Bewildered by his words, she had checked the picture again. She shook her head, she didn't understand why he couldn't see himself with them, he was right next to Byeol but he says he's not there.
"Y-you're right next to our son." She tells him.
"I'm sorry, but I don't see myself there ..because I'm not there." He deeply sighs in irritation.
"B-but h-how can you not be here when I can clearly see you right there." She says in confusion.
"I really don't know..but maybe you're just tired, had a bad day and you're thinking too much. I suggest you go home..sleep and all this bull shit about me knowing you, being a couple, being with you and your son will go away in the morning.." he told her with a smile on his face.
"So..leave me alone. And goodbye~" he said ready to walk away, but she held him once again. Yoongi has gotten frustrated at that point and yanked her hand off him.
"Seriously, go away!" He shouted
"Wh-what about your girlfriend.." this time she wanted to take a different approach, if she continues to talk to him about their relationship, he'll definitely not want to hear any of it and she would loose him because of it. However his girlfriend maybe the only chance for her to finally get what's going on.
"What about her?" He said crossing his arms.
"I'd like to meet her..more like I really need to talk to her...I promise I won't ..I won't slap her like before so please all I ask is if I could just talk to her" she said in a pleading tone.
Yoongi thought about it, he was afraid she'd hurt Lucy again but she seems like the type of person who'd look back at her mistakes and obviously won't ever do it again. She was somewhat trustworthy so he decided that it may seem like a good idea.
"Fine I'll let you see her, how about her at friends cafe at 10:00am." He said
"O..okay yeah I'll be there." She said.
Friends Cafe
Ami was the first one to be there, she had ordered oolong milk tea while she waits for the girl. She was nervous in meeting her yet had many questions about her relationship with Yoongi.
She took a sip of her drink still waiting for the girl, hoping she wouldn't be the one being stood up. After ten minutes of waiting someone came and approached her, she was busy looking at her phone to realize that person had already sat in in front of her.
When she looked up she was startled to see Taehyung gazing at her with a smile, his arm resting on the table while his head rested on his knuckles.
She had known Taehyung when Namjoon had introduced her to him couple times. He definitely had that charming aura, beautiful face that the gods had created, but all in all the guy was indeed very mysterious.
"T-Taehyung? Wh-"
"My sister couldn't make it today, so I'm filling in for her." He said
She confused for a moment before it all sinked it. "Y-Your Lucy's older brother?!" She gasped.
"Yes..and there's something I must tell you, you wouldn't like it one bit. But I'm still trying to find out a different solution to save you and Yoongi without harming anyone.."
"I..I'm sorry..what are you talking about?" She says with an awkward chuckle of confusion written on her face.
"Me and my sister Lucy, are witches. She's still learning while I'm already in the master to spells already but she's the clumsy one and please don't take it on her for what happened to Yoongi. It wasn't her fault." He said
"What did she do to him" she was now leaning forward meeting his gaze.
"She's the one that saved his life, she had operated on him to take out the bullet that was already inches to his heart. However my grandmother had given him a medicine that could subsidize the virus in his body..he was going to die at a young age am I correct?"
"Ye-yeah..he had only twenty days left. B-but then he just d-disappeared one day and now he's with some girl." She snapped back.
"He didn't disappear, Lucy had taken him. But like I said, my grandmother might have something to do with why the loss of memory to falling in love with someone else...a-"
"You said you're a witch, make him remember me, make him forget about that girl. I want him back..please!"
"Sounds easy when you say it but I'm afraid it's not so easy. grandmother gave him a very dangerous bile of gora juice. What it does is, if you have this life threatening virus inside the body, you drink it and it works like wonders. It kills the virus inside..but there is a catch. The side effect to it is I said before loss of memory, falling for someone else..even tricks the mind into going places they've been with their love ones but it's almost like a dream to them. Sometimes you show things and they deny it, you look it back and it's the them they are blind from seeing the truth. But you know the truth..they just can't see it."
"Another problem is that..loving someone is a dangerous kind of thing. He has fallen for my sister because she is the first he has met, and would not leave her alone, if he leaves her, that's actually away to break the spell..but if he does ..he dies. And if I take out the virus, he still dies. There is no win win situations here.."
"Then what the hell, is there another way?!"
"Wh-what no you can't kill him!"
"No, see..i haven't still figure out how to get rid of the virus without actually killing him. The other method is sacrifice, I must take someone's soul in order for him to live.."
"Then take anyone's soul."
"I could but I can't..I need to take someone's soul that's very dear to them or is already in the bloodline. Any family members?"
She was about to speak but he already knew what she was going to say. "I don't take cousins..but I'll take like brothers, sisters..girlfriend..children's.." he said.
She gulped hard when he mentioned the last two. 'Girlfriend, children's'. In the end she had thought about it..if sacrificing herself was the only to make Yoongi live normal life then she'll do it. She'll definitely miss Byeol but saving there lives was more important than her own.
"Okay..take me instead." She said very quickly which surprised Taehyung.
"You're going to give up your own life for them?"
"I'm a mom..and a girlfriend. That's the meaning of sacrifice everything just so they could have a better life. If this is how it's supposed to end then..let it happen." She said.
Taehyung simply nodded. He gave her the address of his place and to come at midnight that's when the ceremony starts. "I'll give a week to send a peaceful message to everyone you love dearly..then on end of Sunday you will come to my place and we can begin from there." He said.
- I didn't read it over ~ so once again idk what I wrote I just wrote whatever was on my mind.
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