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It's been nearly two years and Yoongi still hasn't given up on looking for her, he missed her so much that he'd go to the airport as if waiting for her arrival, but she never did came. As for Byeol, he was still the same, he's quite but hardly energetic due to lack of happiness around his home. He knows his father is stressing over his mother so he hardly says anything..he simply sits and wait for his mother to return.

Byeol was in front of the door, staring at it for an hour waiting for it to open up. He hadn't move from that side and he didn't want to, not yet that is.

Yoongi who was doing some paper works watches his son sit in front of the door, it really pains him to see that all his emotions are bottled in that tiny body of his and doesn't really know how to express it. If Ami was here, it would be easy for him to spill his feeling out.

And Byeol was still upset at his father for lying to him, telling him that his mommy would come home soon but she never did return, two years he waited and still nothing.

"H-how long" he began.

Yoongi blinked, he didn't quite hear him but the little boy turn to face his father, tears were already drenching his cheeks. Yoongi rushes over to pick him up and just like that Byeol cried loudly. All Yoongi could do was try his best at comforting him.

"Just w-wait a little longer okay Byeol? She'll come back ..I promise you that" he told him and tears also started to form.


Ami who seemed to be the strongest mother before became the most broken down girl. Her happiness has decrease, and she was never the same again. Her two years of marrying Namjoon was utter hell for her.

He controlled her to the point that she simply wish to be dead but unfortunately whenever she tried to commit suicide Namjoon was always one step ahead of her. He would stop her from doing so and said he'll do the crime himself if he has to.

Ami wasn't even Ami anymore, her appearance wise was more of a drugged up woman who hardly cares at the world. She's been drinking a lot, and smoking whenever she's stressed. She does try to be a good mother to NamJoons daughter but it never seemed sincere or even lovingly, she felt bad for the child who seems to be raised well by him yet he's simply a monster when she's not around.

When his daughter goes to school or isn't around Namjoon loves to play with Ami. She couldn't fight back anyways, she's too weak underneath him, and yes he has done a lot of sexual activities with her that it's a routine whenever he has free time.

Her body belonged to him now, whatever he does to her body she had no choice but to force a smile and enjoy every beating, every hard penetrations he gives to her. She cries when he fucks her but it was fine..this is her life now, she gave up and handed her soul to him. If she fights back then he'll beat her up which is his favorite thing to do.

"You're so fucking hot" Namjoon grunted as he release his dick off her then loads his cum on her stomach. She breaths heavily, tears stinging her eyes and cheeks, she stared at the beast that only smirked at what he created and he enjoyed every once of image he sees.

Ami hardly blinks, still continuing to stare at him before he walked out of the room leaving the naked girl on the bed.
She gulped hard, her mind was in a daze. Her body was sore and tired. There was simply no energy for her to live any longer.

"Wh..why..does people h-hurt me so much." She says to no one in particular. She weeped turning her tired body to the side curling herself in a fetus position.

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