1 year later..
NamJoon ended up marrying Ami, and quickly he came into Byeols life. He seems to like Namjoon and now calls him appa however in his heart it felt a little pang thinking that his real father needs him the most.
As for Yoongi he'd been living alone somewhere in his home town. A private home where he simply stays while Taeyeon would come examine his condition. He hasn't been working which was good, he had ask his cousin Jimin to take over the company while he gets himself cured.
It was an early afternoon and Yoongi had been busy showering the flowers. Wearing a simple light blue dress shirt, a sand colored trousers adding on with a Rolex watch he seems pretty healthy by his state.
He liked going to the back yard admiring his flowers that Ami loved. When they were dating she'd tell him everything she liked and dislikes and he'd take note of her words. He knows her more than anyone else and he was the first person to break down her walls, she never did trusted people but he was someone she could just simply fall onto when she needed him the most.
He was sad. Sad that he couldn't spend his full life with the woman that he loved so dearly, sad that he couldn't take his son in his arms and cradle him all day and watch him grow. Sad that his time in this earth was nearing to an end. But he was also happy, happy that he got to see her smile, happy that Byeol has found another father to hold onto, happy that they're living peacefully without anyone harming them.
He smiled just thinking about the good old days till his thoughts had been interrupted when the door opened. He turns around to see Hoseok with a bunch of red roses in his hands.
"Morning sir, I've gotten fifty of the roses you ordered" he says.
Yoongi dusted himself off scanning the roses to see if anything was in bad shape. He had ask Hoseok to fetched these roses because each day he'll be handing it to Ami in her doorstep. On the final day..the final rose..its the day he leaves this earth.
The doctor said he didn't have much time to live. He'll only be given fifty days to live which wasn't enough but at least in his perspective he got to see her, hug her couple times, seen his son for the first time and that's all he could ever ask for.
He's going to be in peace knowing that Ami is living her life to the fullest which is all he wanted to see. If he could he'd go back in time and change everything that he has done to her, but its reality there's no going back just going forward.
"She'll love these.." he says taking one rose and goes back inside. Hoseok followed in pursuit watching his boss take a pen a paper and start writing a note.
"What are you writing?"
"Just a little farewell letter that's all.." he replied. He placed it in a small envelope getting gold ribbon tying the note to the Rose and he takes his keys heading off to Ami's place.
Finally arriving at her apartment. He sees the hallways, at every step he makes he was worried she'd open the door and come running down to ask him multiple questions but that didn't happen. Instead he placed the rose on her doorstep with the note attached.
He ringed the bell three times before fleeing behind the walls. He peeps to see if she opened it and she did. She came out wondering who kept ringing on the door, she looked down to see a rose and a letter.
She picked it up taking out the letter from the envelope to read the small note.
"My one and only beautiful rose Ami, I will never forget you." - Yoongi
Her body kept looking around, looking for Yoongi. She panicked for some reason, her heart ached by that simple note. She was scared that something terrible has happened to him, because he'd never say such a thing unless there was something going on.
"Y-YOONGI!" She called out. But no one answered, no he didn't answer her. He was still peeping behind the walls watching her walking around the hallways trying to find him.
When she couldn't find him she gave up and walked back inside. Yoongi let his tears fall as he walked away going straight home.
"This is all I can do for you my love. I'm sorry" he cries driving once again ferociously back home.
- double update. :)
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