Vegas's brothers were still trying to keep him relaxed but on the other hand there was Pete. For him it felt like all his relationships in this house have suddenly turned sour. He was getting ready for his forced marriage alone in his room. He didn't even allow Arthit because he knew Arthit will not be able to handle this and he is not in the state of consoling Arthit. As he opened the door to go downstairs his father was standing right outside.

"Let me take you downstairs"
"Your majesty, it's not appropriate. You should accompany your daughter, not a mere object like me."

"Pete, you are not an object."
"Really? But seeing how easily you dumped me I don't see my worth more than that in your life."
"You are my first Son, I love you the most. Trust me , this will be the best decision of your life"

"Hhhh, it's funny that you have the audacity to say that it's my decision. Anyways I still care for your name and honor so I will let you accompany me but please remember this is just for the people. Don't add any value to it."


Saksit and Vegas came down with their brothers and were welcomed by their father but Vegas could not smile at him even for the sake of people present there. His resentment towards King Rama was almost visible on his face. Unlike Pete who was now gracing the floor with his delicate steps. His father on his left while his sister joined him on the right along with Kanlaya. Pete has a perfect smile on display just to keep the name and respect of the family. Looking at him Rama could not help but whisper in Vegas's ears.

"Learn something from him" to which Vegas only scoffed.

Vegas and Pete listened to wedding vows like two deaf people . It didn't sink in and meant nothing to them. Each ritual of the wedding was settling down in Vegas and Pete's heart , like a burning acid. They were burning with rage, regret and revenge. But they maintained their patience. They accepted their fate. Now they will only wait for the opportunity to avenge this pain and destruction. The wedding ceremony was over by noon. And everyone has a hearty meal together. The newly married couples sat together and the contrast was completely visible. Where Saksit fed Kamala on the insistence of her friends, Vegas didn't even spare a glance at Pete who was hardly even touching his food.

After performing the last custom the Theerapanakul family was to leave with their new family members Kamala and Pete. Kim on the other hand had already left with few soldiers in order to reach before and inform everyone about the changes so that the welcome arrangements could be made accordingly. He didn't want to watch the marriage anyway and he was missing Zara too,

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