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Namjoon quickly excited the mansion looking all over the place for Ami. He ran and ran around the neighborhood till he heard faint giggling. He walked towards the sound and witness Ami pushing her son on the swings.

"Weeeeeeee~" he giggled.

"Ami! Byeol!" Namjoon shouted. Ami halted and looked up to see Namjoon running towards them.

"Namjoon oppa? What are you doing here, shouldn't you be back at the party?" She questioned him

"The party was whack so I came looking for you guys. How are you? Are you okay did Yoongi say anything bad?" He worriedly asked

"No, I just hate him" she shrugged.

"Haha, same. Um..I'm really am sorry for making you come all this way only for this to happen." He apologized

"Oh no no, it's fine it's just ..these kind of things are not my place to be in" she said.

"Let's go somewhere, diner is on me" he smiled. Just like that the three headed downtown, instead of going to a fancy restaurant they simply went to a local restaurant, all eyes were on them especially old folks staring at the the child thinking how young these kids are to be parents.

"Oh my what a lovely son you two have" says an old lady. The two looked at each other then back at the lady then each other again thinking how awkward her comment meant.

"Oh he's um n-not my son" he told them.

"Step father?" Says another lady

"N-no no, um he belongs to someone else..j-just not him" she softly said in an awkward state.

"But if your husband doesn't want you then go with this guy" pointing at Namjoon and he suddenly blushed by that, he hid it by looking down at his food slightly coughing.

"Appa~" says Byeol who was handing him a chopstick in front of his face, Namjoon simply froze by the little boy including Ami.

"Byeol! That's not your father! He's your uncle or friend" she whispered shouted.

"Nnnnggg APPAAA~" he whined shaking the chopsticks in his face, Namjoon gulped and simple took the chopsticks he split them apart and gave it back.

"I'm so sorry Namjoon, he-I don't know why he's calling you that" she says bowing at him.

"Aww what a cute family"says and old man and that was enough to make them blush awkwardly. They suddenly left due to the weird atmosphere in the restaurant, Namjoon drove them home but before leaving he wanted to talk to Ami.



"Um..I ..I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" He suddenly blurted.

She was shocked, that a married man asking her to go on a date. It was something she cannot do.

"Your wife..sh-"

"She cheated on me, I don't want to be with someone who would do such a thing. A-and I really like you, your sweet, beautiful and of course a great mother. So please take my offer...if not ..that's okay. I understand"

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